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Python 3.7 or 3.8

Basic Usage

snek_eval returns a list of all the expressions in the provided code. Generally you care about the last one.

To get very simple evaluating:

from sneklang import snek_eval

snek_eval("'Hi!' + ' world!'")

returns [Hi! World!].

Expressions can be as complex and convoluted as you want:

snek_eval("21 + 19 / 7 + (8 % 3) ** 9")

returns [535.714285714].

You can add your own functions in as well.

snek_eval("square(11)", scope={"square": lambda x: x*x})

returns [121].

Try some dictionary or set comprehension.

>>> from sneklang import snek_eval
>>> snek_eval("{a:b for a,b in [('a', 1), ('b',2)]}")
[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}]

>>> snek_eval("{a*a for a in [1,2,3]}")
[{1, 4, 9}]

You can even define functions within the sand box at evaluation time.

>>> from sneklang import snek_eval
>>> snek_eval('''
... def my_function(x):
...     return x + 3
... my_function(5)
... ''')
[None, 8]

Advanced Usage

Some times you will want to run a dynamically defined sandboxed funtion in your app.

>>> user_scope = {}
>>> out = snek_eval('''
... def my_function(x=2):
...    return x ** 3
... ''', scope=user_scope)
>>> user_func = user_scope['my_function']
>>> user_func()

Or maybe create a decorator

>>> user_scope = {}
>>> out = snek_eval('''
... def foo_decorator(func):
...     def inner(s):
...        return "this is foo", func(s)
...     return inner
... @foo_decorator
... def bar(s):
...     return "this is bar", s
... output = bar("BAZ")
... ''', scope=user_scope)
>>> user_scope['output']
('this is foo', ('this is bar', 'BAZ'))

You can also delete variables and catch exception

>>> user_scope = {}
>>> out = snek_eval('''
... a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
... del a[3:5]
... try:
...     a[10]
... except Exception as e:
...     b = "We got an error: " + str(e)
... ''', scope=user_scope)
>>> user_scope['a']
[1, 2, 3, 6, 7]
>>> user_scope['b']
"We got an error: IndexError('list index out of range')"

All exceptions will be wrapped in a SnekRuntimeError with __context__ containing the original exception.

>>> user_scope = {}
>>> out = snek_eval('''
... try:
...    raise Exception("this is my last resort")
... except Exception as e:
...     caught_exception = e
... ''', scope=user_scope)
>>> user_scope['caught_exception']
SnekRuntimeError("Exception('this is my last resort')")
>>> user_scope['caught_exception'].__context__
Exception('this is my last resort')
>>> user_scope = {}
>>> out = snek_eval('''
... try:
...     try:
...         1/0
...     except Exception as e:
...         raise Exception("Bad math") from e
... except Exception as e:
...     caught_exception = e
... ''', scope=user_scope)
>>> user_scope['caught_exception']
SnekRuntimeError("Exception('Bad math')")
>>> user_scope['caught_exception'].__context__
Exception('Bad math')
>>> user_scope['caught_exception'].__context__.__context__
SnekRuntimeError("ZeroDivisionError('division by zero')")

And sometimes, users write crappy code... MAX_CALL_DEPTH is configurable, of course. Here you can see some extreamly ineffecient code to multiply a number by 2

>>> from sneklang import SnekRuntimeError
>>> user_scope = {}
>>> out = snek_eval('''
... def multiply_by_2(x):
...    return (2 + multiply_by_2(x-1)) if x > 0 else 0
... ''', scope=user_scope)

>>> multiply_by_2 = user_scope['multiply_by_2']
>>> multiply_by_2(5)
>>> try:
...     multiply_by_2(50)
... except SnekRuntimeError as e:
...     print(f'oh no! "{e}" On line:{e.lineno} col:{e.col}')
oh no! "RecursionError('Sorry, stack is to large')" On line:3 col:15

>>> try:
...     snek_eval("int('foo is not a number')")
... except SnekRuntimeError as e:
...     print('oh no! {}'.format(e))
oh no! ValueError("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo is not a number'")

Limited Power

Also note, the ** operator has been locked down by default to have a maximum input value of 4000000, which makes it somewhat harder to make expressions which go on for ever. You can change this limit by changing the sneklang.POWER_MAX module level value to whatever is an appropriate value for you (and the hardware that you're running on) or if you want to completely remove all limitations, you can set the s.operators[ast.Pow] = operator.pow or make your own function.

On my computer, 9**9**5 evaluates almost instantly, but 9**9**6 takes over 30 seconds. Since 9**7 is 4782969, and so over the POWER_MAX limit, it throws a NumberTooHigh exception for you. (Otherwise it would go on for hours, or until the computer runs out of memory)

Strings (and other Iterables) Safety

There are also limits on string length (100000 characters, MAX_STRING_LENGTH). This can be changed if you wish.

Related to this, if you try to create a silly long string/bytes/list, by doing 'i want to break free'.split() * 9999999999 for instance, it will block you.

If Expressions

You can use python style if x then y else z type expressions:

>>> snek_eval("'equal' if x == y else 'not equal'", scope={"x": 1, "y": 2})
['not equal']

which, of course, can be nested:

>>> snek_eval("'a' if 1 == 2 else 'b' if 2 == 3 else 'c'")


You can define functions which you'd like the expresssions to have access to:

>>> snek_eval("double(21)", scope={"double": lambda x:x*2})

You can define "real" functions to pass in rather than lambdas, of course too, and even re-name them so that expressions can be shorter

>>> def square(x):
...     return x ** 2
>>> snek_eval("s(10) + square(2)", scope={"s": square, "square":square})

If you don't provide your own scope dict, then the the following defaults are provided in the DEFAULT_SCOPE dict:

int(x) Convert x to an int.
float(x) Convert x to a float.
str(x) Convert x to a str (unicode in py2)
>>> snek_eval("a + b", scope={"a": 11, "b": 100})

>>> snek_eval("a + b", scope={"a": "Hi ", "b": "world!"})
['Hi world!']

You can also hand the scope of variable enames over to a function, if you prefer:

>>> import sneklang
>>> import random
>>> my_scope = {}
>>> my_scope.update(
...        square=(lambda x:x*x),
...        randint=(lambda top: int(random.random() * top))
...    )
>>> snek_eval('square(randint(int("1")))', scope=my_scope)


Object attributes that start with _ or func_ are disallowed by default. If you really need that (BE CAREFUL!), then modify the module global sneklang.DISALLOW_PREFIXES.

A few builtin functions are listed in sneklang.DISALLOW_FUNCTIONS. type, open, etc. If you need to give access to this kind of functionality to your expressions, then be very careful. You'd be better wrapping the functions in your own safe wrappers.

The initial idea came from J.F. Sebastian on Stack Overflow ( ) with modifications and many improvements, see the head of the main file for contributors list.

Then danthedeckie on Github with simpleeval(

I've filled it out a bit more to allow safe funtion definitions, and better scope management.

Please read the file for other potential gotchas or details. I'm very happy to accept pull requests, suggestions, or other issues. Enjoy!


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$ make autotest

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A sandboxed Python subset for safe evaluation







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