dynamicscli - a nodejs CLI application and client framework for working with online Microsoft Dynamics applications. The application will not currently authenticate with on-premise systems (or at least I do not think so).
dynamicscli uses the ODatav4 REST data api which means that you must register the application with Azure Active Directory to allow the CLI to connect to the server. Registering is easy to do, but you need Admin access to create the registration. You can use any application registration that allows your userid access to the data and has an application id. You can follow the simple instructions here to create a registration. The new administrative portal for managing application registrations does not know about dynamics yet so you need to register directly in your own azure active directory portal (https://aad.portal.azure.com). The deprecated SOAP library did not need this extra step. The application registration is good for any copy of this CLI that runs. Since you still provide your own login credentials, creating the application registration, is equivalent to authorizing any application to access the dynamics server. You can also setup a service account (choose Web / API registration type) and create a client secret that runs independent of your personal credentials.
dynamics-client two personalities:
- A CLI that can be used from any OS. While one could use PowerShell for everything, its much easier to add commands or make commands robust using an application directly that has advanced support. To do anything interesting in powershell you would have to write a .dll anyway and load it.
- An extensive client library that is performant on the nodejs platform. You can use this as a framework for developing small Dynamics applications like ETL or platform management. For example, I added a command to help manage the dynamics platform in around 30 minutes and it worked the first time.
dynamicscli is written in scala.js which is a small language similar to typescript with more type-safety, immutability and greater consistency. It is a great language for writing logic and "effects" heavy code. Where needed, dynamics-client uses extensive asynchronous programming constructs. You can load millions of data items per hour.
Why nodejs? nodejs has an extensive array of web oriented resources and is lightweight on memory while still being fast enough. You could also use the client framework for CRM web applications directly. You can also use it for hot-reload, local development that seamlessly integrates with CRM so you get easy development of new CRM UI extensions. Running a nodejs instance on azure also means that you can deploy dynamicscli to azure and have a continuously running Dynamics platform processing platform ready to go. The web apis provided by Microsoft Dynamics allows one to use nearly any platform.
dynamicscli automatically handles paging through multi-paged results from dynamics as well as automatic retry.
Currently, you need to build the solution from github. We will publish the CLI progarm on npm shortly.
npm i -g dynamics-client
The script can be run, assuming it is on the path:
dynamicscli --help
If you need to run directly with node,
node /path/to/dynamicscli <args for dynamicscli>
Dynamics connection parameters should be placed in a json file. The default is crm.json. The file should look like below. Some typical values are also shown but you must find the values that match your application.
"tenant" : "<yourorgname>.onmicrosoft.com",
"authorityHostUrl" : "https://login.windows.net",
"username" : "<userid>@<tenant>",
"password" : "<yourpassword>",
"applicationId" : "<appid>",
"dataUrl": "https://<yourorgname>.api.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.2/",
"acquireTokenResource": "https://<yourorg>.crm.dynamics.com"
Your password can also be in the environment variable DYNAMICS_PASSWORD
as you
should avoid passwords in config files that may get checked into version
The above shows the domain name to be <yourorg>.onmicrosoft.com
but the domain
varies, It could be mycompany.com
. The dataUrl
can be obtained from
Developers page in the CRM application's Settings area. applicationId
can only
be obtained from our Azure Active Directory application's registration
page. Sometimes, applicationId is called clientId. authorityHostUrl
only be changed if you know that you should change it, otherwise, leave it the
same as the value above.
Some information can be inferred if left out. For example, the tenant can be inferred from username and the dataUrl can be inferred from acquireTokenResource but its best to specify them directly.
Once you have created your connection file, use it with the -c <connectionfile>
option. If you connect to several organizations just name the
connection file after the organization e.g. myorg1.json or myorg2.json then use
it -c myorg1.json
. Or, specify the config file in DYNAMICS_CRMCONFIG
skip providing the option on the command line.
If you are using Graph via the GraphClient, use the following parameters:
"authorityHostUrl" : "https://login.microsoftonline.com",
"dataUrl": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0",
"acquireTokenResource": "https://graph.microsoft.com",
You could also use https://outlook.office.com
to access the outlook API
directly at https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0
for the data url.
The general CLI usage is dynamics command [subcommand] [opts]
Use dynamics --help
to print out help and see the commands.
Some of the things you can do with the CLI include:
- Create a fully automated instance deployment.
- List and manage:
- Publishers
- Solutions
- System jobs
- Import maps
- Execute actions (bound and unbound)
- plugins (one-time or watch) update an assembly (.dll) that is already registered.
- Option sets
- Processes - Workflows
- List/activate/deactivate/run (against a query)
- SDK Messages
- List/activate/deactivate
- themes
- applications
- Webresources
- List and manage
- Upload / update / download
- Watch a local filesystem and create/update/delete on the remote server
- Settings
- Set unsettable settings
- Update records generically
- By exporting the data using this CLI, you can move configuration or entity data to a new organization.
- Run data imports using standard Dynamics data import capabilities.
- Upload local files and use import maps just like the UI data import wizard but via the command line.
- If you split your files before hand and upload in parallel, e.g. linux's parallel utilities, you can load 1M rec/hour.
- Export data
- Export entity datasets easily and quickly. CSV or json.
- Export metadata of various kinds.
- Token
- Export a single, new auth token.
- Continuously export a valid, refreshed token to a specific file.
See dynamics-client for details.
Ingredients for packaging up parts of a solution deployment are here so you can create your own scripted solution deployer by just creating a directory and a standard script.
You can use the general GraphClient
to connect and run processing against much
of the Microsoft app universe.
All work sponsored by The Trapelo Group.
MIT license. See the LICENSE file.
Copyright 2017 The Trapelo Group LLC.