This repository contains my personal dotfiles for most of the programs I use on a daily basis. Primarily, this allows me to organize my rice and to easily set up the computing experience I enjoy on any machine I come across. However, it also allows me to share my preferences with others. I think there are some interesting things here worth discovering, and that's why I take the time to write (or at least try to write) sufficient comments and documentation.
My principles are to find a satisfactory balance between functionality and design while keeping an eye on resource consumption. I prefer keyboard-focused control over everything else and place a high value on visual consistency (preferably by using the gruvbox color scheme). I use Arch Linux as my daily driver, but there shouldn't be much here requiring this specific distribution, so using my configurations on other distros or, in the worst case, porting them shouldn't be too hard. I prefer a slightly retro design, but I don't shy away from occasionally using Unicode symbols and Nerd Font glyphs in my terminal applications. However, since I sometimes only work with the Linux console, I always make sure to fall back to settings that look good in VGA text mode with code page 437, if that should be the case.
Past Discussions
- Vi-like keybindings for awesome (6. Aug. 2020)
- Streets of Gruvbox (8. Aug. 2020)
- Confload: Create dotfiles-manageable weechat configs with password manager integration (21. Jan. 2021)
- Snipcomp.lua: LuaSnip companion plugin for omni completion (10. Dec. 2021)
My dotfiles are heavily customized to my own needs. I, therefore, advise everyone not to use this repository blindly. Instead, I recommend that you treat this project solely as a source of inspiration, or at least thoroughly check each relevant component before using it to avoid unexpected complications.
If you just want to hack at your own leisure, this repository and its submodules can be cloned with the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
For actual use, I recommend the installation as a bare Git repository. This
makes it possible to manage dotfiles with git only in an uncomplicated and
effective way without having to rely on additional external tools1. For this
use case, I provide a script that installs a
bare git repository to $HOME/.dotfiles
and updates configuration files in
with the contents of this project (conflicting files are moved to
). For convenience the script can be executed as
bash <(curl -LfsS
With a simple alias (already included in bashrc) this dotfiles project can then be managed like any other git repository:
alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME'
This repository also contains a script which can
be used to install all required packages. However, please note that it is
specific to Arch Linux. When this script is
sourced it defines the array variables PKG
and AUR
. You can then use
, pip
and an AUR
helper of your choice to
install everything:
source <(curl -LfsS
sudo pacman -S "${PKG[@]}" && yay -Sa "${AUR[@]}" && pip install "${PIP[@]}" --user
Configuration files and other information for the core components of this rice are listed in the following table. Many programs do not differ significantly from the default settings in terms of usage, which is why I simply refer to the respective homepages for further information. For applications where I developed a more individual workflow, I give additional instructions below.
Name | Files & Directories | Links | |
Shell | bash | .inputrc, .bashrc, .bash_profile | Repository, Homepage |
Window Manager | awesome | .config/awesome, .xinitrc | Repository, Homepage |
Editor | neovim | .config/nvim | Repository, Homepage |
Terminal | alacritty | .config/alacritty | Repository, Homepage |
Terminal Multiplexer | tmux | .config/tmux | Repository, Homepage |
Music Player | ncmpcpp | .config/ncmpcpp | Repository, Homepage |
System Monitor | conky | .config/conky | Repository, Homepage |
Mail Client | mutt | .config/mutt | Repository, Homepage |
IRC Client | weechat | .config/weechat | Repository, Homepage |
File Manager | ranger | .config/ranger | Repository, Homepage |
Calculator ;-) | ptpython | .config/ptpython | Repository |
Calendar | when | .config/when | Repository, Homepage |
Document Viewer | qpdfview | .config/qpdfview | Repository |
Web Browser | qutebrowser | .config/qutebrowser | Repository, Homepage |
Apart from the applications mentioned in the table, this repository also contains some additional scripts to automate or facilitate various tasks. All scripts contain a header explaining how to use them.
