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Build beta 2 on Ubuntu Linux 32 64 bits

MrVaykadji edited this page Mar 13, 2014 · 3 revisions

This script will help you build beta 2 on Ubuntu Linux.

It works flawlessly on Ubuntu 13.10 64bits, but should work with every maintained version and every architecture.

**HOW-TO : **

Copy-paste the following lines into a text file, I'll name it script for the example.

Then, use your terminal and launch the script :

bash script

Follow the indications. This will take about 10-30min to complete, and about 200mo to download (the final app will take 100mo).


echo "
Popcorn-Time Beta 2 for Ubuntu-Linux
WARNING: Popcorn Time streams movies from Torrents. Downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in your country. Use at your own risk.

#verify awareness
read -p "Do you wish to install Popcorn Time [y/n] ? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] ; then
 sudo echo -e "\nThis may take a while...\n"
 exit 0

#dependencies install: PPA needed for 12.04
echo "- Installing dependencies from repositories..."
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install nodejs git wget -y && echo -e "...Ok.\n"

#npm install for CLI
echo "- Installing CLI from 'npm'..."
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli && echo -e "...Ok.\n"
#git clone
echo "- Cloning GITHUB repository..."
git clone && echo -e "...Ok.\n"
cd popcorn-app/
	#check architecture
	if [ -n "`arch | grep 64`" ] ; then
		sed -i 's/linux32: false/linux32: true/g' Gruntfile.js
		sed -i 's/linux64: true/linux64: false/g' Gruntfile.js
	sed -i 's/mac: true/mac: false/g' Gruntfile.js
	sed -i 's/win: true/win: false/g' Gruntfile.js

#repair broken npm dependencies
sudo rm package.json 
sudo wget -O package.json 
#repair broken nodejs symlink
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node 

#install NPM dependencies
echo "- Installing NPM dependencies..."
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli && echo -e "...Ok.\n"
sudo npm install && echo -e "...Ok.\n"

#build with grunt
echo "- Building with 'grunt'..."
sudo grunt nodewkbuild && echo -e "...Ok.\n"

#Copy program into /opt
echo "- Installing Popcorn-Time in '/opt/Popcorn-Time/'"
cd build/releases/Popcorn-Time/$ARCH/
sudo mkdir /opt
sudo cp -r Popcorn-Time /opt
sudo chmod +x /opt/Popcorn-Time/Popcorn-Time
sudo ln -s /opt/Popcorn-Time/Popcorn-Time /usr/bin/popcorn-time && echo "...Ok.\n"

#fixing libudev
if [ "$ARCH" == "linux64" ] ; then
sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
elif [ "$ARCH" == "linux32" ] ; then
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/i386-linux-gnu/

#testing app
echo "The application 'Popcorn-Time' will now be tested for 5 secondes.
/usr/bin/popcorn-time &
sleep 5
killall Popcorn-Time
read -p "
Did you see the Popcorn-Time application ?
If yes, do you wish to remove all the unecessary files now that the program works [y/n] ? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] ; then
	#remove building files
	echo "- Removing building files now unwanted..."
	cd ../../../../..
	sudo rm -r popcorn-app && echo -e "...Ok.\n"

#create launcher
echo "- Creating launcher/shortcut in '/usr/share/applications/'..."
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Watch movies in streaming with P2P.
Name=Popcorn Time
Icon=totem" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop && echo -e "...Ok.\n"

echo "
Installation done ! Popcorn-time should be now available through : 
- Dash
- Commandline 'popcorn-time'"
exit 0
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