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Controlling the hand

Richard Schneider edited this page Apr 4, 2015 · 6 revisions

The rendering of a standard hand layout, <div class='hand> ... </div>, is controlled by the flow, spacing and the width parameters.

Parameter Description
flow Determines the direction of the cards (left to right or top to bottom). Either 'horizontal' or 'vertical`. The default is 'horizontal'.
spacing The percentage of the card that is shown. The default value is 0.2
width The pixel width of the card image. The height is automatically calculated to maintain the aspect ratio.
cards The cards to show. Can be either a space separated list of card names or an array of card names, e.g. 'AS KS' or ['AS', 'KS']


The parameters for a specific hand layout can be declared with the data-hand attribute

<div class='hand' data-hand='flow: horizontal; spacing: 0.2; width: 90; cards: AS,KS'>


The parameters for a specific hand layout are declared with the hand binding of the data-bind attribute. Parameter values can constant or a ko.observable.

<div class='hand' 
     data-bind='hand: {flow: "horizontal", spacing: 0.4, width: 90, cards: cards}'>
var model = {
  cards: ko.observable("AS KS"),
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