Fregata is a light weight, super fast, large scale machine learning library based on Apache Spark, and it provides high-level APIs in Scala.
More accurate: For various problems, Fregata can achieve higher accuracy compared to MLLib.
Higher speed: For Generalized Linear Model, Fregata often converges in one data epoch. For a 1 billion X 1 billion data set, Fregata can train a Generalized Linear Model in 1 minute with memory caching or 10 minutes with out it. Usually, Fregata is 10-100 times faster than MLLib.
Parameter Free: Fregata uses GSA SGD optimization, which dosen't require learning rate tuning, because we found a way to calculate appropriate learning rate in the training process. When confronted with super high-dimension problem, Fregata calculates remaining memory dynamically to determine the sparseness of the output, balancing accuracy and efficiency automatically. Both features enable Fregata to be treated as a standard module in data processing for different problems.
Lighter weight: Fregata just uses Spark's standard API, which allows it to be integrated into most business’ data processing flow on Spark quickly and seamlessly.
##Architecture This documentation is about Fregata version 0.1
- core : mainly implements stand-alone algorithms based on GSA, including Classification Regression and Clustering
- Classification: supports both binary and multiple classification
- Regression: will release later
- Clustering: will release later
- spark : mainly implements large scale machine learning algorithms based on spark by wrapping core.jar and supplies the corresponding algorithms
##Downloading Two ways to get Fregata by Maven or SBT
- Maven's pom.xml
- SBT's build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "fregata" % "core" % "0.0.1"
libraryDependencies += "fregata" % "spark" % "0.0.1"
Suppose that you're familiar with Spark, the example below shows how to use Fregata's Logistic Regression, and experimental datas can be obtained on LIBSVM Data
- adding Fregata into project by Maven or SBT referring to the Downloading part
- importing packages
import fregata.spark.data.LibSvmReader
import fregata.spark.metrics.classification.{AreaUnderRoc, Accuracy}
import fregata.spark.model.classification.LogisticRegression
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
- loading training datas by Fregata's LibSvmReader API
val (_, trainData) = LibSvmReader.read(sc, trainPath, numFeatures.toInt)
val (_, testData) = LibSvmReader.read(sc, testPath, numFeatures.toInt)
- building Logsitic Regression model by trainging datas
val model = LogisticRegression.run(trainData)
- predicting the scores of instances
val pd = model.classPredict(testData)
- evaluating the quality of predictions of the model by auc or other metrics
val auc = AreaUnderRoc.of( pd.map{
case ((x,l),(p,c)) =>
p -> l
Fregata's training API needs RDD[(fregata.Vector, fregata.Num)], predicting API needs the same or RDD[fregata.Vector] without label
import breeze.linalg.{Vector => BVector , SparseVector => BSparseVector , DenseVector => BDenseVector}
import fregata.vector.{SparseVector => VSparseVector }
package object fregata {
type Num = Double
type Vector = BVector[Num]
type SparseVector = BSparseVector[Num]
type SparseVector2 = VSparseVector[Num]
type DenseVector = BDenseVector[Num]
def zeros(n:Int) = BDenseVector.zeros[Num](n)
def norm(x:Vector) = breeze.linalg.norm(x,2.0)
def asNum(v:Double) : Num = v
- if the data format is LibSvm, then Fregata's LibSvmReader.read() API can be used directly
// sc is Spark Context
// path is the location of input datas on HDFS
// numFeatures is the number of features for single instance
// minPartitions is the minimum number of partitions for the returned RDD pointing the input datas
read(sc:SparkContext, path:String, numFeatures:Int=-1, minPartition:Int=-1):(Int, RDD[(fregata.Vector, fregata.Num)])
else some constructions are needed
- Using SparseVector
// indices is an 0-based Array and the index-th feature is not equal to zero // values is an Array storing the corresponding value of indices // length is the total features of each instance // label is the instance's label // input datas with label sc.textFile(input).map{ val indicies = ... val values = ... val label = ... ... (new SparseVector(indices, values, length).asInstanceOf[Vector], asNum(label)) } // input datas without label(just for predicting API) sc.textFile(input).map{ val indicies = ... val values = ... ... new SparseVector(indices, values, length).asInstanceOf[Vector] }
- Using DenseVector
// datas is the value of each feature // label is the instance's label // input datas with label sc.textFile(input).map{ val datas = ... val label = ... ... (new DenseVector(datas).asInstanceOf[Vector], asNum(label)) } // input datas without label(just for predicting API) sc.textFile(input).map{ val datas = ... ... new DenseVector(indices, values, length).asInstanceOf[Vector] }
2016-11-01 :
- Version 0.1 release
- Publish paper on arxiv.org
- Algorithms: Logistic Regression, Combine Features Logistic Regression, Softmax
- Version 0.2 release
- Use Alluxio to accelerate computing speed
- Algorithms: RDT, RDH, K-Means, Logistic Model Tree, CF(Funk-SVD)
- Version 0.3 release
- Algorithms: SVM, X-Means
- Version 0.4 release
- Support Spark 2.x and DataFrame API.
- Version 0.5 release
- Algorithm: on-line Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Softmax
Contributed by TalkingData.