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Pavel Novikov edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 18 revisions
  • 1.5.7

    • Assembly Regex (partial fix for .net framework 3.1.1 and upcoming versions)
  • 1.5.6

    • Support for .NET Core 3.1
  • 1.5.4

    • .NET Core 3.0 Support
    • Bugfixes
  • 1.5.3

    • fix bug #125
    • fix bug #119
    • fix bug #114
  • 1.5.2

    • Documentation lookup bugfixes
    • Visitor overrides
  • 1.5.1

    • MacOS/Linux fixes
  • 1.5

    • Reference Processor feature
    • Exported members reordering functionality
    • [ThirdParty] attribute and fluent configuration
    • Fluent configuration refactoring
    • Constructors generation feature
    • ForceNullable behavior revised
    • Lots of bugfixes
    • .NET Core 2.2 support
    • CLI/task/bootstrapper fixes
    • RtForceTargetFramework parameter added
  • 1.4.97

    • MSBuild behavior fixes
  • 1.4.96

    • .NET Core 2.2 support
    • Moved builds to Cake
    • #92 Setting changes are not respected within Visual Studio until restart - fixed
    • For better flexibility added RtForceTargetFramework configuration setting
  • 1.4.94

    • Enum string initializers
    • .NET Core 2.1 bugfix
  • 1.4.8

    • Major refactoring (blueprints)
    • Improved performance little bit
    • Improved hierarchy flattening
  • 1.4.7

    • Hierarchy flattening fix
    • Automatic constant properties
    • Property initializer evaluators
    • Generic substitutions
  • 1.4.6

    • FQN bug fix (reported by @vmandic)
    • correct ReflectionTypeLoadException handling
  • 1.4.5

    • Assembly signed
  • 1.4.4

  • 1.4.2

    • Additional assemblies resolvation fix
    • Explicitly overriden names are no more subjects of casing change
  • 1.4.1

    • Fixed conflicts between [TsProperty/Function/Value] and corresponding fluent configuration
  • 1.4.0

    • .NET Core support. .NET Standard >= 1.5 is also supported now
    • TargetInvokationException during build is now being revealed to InnerException
    • (internal) profiles instead of rtcli parmeters
  • 1.3.7 Features:

    • Inline type inferers
    • ForceNullable can also be used to disable property nullability
    • Const enums
    • References resolution error fix
    • .targets file was accidentally removed from package
    • Fixed pathes resolution error
    • Fixed large references error
    • ForceNullable now is nullable (can be disabled or enabled for some properties)
    • Added inline type inferers
    • .exe references checking
    • Documentation construction bugfix
    • Member field to fluent configurators
  • 1.3.0 Migration tips:


    • Modules support
    • Inline implementations
    • Substitutions
    • TS tuples
    • Types and members reordering
    • Global parameters
    • Improved generics support
    • Bugfixes
    • Updated documentation
    • Updated generators sample. Now documentation regarding using code generators is located in the corresponding example. Please refer to it to find out how to use code generators
  • 1.2.4

    • Stack overflow fix
  • 1.2.3

    • Generic type resolvation improvement
  • 1.2.2

    • Visual Studio-friendly warning and error messages
    • Extracting types information from .exe assemblies
    • Initialization expression for fields AST
    • Assembly signing
  • 1.1

    • Introduced AST instead of direct code writing
    • Warning! All previously written code generators should be rewritten!
    • Improved custom export
  • 1.0.9

    • Fluent export of multiple generic types fix
  • 1.0.8

    • Circular references bugfix
  • 1.0.7

    • Bugfixes
  • 1.0.6

    • Improved multiple files export
    • Fixed automatic references bugs
  • 1.0.5

    • Fluent configuration.
    • Added more XMLDOC documentation.
    • Ability to generate documentation from several sources (supported only with fluent configuration)
    • camelCase for selected type members
    • Minor bugfixes
  • 1.0.4

    • Fixed invalid handling of IncludeNamespace parameter
    • Fixed invalid interfaces extension
  • 1.0.3

    • Flexibility and usability fixes (adjusted defaults, added overloads)
  • 1.0.2

    • Automated documentation generation (disableable)
    • Constructors generation
    • Attribute for :base() call
    • Conditional disabling of TypeScript build via settings
    • Conditional disabling generation itself via settings
    • Automated pascal case for methods and properties (disableable)
    • Enumerations attribute fixed
    • Access modifiers during classes generation
    • Improved TypeResolver performance
    • Bug fixes
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