Instead of the standard awful.key keybindings, my awesome configuration uses modalawesome to create vi-like keybindings with motions, counts and multiple modes. To understand how to control my awesome configuration, I recommend to check it out beforehand.
Additionally, if an mpd server is running on
, song information is displayed in the status bar. Songs
are also played back via mpv by listening on
. In my case, all my audio files are located on a
server and to connect to its mpd instance I use an ssh tunnel via a systemd
user service:
systemctl --user enable --now mpd-tunnel
My conky configuration merges with my background image, so the position and
size must be set precisely. Since I often use multiple screens with different
resolutions throughout the day, I need to be able to scale conky's dimensions
accordingly. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any built-in feature that could
solve this problem. For this reason I wrote the conky plugin
scaling.lua. It introduces new configuration
options through a new table conky.sizes
, which can be used to specify
different sizes for arbitrary screen resolutions. For unspecified screen
resolutions, the plugin tries to calculate the best scaling automatically.
For my Neovim configuration, I made heavy use of the new features introduced
with Neovim 0.5 and wrote it entirely in Lua.
I wrote a small wrapper around the paq-nvim
plugin manager called autopaq.lua, which makes
sure to install itself and all specified plugins on its own on the first launch
of Neovim, eliminating the need for any further setup steps. I tried to keep
the main configuration file, init.lua, mostly language
agnostic. Therefore, I refactored language-specific and buffer-local code into
stand-alone ftplugins. Similarly, I moved a lot of
complex functionality into libraries and
plugins to keep the main configuration uncluttered and
readable. Notable examples include
components.lua, a collection of (mostly
LSP-related) components for the
lightline.vim status line, and
snipcomp.lua, a companion plugin for the
LuaSnip snippet engine, which provides a
snippet completion function for the built-in insert mode completion commands.
Consult :h ins-completion
for details.
Mutt is configured for multiple email accounts. It makes use of the command
line tool distributed with KeePassXC to access
passwords. The location of the password database and the keyfile can be
controlled with the KEEPASSXC_DATABASE
Mutt also contains a script which
automatically creates aliases for addresses in the FROM
field, when reading
an email. It also utilizes the
script to conveniently create multipart/alternative
emails when the need
Weechat keeps a lot of separate configuration files, which contain both default options and options altered by the user. Also some of the files contain highly sensitive information. Combined with the fact, that weechat doesn't support standalone password managers to obtain secrets, this makes it hard to manage a weechat config with a dotfiles repository.
That's why I wrote the script It reads a configuration
file called weechatrc located in the weechat home
directory. The file itself should be written in
m4 macro language and after processing
should contain valid weechat commands. The script also provides the special
macro KEEPASS(<title>, <attr>)
, which can be used to obtain sensitive
information managed with KeePassXC. When this script is loaded for the first
time it prompts the user for the KeePassXC password and then loads the config
file. On subsequent launches of weechat this process can be manually invoked
with the command /confload <passphrase>
. Again you can use the
environment variables for the
locations of KeePassXC files.
I configured ptpython to embed itself into the default Python REPL. That way,
it can be started by simply executing the standard Python binary. This is
realized through the environment variable PYTHONSTARTUP
, which points to a
setup script that is executed when Python is
launched in interactive mode.
Besides the things mentioned above, this repository also contains configuration files for a number of other programs. However, these are only optionally required and perform specific tasks that are often not needed. Therefore, these programs are not included in the package installation script and must be installed manually. The corresponding packages and their functions are listed below:
- For Kana, Kanji, and Hangul input, install fcitx5-im, fcitx5-mozc, and fcitx5-hangul.
- To enable automounting, install udiskie.
- To compile LATEX with Neovim using qpdfview as the
previewer, install TEX
Live. For inverse search also
install neovim-remote
and set
nvr --remote-silent +%2 %1
as the source editor in qpdfview. - Install mythes for thesaurus lookup and languagetool-word2vec and/or languagetool-ngrams to detect confusion errors with ltex in Neovim.
- For Japanese pop-up dictionary search in qutebrowser install jamdict and jamdict-data (for further information see yomichad).