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Releases: qb40/tasm

Turbo Assembler 5: Borland.

04 Feb 09:13
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                        TURBO ASSEMBLER 5.0

This file contains details on how to install the TASM 5.0 package.

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1     System Requirements  -   Full Installation

SECTION 2     Installing TASM 5.0
              A)   Pre-Installation Notes
                   1)   Backup Disks
                   2)   Disk Compressions
                   4)   Network Installation
              B)   Where to install
              C)   Installation Instructions
              D)   After Installation

SECTION 3     Minimum and Selected Installation Options

SECTION 4     Troubleshooting - Install Issues
              A)   Data Integrity or Bad Section Errors
              B)   Disk Full or Insufficient Disk Space
              C)   GP Fault or Unhandled Exception Errors

SECTION 5     Troubleshooting - Run Time Problems
              A)   Out of Memory Errors
              B)   GP Fault or Unhandled Exception Errors
              C)   Turbo Debugger for Windows

SECTION 6     Icons in the TASM Group Window
              A)   Creating a Program Group Window for TASM
              B)   List of Icons and Executable Files

SECTION 7     Using TASM from Windows

SECTION 8     How to Get A Technical Information Document
              A)   From TechFax
              B)   From Bulletin Boards

SECTION 9     Boot Clean

SEARCH INSTRUCTIONS:  To go directly to a specific
section, use your editor's search utility and search on
"SECTION -#-" replacing the # with the appropriate section

Before installing TASM please review the minimum
system requirements listed below:

System requirements for a generic full installation
(both 16- and 32-bit installation):
   8 MB system memory  (req. to run Win32)
   Intel 386 or higher
   DOS 5.01 or later
   Windows 3.1 or later (to access Turbo Assembler help file)
   Windows '95 or Windows NT (for targeting those environments)
   Approximately 10 MB hard disk space
   3.5" High Density Disk Drive

Generally, you should use a host environment with a capability that is
equal to or greater than capability of the system you plan to target.
For example, if you are building 32-bit applications for Windows 95 or
Windows NT, you should use TD32 in a Win32 environment.

NOTE: On a compressed hard disk the installation process
might need additional hard disk space. If you are using
a disk compression utility, refer to Section 2, part A.


A) Pre-Installation Notes
1) Backup Disks
   If you wish to make backup copies of your original disks
   use the DOS DISKCOPY command. You must use the same disk
   size and media (density) when you make your backup set of
   disks. Attempting to copy from 3.5" to 5.25" will cause
   the install program to fail. If you have a bad disk
   contact Borland's Disk Replacement line at (800) 621-3132.

2) Disk Compression
   If you are using a disk compression utility (such as
   Stacker[tm], DoubleSpace[tm], XtraDrive[tm],
   SuperStor[tm], etc.) the estimated available hard disk
   space reported might not be sufficient to install the
   product. During installation, TASM 5.0 copies compressed
   files onto your hard disk. Disk compression utilities
   report available hard disk space assuming that the files
   copied onto the disk can be compressed. Since the files
   that are copied by the installation program are already
   compressed, the disk compression utility cannot compress
   them any further. To solve this, you might need to free
   additional hard disk space for the installation.

3) Network Installation
   If you are installing TASM 5.0 on a network, you may wish
   to consult Technical Information Document number 1738. For
   information on how to receive this document, refer to
   Section 10.

B) Where to Install:
This product is designed to be used as a standalone product or in
conjunction with Delphi 2.0 or Borland C++ 5.0.  It can also be used
with Borland/Turbo C++ 4.x, Borland Pascal 7 or Delphi 1.0.  If you are
using Turbo Assembler 5.0 in conjunction with any of these Borland
compilers, you can install Turbo Assembler atop the same directory
heirarchy as your other Borland Tools.

If you use Turbo Assembler 5.0 with any other Borland development tools or
versions, then it is best to install Turbo Assembler to a unique
directory, such as c:\tasm.  Both tool sets should be referenced in your
dos path with the most recent version being first in the path.  For custom
configuration requirements, please contact Technical Support.

