Simple key-value cache API to abstract the underlying key-value store. Currently implements APC and memcache
$KV = new kv(
array('Enabled' => false),
array('Enabled' => true, 'Servers' => $Servers)
// Object style
$KV['Value1'] = 'asdf';
echo $KV['Value1']; // Outputs "asdf"
echo '<hr />';
// Static class style
echo kv::get('Value1'); // Outputs "asdf";
echo '<hr />';
kv::set('Value1', 'qwerty');
echo kv::get('Value1'); // Outputs "qwerty";
echo '<hr />';
echo kv::get('Value1'); // Outputs "";
echo '<hr />';
kv::set('TestNumber', 42);
echo $KV['TestNumber'];
echo '<hr />';
kv::inc('TestNumber', 2);
echo $KV['TestNumber'];
Servers for memcache can be specified in multiple ways:
$Servers = [
['localhost', 11211],
$Servers = ['localhost:11211', ''];
$Servers = 'localhost11211;';
$KV = new kv(
array('Enabled' => false),
array('Enabled' => true, 'Servers' => $Servers)