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Specify 7 in Docker

Dockerized version of Specify 7. The included Docker image is for version 7.3.1 of the software.

Specify 7 is build upon Specify 6, so you need a running instance of Specify 6.


  • Clone this repository.

      git clone
  • Copy your Specify 6 client into the specify7/specify6_thick_client directory. Make sure your dircetory structure looks like in the image below and that there is no specify6 (or something like that) subfolder between the specify6_thick_client folder and the specify.jar file and the config subfolder.


  • Rename in specify7/specify7_config to

  • Add your database connection details in If you want to connect to a local instance of MySQL, use host.docker.internal (that works for me on Windows; if it doesn't work on your system, check your etc/hosts file), not localhost, as DATABASE_HOST.

  • Build the Docker image and start the container

      cd specify7-docker
      docker-compose up -d

    Your Specify 7 instance should now be available at http://localhost:<port>. I use port number 65001, because I have another webserver instance running on port 80, but you can change the port in the docker-compose.yml file.

  • To stop the container:

      docker-compose stop
  • To destroy the container:

      docker-compose down
  • To rebuild the container (for example for a new release of Specify 6):

      docker-compose up -d --build

Upgrade from Specify 7.3.1 to Specify 7.4.0

In order to run Specify 7.4.0, all you have to do is replace the Specify 6 client (specify6_thick_client) with Specify 6.8.00 and make sure the database you want to connect to has been upgraded to the new version.


  • Pull the changes from the GitHub repository:
  git pull origin master
  • Destroy the container:
  docker-compose down
  • Rebuild the container:
  docker-compose up -d --build