anytool is a cli program to generate various channel lists for ham radio / pmr446 / Freenet for the Anytone AT-D878UVIIplus.
- Install haskell platform via ghcup
- clone repository
- build && install
foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ cd anytool
foo@bar:anytool$ cabal build
foo@bar:anytool$ cabal install
- From your AnytoneCPS export channels.csv
- remember your highest assigned channel
- run anytool to generate channels you want
foo@bar:~$ anytool --all -n <first free channel number above your channels> >> channels.csv
- ReImport channels.csv into your AnytoneCSP
foo@bar:~$ anytool --help
DC1MDP Maurizio Di Pietro © 2024-- Use as is. I take no responsibility for any
inconvieniences you may encouter using this tool.
Usage: anytool [[-7|--70cm] [-r|--r70cm] [-2|--2m] [-R|--r2m] [-4|--pmr446]
[-f|--freenet] [-s|--sat] |
(-a|--all)] [-n|--channel-number INT]
Anytool -- Utility to generate various channel and satellite data for the
Anytone AT-D878UVIIplus
Available options:
-7,--70cm generate 70cm fm simplex channels
-r,--r70cm generate 70cm fm repeater channels
-2,--2m generate 2cm fm simplex channels
-R,--r2m generate 2m fm repeater channels
-4,--pmr446 generate pmr fm simplex channels
-f,--freenet generate pmr fm simplex channels
-s,--sat generate fm sat tle file (./anytool.tle)
-a,--all generate all data
-n,--channel-number INT Channelnumber to start, should be above the latest of
your programmed channels (default: 2000)
-h,--help Show this help text