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Design Documentation

Fritz Brand edited this page Mar 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

Please view the full Design Documentation Section on the Portfolio Sites pages for more detail

High-level Content Structure Diagram

graph TD;
    Pages --> Homepage
    Homepage -->ContentPageIndex;
    ContentPageIndex -->ContentPage;
    ContentPage -->Web;
    ContentPage -->WhatsApp;
    ContentPage -->SMS;
    ContentPage -->USSD;
    ContentPage -->Viber;
    ContentPage --> Messenger

ContentPage Class Diagram

    ContentPage <|-- Web
    ContentPage <|-- Whatsapp
    ContentPage <|-- SMS
    ContentPage <|-- USSD
    ContentPage <|-- Viber
    ContentPage <|-- Messenger
    Web <|-- WebBody

    Whatsapp <|-- WhatsappTemplateCategory
    Whatsapp <|-- WhatsappBody
    WhatsappBody <|-- "1 or more" WhatsappMessage
    WhatsappMessage <|-- "0 or more" VariableExampleValues
    WhatsappMessage <|-- VariationMessage
    WhatsappMessage <|-- "3" Buttons
    WhatsappMessage <|-- ListItems
    WhatsappMessage <|-- Footer

    VariationMessage <|-- VariationRestriction 
    VariationRestriction <|-- ProfileValue

    Buttons <|-- GotoPage
    Buttons <|-- NextMessage
    SMS <|-- "1 or more" SMSBody
    USSD <|-- USSDBody

    Messenger <|-- MessengerBody

    Viber <|-- ViberBody

    class SMS{
        +String SmsTitle
        +SMSBody SMSBody
    class SMSBody{
        String Message
    class USSD{
        +String USSDTitle
        +USSDBody USSDBody
    class USSDBody{
        +String Message
    class Messenger{
        +String MessengerTitle
        +MessengerBody MessengerBody
    class MessengerBody{
        +Image Image
        +String Message
    class Viber{
        +String ViberTitle
        ViberBody ViberBody
    class ViberBody{
        +Image Image
        +String Message
    class Web{
        +String Title
        +String Subtitle
        +WebBody WebBody
    class WebBody{
        +String Paragraph
        +Image Image
    class VariationMessage{
    class VariationRestriction{
        ProfileValue ProfileValue
    class ListItems{
        +String Title
    class ProfileValue{
        Gender Gender
        Age Age
        Relationship Relationship

    class Buttons{
        NextMessage NextMessage
        GotoPage GotoPage

    class GotoPage{
        String Title
        Page Page
    class NextMessage{
        String Title
    class WhatsappMessage{
        +String Message
        +Image Image
        +Document Document
        +Media Media
        +VariableExampleValues ExampleValues
        +VariationMessage VariationMessage
        +String NextPrompt
        +Buttons Buttons
        +ListItems ListItems
        +Footer Footer

    class Footer{
        String Footer    
    class VariableExampleValues{
        +String ExampleValue
    class WhatsappBody{
        +WhatsappMessage WhatsappMessage
    class WhatsappTemplateCategory{
        +String CategoryName
    class Whatsapp{
        +String WhatsappTitle
        +WhatsappTemplateCategory TemplateCategory

Page Tree Structure

flowchart TD;
   Pages -- "1 or more, 1 per language" --> Homepage
   Homepage  --> ContentPageIndex2
   Homepage  --> ContentPageIndex
   ContentPageIndex --> ContentPage2
   ContentPage2 --> ContentPageChild2
   ContentPage2 --> ContentPageChild3

   ContentPageChild2 --> ContentPageChild2
   ContentPageChild3 --> ContentPageChild3
