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Jogasaki SQL job scheduler


  • CMake >= 3.16
  • C++ Compiler >= C++17
  • mpdecimal 2.5.1 (see Manual install steps for mpdecimal section below to install on Ubuntu 24.04)
  • and see Dockerfile section
# retrieve third party modules
git submodule update --init --recursive


FROM ubuntu:22.04

RUN apt update -y && apt install -y git build-essential cmake ninja-build libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-container-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-stacktrace-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev doxygen libtbb-dev libnuma-dev protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-dev libmsgpack-dev uuid-dev libicu-dev pkg-config flex bison libmpdec-dev libparquet-dev=16.1.0-1 libparquet-glib-dev=16.1.0-1 libarrow-dev=16.1.0-1 libarrow-glib-dev=16.1.0-1

(see "Additional file installation for Apache Parquet" below if installing libparquet-dev, libparquet-glib-dev fails)

optional packages:

Install modules

tsurugidb modules

This requires below tsurugidb modules to be installed.

Additional file installation for Apache Arrow/Parquet

Jogasaki requires Apache Arrow and Parquet package versioned as 16.1.0-1 (Official release stays to this version for stability. Jogasaki may be built and run with later versions, but it's for development/testing purpose only, not for production.)

Installing Apache Arrow/Paquet packages libarrow-dev, libarrow-glib-dev, libparquet-dev, libparquet-glib-dev requires additional files installation. If installing these packages from apt install command fails, issue below commands to install required files.

sudo apt install -y -V lsb-release
wget$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')/apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb
sudo apt install -y -V ./apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y -V libparquet-dev=16.1.0-1 libparquet-glib-dev=16.1.0-1 libarrow-dev=16.1.0-1 libarrow-glib-dev=16.1.0-1 gir1.2-parquet-1.0=16.1.0-1 gir1.2-arrow-1.0=16.1.0-1 libarrow-acero-dev=16.1.0-1

(You can see here for full instruction. )

Manual install steps for mpdecimal

Ubuntu 22.04 users can safely skip this section since apt install libmpdec-dev installs new version enough for Jogasaki. On Ubuntu 24.04 (and later), the apt command won't install mpdecimal package. Follow these steps in order to install mpdecmal in the custom location.

  1. Download mpdecimal-2.5.1.tar.gz listed here.
  2. Untar the archive and move into the extracted directory.
$ cd mpdecimal-2.5.1
  1. run configure specifying --prefix option with installation target directory.
./configure --prefix=<install directory>
  1. build and install
make install

How to build

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .

available options:

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation directory> - change install location
  • -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<installation directory> - indicate prerequisite installation directory
  • -DCMAKE_IGNORE_PATH="/usr/local/include;/usr/local/lib/" - specify the libraries search paths to ignore. This is convenient if the environment has conflicting version installed on system default search paths. (e.g. gflags in /usr/local)
  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF - create static libraries instead of shared libraries
  • -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF - don't build test programs
  • -DBUILD_DOCUMENTS=OFF - don't build documents by doxygen
  • -DINSTALL_EXAMPLES=ON - install example applications
  • -DSHARKSFIN_IMPLEMENTATION=<implementation name> - switch sharksfin implementation. Available options are memory and shirakami (default: memory)
  • -DPERFORMANCE_TOOLS=ON - enable performance tooling to measure engine performance
  • -DINSTALL_API_ONLY=ON - configure build directory just to install public header files. Use when other components require jogasaki public headers.
  • -DENABLE_ALTIMETER=ON - turn on altimeter logging.
  • for debugging only
    • -DENABLE_SANITIZER=OFF - disable sanitizers (requires -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug)
    • -DENABLE_UB_SANITIZER=ON - enable undefined behavior sanitizer (requires -DENABLE_SANITIZER=ON)
    • -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON - enable code coverage analysis (requires -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug)
    • -DTRACY_ENABLE=ON - enable tracy profiler for multi-thread debugging. See section below.
    • -DLIKWID_ENABLE=ON - enable LIKWID for performance metrics. See section below.


cmake --build . --target install

run tests

ctest -V

generate documents

cmake --build . --target doxygen

Code coverage

Run cmake with -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON and run tests. Dump the coverage information into html files with the following steps:

cd build
mkdir gcovr-html
GCOVR_COMMON_OPTION='-e ../third_party -e ../test -e ../examples -e ../mock -e (.+)?\.pb\.h$ -e (.+)?\.pb\.cc$'
gcovr  -r .. --html --html-details  ${GCOVR_COMMON_OPTION} -o gcovr-html/jogasaki-gcovr.html

Open gcovr-html/jogasaki-gcovr.html to see the coverage report.

Customize logging setting

You can customize logging in the same way as sharksfin. See sharksfin for more details.

GLOG_minloglevel=0 ./group-cli --minimum

Multi-thread debugging/profiling with Tracy

You can use Tracy Profiler to graphically display the threads operations and improve printf debug by printing messages on the tooltips on the Tracy profiler UI. By setting cmake build option -DTRACY_ENABLE=ON, TracyClient.cpp file is added to the build and tracing macros are enabled.

(2021-11 TracyClient.cpp is included in tateyama only in order to avoid start up conflict, so set -DTRACY_ENABLE=ON both on tateyama and jogasaki if you profile jogasaki)


  1. ensure tracy code is located under third_party/tracy directory.
git submodule update --init third_party/tracy
  1. include common.h at the top of files that requires tracing.
#include <jogasaki/common.h>
  1. Put trace_scope at the beginning of the scope to trace, or use other tracing functions defined in common.h.

Recompile time saving with ccache

You can save re-compile time using ccache, which caches the compiled output and reuse on recompilation if no change is detected. This works well with jogasaki build as jogasaki build has dependencies to many components and translation units are getting bigger.

  1. Install ccache
apt install ccache
  1. add -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache to cmake build option.

First time build does not change as it requires building and caching all artifacts into cache directory, e.g. ~/.ccache. When you recompile, you will see it finishes very fast. Checking ccache -s shows the cache hit ratio and size of the cached files.

Profiling with LIKWID

You can use LIKWID to retrieve the performance metrics via hardware counters. By setting cmake build option -DLIKWID_ENABLE=ON, jogasaki is linked to the LIKWID library and its marker API macros are enabled.


  1. Install LIKWID in your environment. Typically, this can be done by clone the LIKWID repository, update the, run make and make install. You can install to users local directory, but you need sudo to run make install in order to set SUID for some binary files.

  2. include common.h at the top of files that requires profiling. This allow you to call LIKWID marker APIs such as LIKWID_MARKER_START

#include <jogasaki/common.h>
  1. Make sure LIKWID initialize/deinitialize macros LIKWID_MARKER_INIT/LIKWID_MARKER_CLOSE are called at some point where the code does initialize/deinitialize.
  2. Put LIKWID_MARKER_START/LIKWID_MARKER_STOP macros to specify the scope to profile.

Running jogasaki with likwid-perfctr command will show you the performance counters incremented by the code betweenLIKWID_MARKER_START and LIKWID_MARKER_STOP. See LIKWID documentation for details


Apache License, Version 2.0