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Cookbook style recipes for PKS related topics.

Single page to make search and fine easier.

# PKS Operations

pks login -a pks.corp.local -u pks-admin -p VMware1! --skip-ssl-validation
pks create-cluster my-cluster --external-hostname my-cluster.corp.local --plan small

pks get-credentials my-cluster
kubectl create ns planespotter

kubectl config set-context my-cluster --namespace planespotter

# Some helper/troubleshooting notes.

1) PKS login issues

1.1) login doesn't work. Says credentials were rejected, please try again.
Use UAAC to check the user and password.
on the OpsMan VM (ssh login ubuntu, VMware1!),
uaac target https://pks.corp.local:8443 --skip-ssl-validation
uaac token client get admin -s <PKS Tile->Credentials->PKS Uaa Management Admin Client>

2) PKS health

From opsman vm,
opsman VM login ubuntu, VMware1! vm: opsman.corp.local (Also get from OpsMan Web UI as BOSH VM) BOSH client (CLI) is on opsman VM and not on cli-vm

setup bosh target/director url
bosh instances --ps

3) BOSH access and commands

Detail lab:

To run BOSH CLI get, BOSH Director VM IP, credentials in OpsMan UI
Access Bosh from OpsMan ->BOSH Tile->Status get VM IP (e.g
Credentials->Director Credentials copy password

setup Bosh director env and ca cert location (in .profile as ENV variables, or in command line)

bosh alias-env my-bosh -e --ca-cert /var/tempest/workspaces/default/root_ca_certificate

export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=my-bosh

bosh -e my-bosh login
Use director and password from above (ydz1jJqLdvwHDtXrBQUqYjStCEv_xMKQ)

//Check deployments

bosh -e my-bosh deployments
bosh instances --ps
bosh tasks --recent

Focus on PKS related BOSH tasks/objects:

get PKS deployment id into an env variable, and then execute commands for that id.

PKS=$(bosh -e my-bosh deployments | grep ^pivotal | awk '{print ;}')
bosh -d $PKS v  ms
bosh -d $PKS instances
bosh -d $PKS tasks
bosh -d $PKS tasks -ar
bosh -d $PKS task <ID>
bosh -d $PKS task <ID> --debug

Focus on a specific PKS cluster:

CLUSTER=$(bosh deployments | grep ^service-instance | awk '{print ;}')
bosh -d $CLUSTER vms --vitals
bosh -d $CLUSTER tasks --recent=9
bosh -d $CLUSTER task 91 --debug 
bosh -d $CLUSTER ssh master/0
bosh -d $CLUSTER ssh worker/0 
bosh -d $CLUSTER logs`  
bosh -d $CLUSTER cloud-check 
bosh –d $CLUSTER releases

X) Miscellaneous

OpsMan VM: Increase or disable ssh session timeout
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
change ClientAliveInterval to 0 or some high value
restart the ssh service

sudo service ssh restart

In order for 'kubectl config use-context ' to work, alias of its Master node has to be manually added to the /etc/hosts file like: localhost my-cluster.corp.local my-cluster cli-vm.corp.local cli-vm cli-vm.corp.local cli-vm ....

X) BOSH / monit

From cli-vm ssh to opsman (IP is opsman web ui, BOSH Tile/Status)
In OpsMan VM, setup BOSH env, and do BOSH login to run BOSH commands
To get bosh prompt, do ssh vcap@opsman_vm_ip (

vcap password is in Bosh tile->Credentials-> VM credentials