A collection of scripts enabling analysis of PieDAO staking initiative.
First, init a virtualenv:
python3.8 -m venv ./env # creates a python virtualenv
source ./env activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To build a distribution:
💡 Note that you need to use Python 3.8 for all of these scripts to work properly.
# replace these as required
export NEW_REPORT=2023-2;
export OLD_REPORT=2023-1;
python3 ./reporter/run.py conf
python3 ./reporter/run.py build "./reports/$NEW_REPORT" "./reports/$OLD_REPORT"
python3 ./reporter/run.py report "./reports/$NEW_REPORT" "./reports/$OLD_REPORT"
├── csv
├── distribution.csv: Rewards distributed for this epoch (including slashed)
├── rewards.csv: Rewards distributed including any unclaimed reward
├── voters.csv: Addresses that voted on the reporting epoch
├── non_voters.csv: Addresses that did not vote on the reporting epoch
├── votes.csv: Address vote history per proposal during the reporting epoch
├── proposals.csv: All eligible proposals considered for the reporting epoch
└── stakers.csv: Amount of veDough staked per address
├── json
├── rewards.json: rewards.csv in a JSON format
└── stakers.json: stakers.csv in a JSON format
├── claims.json: Claims for this epoch (used to generate the merkle tree)
├── epoch-conf.json: Epoch configuration
├── reporter-db.json: JSON format document-based database (used by the reporter)
└── merkle-tree.json: Final merkle tree
We also generate a /reports/latest folder. As the name suggests this contains the latest merkle-tree which can be used by applications to the most up to date distribution data.
python3 ./reporter/double_checker/double_checker.py check "./reports/$NEW_REPORT/reporter-db.json" "./reports/$NEW_REPORT/epoch-$NEW_REPORT.json"
python3.8 ./reporter/double_checker/double_checker.py check reports/2022-6/reporter-db.json epoch-2022-6.json
# only run once
yarn ts-node ./scripts/CreateClaims.ts -i "./reports/$NEW_REPORT/claims.json" -o $NEW_REPORT
- Implement a CLI to query