SharpMap Addons for PTV Services and Data
This is an extension for the Open Source .NET library SharpMap to add support for PTV services and data. The library contains:
- A SharpMap Tranformation for PTV_Mercator
- A SharpMap Layer for PTV xMapServer
- A SharpMap VectorLayer for PTV AddressMonitor POIs
- A SharpMap Provider for PTV Map&Market areas
The primary use of this library is the generation of map images with data from different sources. In contrast to client mapping libraries like xServer.NET, which is a "retained renderer", SharpMap is an "immediate renderer". This means an image is generated directly by drawing directives. The scenarios for this approach:
- In client applications, if you don't need interaction but only static images. See the demo application in this project.
- As renderer inside a client control, see the "ShapeFile" sample in xServer.NET DemoCenter
- As as Tile/Imagery service for web applications, see here for a sample
So you can use this library in two directions: Either overlay PTV content on 3rd-party base maps, or 3rd-party content on a PTV map.
To build the project, you need Microsoft Visual Studio or the free Community Edition.
To run the code, you need an installed PTV xMapServer or an xServer internet subscription. Go to to get a trial token.