My first (public) project that renders multiple fractals using GPU acceleration.
This was my first project in cuda, so it is very rough around the edges. It was developed to learn how basic cuda kernelss work and to learn about Computer Graphics.
if you want to render it using precise mode, change the variable "precise" to be true in Viewer.cuh. To change the color, edit the color under Newtons.cuh according ti this.
Controls : Use Mouse Wheel to control the zoom. CLick and Drag to move the fractal around.
Press P to take a screenshot.
2 Renderings of the Julia Set
One is where the real/complex portion is 1 - golden ration, while the other is c = −0.8 + 0.156i.
Controls : Press L To pause animation, M To reverse animation, and hold Left Shift to slow it down.
A rendering for the julia set where the complex portion is 0.7885e^ia, where a goes from 0-2pi.
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Newton Fractal that is colored based on which of the three roots it reaches for p(z) = z^3 -1, based on newtons method.
Fractal that took the longest; it is a Newton fractal that is colored by the amount of loops it takes until it reaches a root.
The formula used is p(z) = z5*Sin(Z) - 1, with a = 1.