A django template loader that allows you to control the order which the template dirs (filesystem directories or apps' template directories) are resolved in.
Useful when you want to override third party apps templates.
Get templateloaderwithpriorities
from pypy or github:
$ pip install django-templateloaderwithpriorities
$ pip install -e git+git://github.com/qubird/django-templateloaderwithpriorities#egg=templateloaderwithpriorities
Once installed, put the loader on top of settings.TEMPLATE_LOADERS
TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ('templateloaderwithpriorities.Loader', ) + TEMPLATE_LOADERS
Be sure that it's the first item of TEMPLATE_LOADERS
, else your priorities will be ignored.
to your settings.py:
TEMPLATE_LOADER_PRIORITIES = [ 'my.app', '/path/to/my/custom/templates' ]
The loader searches for templates in the given order, looking for the templates
directory if the item is an app, or the directory itself if the item is an absolute path.
First come, first served.