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ReSync - an OAI ResourceSync support library in Scala

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Repo contains a library to facilitate:

  • construction of ResourceSync-compliant XML documents and files from sets of resource descriptions
  • parsing of ResourceSync documents into sets of resource descriptions

It generally conforms to the '1.0' version of the ResourceSync Framework Specification. All of the mandatory data elements and attributes are provided, most all of the recommended are as well, and some of the optional ones. A Java 7 VM is required, but nearly any recent version of scala (2.11+) should work. If built from source, the Gradle build tool is required.


NB: this section is subject to frequent change, API is not locked down.

Creating ResourceSync Documents

The library is used to create the various ResourceSync artifacts, which are or contain XML documents based on the Sitemap specification. When using it, the user must specify where these documents should be created. This parameter, known as the document directory, is the location in a filesystem where these artifact files are written. The library makes the assumption that all relevant files are co-resident in this directory, or one of its sub-directories. For example, if a resource list file is created, the library will look for (or create if absent) a capability file in the same directory. Needless to say, generated files may be deployed to a variety of locations on a server without these locality constraints, since their relationships are ensured by URL links in the documents. The document directory will have a sub-directory for each 'resource set' declared, with the sub-directory name equal to the resource set name. If no resource sets are declared, then all files will exist at the directory root. The ResourceSync description file will always reside at the root.

Another widely used parameter is the base URL, which refers to the stem of all URLs constructed by the library. Typically, the library will construct URLs consisting of the base, followed by a resource set name (if present), followed by the capability name of the file, followed by an index (if needed). Thus:

has components: baseURL '', resource set name 'data1', capability name 'resourcelist', etc. Note that actual resource URLs (those itemized in lists, dumps, etc) need not bear any relation to these URLs, but in the sample resource iterator (FileIterator), the base URL and resource set name are in fact used.

Resource Iterators

To create ResourceSync documents, the library requires a user-supplied 'resource iterator' object that describes each resource in the set to be included in the list, dump, etc Users will typically write custom iterators of their own, but the library contains a simple iterator that describes files in a directory as resources. You can use this iterator - called the FileIterator - as an easy way to explore library functionality, or as a basis for implementing your own. We will use it in the examples below.

Thus, to create a simple resource list of the files in '/home/bob', using '' as our base URL, and placing the resulting ResourceSync XML files in the document directory '/public/resync', we would code:

val builder = ResyncBuilder("/public/resync/", "")
builder.list().resources(new FileIterator("/home/bob")).build()

This invocation would create 3 files in /public/resync, appropriately linked:


We could create a dump instead with:

builder.dump().resources(new FileIterator("/home/bob")).build()

Creating both at once is fine as well:

builder.list().dump().resources(new FileIterator("/home/bob")).build()

If a resource iterator is capable of giving us changes, then we can make change lists:

builder.changes().resources(new FileIterator("/home/bob")).build()

If one prefers the 'DSL' style of invocation:

val bobsFiles = FileIterator("/home/bob")
builder changes resources bobsFiles build

Other Iterators

The project will contain other resource iterators intended for specific software platforms. One example (which may be bundled into the library using a compile switch) is an iterator for DSpace repositories. With it, one can create ResourceSync documents and files for DSpace collections or entire repositories.

NB: the DSpace implementation is functional but incomplete.

Limits and Autoscaling

The library enforces certain limits (some recommended by the specification) on created artifacts, and transparently provides the mechanisms needed to scale beyond those limits.

Resource and Change Dump Packages

To ensure reasonable download times, the library restricts the maximum size of indvidual dump archive packages to approximately 50 Megabytes. It does not guarantee that an individual package will not exceed that limit, but rather will ensure that no resources will be added to a package of that size or greater. When this condition occurs, the library will create a sequence of numbered package files, and construct the resource or change dump XML file to enumerate them. Users of the library do not need to estimate resource size or configure the library to cope with the fragmentation.

Resource and Change Lists

Similarly, to conform to the recommendations of Sitemap community practice, the library will not construct resource or change lists with over 50,000 resources. When this limit is reached, the library will segment the resources accross multiple numbered lists and create a resource or change list index to enumerate them. Again, no configuration or action by users of the library is required.

Reading ResourceSync Documents

To read an XML Resource List file:

val resourceList = FileInputStream("resourcelist.xml"))


Since scala is a scripting language, you can use this library to script any ResourceSync operations, without having to compile or deploy any scala code (except, of course, any resource iterators you need to write). For example, suppose we want to (re)generate a resource list every week for the set of files in '/home/docs'. Simply create a text file (let's call it 'resync.scala') with the following content:


val builder = ResyncBuilder("/public/resync", "")
val resIter = FileIterator("/home/docs", "set1")
builder list resources resIter build

Then place this line in the weekly cron tab:

/bin/scala -cp /path/to/resync.jar resync.scala

You can add other resource sets, dumps, changelists, etc by amending the script.

Unimplemented Features, Future Work

The library does not currently implement:

  • Source Description Indexes
  • Capability List Indexes
  • Resource Dump Indexes
  • Change Dump Indexes


Scala ResourceSync Library






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