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A light-weight graph data mapper which maps RDF graph data from RDF.ex data structures to schema-conform Elixir structs and vice versa.

For a guide and more information about Grax, and it's related projects, go to


Let's assume we have a graph like this:

{:ok, graph} =
  @prefix : <> .
  @prefix schema: <> .
  @prefix foaf: <> .
      schema:name "Jane" ;
      schema:email "[email protected]" ;
      foaf:age 30 ;
      foaf:friend :User2.
      schema:author :User1 ;
      schema:name "Lorem" ;
      schema:articleBody """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Provident, nihil, dignissimos. Nesciunt aut totam eius. Magnam quaerat modi vel sed, ipsam atque rem, eos vero ducimus beatae harum explicabo labore!""" .
    # ...
  |> RDF.Turtle.read_string()

Grax allows us to define a schema for the mapping of this kind of data to Elixir structs.

defmodule User do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.{SchemaOrg, FOAF}

  schema SchemaOrg.Person do
    property name:, type: :string
    property email:, type: :string
    property age: FOAF.age, type: :integer
    link friends: FOAF.friend, type: list_of(User)
    link posts:, type: list_of(Post)

    field :password

defmodule Post do
  use Grax.Schema

  alias NS.SchemaOrg

  schema SchemaOrg.BlogPosting do
    property title:, type: :string
    property content: SchemaOrg.articleBody(), type: :string

    link author:, type: User

With that we can create an instance of our User struct from an RDF.Graph.

iex> User.load(graph, EX.User1)
   __id__: ~I<>,
   age: nil,
   email: ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
   friends: [],
   name: "Jane",
   password: nil,
   posts: [
       __id__: ~I<>,
       author: ~I<>,
       content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Provident, nihil, dignissimos. Nesciunt aut totam eius. Magnam quaerat modi vel sed, ipsam atque rem, eos vero ducimus beatae harum explicabo labore!",
       title: "Lorem"

And do some transformation on the struct and write it back to an RDF graph.

|> Grax.put!(:age, user.age + 1)
|> Grax.to_rdf!()
|> RDF.Serialization.write_file!("user.ttl")

Future Work

  • I18n support (localization with language-tagged string literals)
  • Storage adapters (e.g. accessing SPARQL endpoints directly and support for non-RDF-based graph databases)
  • RDFS support (e.g. for class-based query builders)
  • More preloading strategies (eg. pattern- and path-based preloading)


See CONTRIBUTING for details.


The development of this project was sponsored by NetzeBW for NETZlive.


If you need help with your Elixir and Linked Data projects, just contact NinjaConcept via [email protected].

License and Copyright

(c) 2020-present Marcel Otto. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.