C) Installation Instructions:
1. Boot Clean
   It is highly recommended that you boot clean before
   installing TASM 5.0. Booting your system with a clean
   configuration will eliminate any potential software
   conflicts that might arise during installation. Refer to
   Section 10 for instructions on how to boot clean.

2. Insert the TASM 5.0 installation disk into drive A or B.

3. From the DOS prompt type A:INSTALL (or B:INSTALL)
   and press <ENTER>. Do not install from a Windows DOS prompt.

4. Select installation options from the install menu. See
   Section 3 for more details on the installation instructions.

5. Choose START INSTALLATION to begin installation. If problems
   occur during installation, note any error messages and refer to
   Section 5.

D) After Installation:
1. After the install has completed, the README file appears.
   The README file contains important information about
   configuring and using TASM 5.0, including late changes
   which might have occurred after the manuals were printed.

2. Modify your CONFIG.SYS so that files and buffers are set
   to at least 40. For example:


   Also modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file by adding to your path
   statement the TASM 5.0 bin directory. For example:


3. If you are installing Delphi 1.0, or Borland C++ 4.x AFTER
   Turbo Assembler 5.0 has been installed, you will have to manually
   change the system settings that allow these products to coexist:

   In your system.ini file, check your [386Enh] section for multiple
   entries for the device TDDEBUG.386.  Remove duplicate entries of
   TDDEBUG.386 so that only the version from this product is loaded.
   On disk, you may also want to rename or remove the BP7 or BC4.x
   versions of TDDEBUG.386 and TDWINTH.DLL to avoid their accidental
   loading.  You must restart Windows after making changes to system.ini.

4. Changes to SYSTEM.INI file:
   Presuming you have installed Turbo Assembler and Tools to "c:\tasm",
   The install program makes these changes to the SYSTEM.INI file:

   1) Adds "device=c:\tasm\bin\windpmi.386" to support our 32-bit tools.
   2) Adds "device=c:\tasm\bin\tddebug.386" to support our debugger.

5. Configuring the Windows NT command prompt:
   To run 16-bit protected-mode programs (tlink) under an NT command
   prompt you need to add the following line to CONFIG.NT:


    Under the default NT command-line prompt, DOS COMMAND.COM is run
    after returning from a TSR (such as RTM.EXE which bcc and tlink load).
    Adding the above line will cause the original NT CMD.EXE to be run.

This section outlines the minimum and selective install
options available for TASM 5.0.

There are some files that are common to more than one option.
For example, MAKE.EXE will be installed if either the 16-bit or
the 32-bit command line tools are installed. { Common to 16-bit
and 32-bit tools is [2360K] of files ; Common to the TDWIN and
TDWIN32 options is [504K] of files } Those common files are
included in all the following estimates.

16-bit command line tools        [3085K]
    Install the 16-bit tools (TASM, TLINK).
    (Minimum installation option)

32-bit command line tools        [3163K]
    Install the 32-bit tools (TASM32, TLINK32).

Turbo Debugger for DOS           [1041K]
    Install Turbo Debugger for DOS.
    (Minimum installation option)

Turbo Debugger for Windows       [1533K]
    Install Turbo Debugger for Windows and associated Debugger
    tools (TDWINI setup, wremote).

Turbo Debugger for Win32         [1502K]
    Install Turbo Debugger for Win32 programs.

Examples                         [580K]
    Install Borland TASM examples.

Documentation Files              [6K]
    Install documentation files.

This section explains a few common errors encountered during
installation. System configuration and software conflicts
might cause the installation process to fail. If the
installation fails, follow the instructions in Section 10
on how to boot clean. This will eliminate any possible
software conflicts. If booting clean doesn't solve the
problem, or you encounter a problem not mentioned here,
contact Borland Technical Support.

With any of the following installation errors there are
several common steps that can be taken to enable the
installation to complete.

   - Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements.
     Refer to Section 1 for a list of the minimum
     installation requiremen...
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