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API Specification

eightysteele edited this page Jan 13, 2012 · 1 revision


  • .csv
  • .json
  • ?datefmt=seconds


nodata could mean we couldn't estimate (i.e. too many clouds) or not forest
we might want to include a specific nodata code for these cases
that is, cloud means something very different than not forest


  • iso code
  • gadm 1 code
  • gadm 2 code
  • countries
  • provinces (gadm 1)
  • subprovinces (gadm 2)
  • ranked for countries/provinces/subprovinces


  • admin by date
  • admin by probability threshold
  • ranking by date
  • ranking by probability threshold
  • ranking to top N


  • /countries
  • /provinces
  • /subprovinces
  • /cleared
  • /dates
  • /previous
  • /confidence
  • /latest most recent
  • /all
  • /lat/lon
  • /date
  • /when
  • /iso
  • /gadm
  • /rank

additional fields

  • ?date
  • ?startdate
  • ?enddate
  • ?ll


defor aggregates for all countries, most recent period

defor aggregates for all countries, summing last six months

defor aggregates for all countries, summing last three years

defor aggregate, ranked for all countries

defor aggregate, ranked for top 10 countries

defor aggregate, summed over specific date range

defor aggregate, summing starting at specific date

defor aggregate timeseries, by country

defor aggregate timeseries, by country for a range

Specific countries

country aggregate by year

country aggregate by months

country aggregate for all periods

country aggregate for latest period

country aggregate for specific date

country aggregate for range of dates

country aggregate starting with a date and ending now


for provinces/subprovinces, we'll want to start from a specific country
then it's the same as for countries

all provinces for a country

worst-10 provinces for a country, summed starting 2010-1-1

defor aggregate timeseries, by province for a date range

defor aggregate for provinces, summed over specific date range


Do everything as above (e.g. dates, months, years, etc.) but use provinces and GADM ids
/provinces/{gadm id}/etc.
/subprovinces/{gadm id}/etc.

Get list of gadm options, explaining the following

Get list of iso codes and names

Get list of province codes and names

Get list of province codes and names for a country

Get list of subprovince codes and names

Get list of subprovince codes/names for a country

Get list of subprovince codes/names for a province
/gadm/provinces/{province id}/subprovinces


get most recent detections everywhere
returns lat,lon of detections

get defor true/false for a specific latlon
returns true/false/nodata

get defor date detected; returns false if not cleared; returns nodata if no record

get confidence/probability cleared as of now

get confidence/probability for all periods
return full ts, date start/stop, tres, sres

We could also tweak these queries to change the confidence level (default is 50%)

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