A slideshow dapp that connects to Fairdrive.
Slides separator: ---
Clone the repo
Go inside the app folder
Install dependencies
Run the development server
yarn dev
Build and start the server
yarn build yarn start
Create an .env
file in the root directory and set the following properties:
you can copy the .env.example
cp .env.example .env
- NEXT_PUBLIC_BEE_URL - Address of a Bee node
- NEXT_PUBLIC_BATCH_ID - Batch ID from your Bee node
- NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_URL - Address of RPC provider
- NEXT_PUBLIC_FDS_REGISTRAR - FDS registrar contract address
- NEXT_PUBLIC_ENS_REGISTRY - ENS Registry contract address
- NEXT_PUBLIC_PUBLIC_RESOLVER - Public Resolver contract address
- NEXT_PUBLIC_SLIDES_POD - name of the pod that is used for storing slides