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A command-line utility that downloads file/files shared over a BitTorrent-network. The application joins a network of peers, and concurrently requests and saves little pieces of data from them.

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Write a Torrent Client in Go

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocol over the Internet, where a computer can join a swarm of other computers to exchange pieces of data between each other. Each computer that is connected to the network is called a Peer. And, each peer is connected to multiple peers at the same time, and thus downloading or uploading to multiple peers at the same time. Unlike normal downloads, a torrent download doesn't put any signoficant load on a single peer's bandwidth, so it's faster.

Data sharing over BitTorrent starts from a .torrent file. The file contains information about where to look for other peers, and how to assemble the file from the pieces (the file/files we need). A BitTorrent-Client is software that communicates to all the peers and manages downloads or uploads between between them.

One of the things that the .torrent file contains is, an address of a tracker. Think of it as a server that keeps track of all the clients that has the file you need, aka peers. A client can get information about other peers by sending something called a tracker-request to the tracker. Specificly, it gets each peer's ip-address and port from the tracker-response. And, once the client gets the peer addresses, it can download piece of data from them.

In this tutorial we are gonna write a BitTorrent-Client from scratch in Go. Our focus will be downloading files from the peers. We are not gonna focus on file sharing for now. By the end, you can download files via the BitTorrent-protocol from the command-line.

Reading the torrent file

To download stuff via BitTorrent you need a torrent-file first. The file contains information about the data that you wanna download, and where to find the tracker. For this tutorial we are gonna be using Ubuntu 19.04 Server (64-bit) torrent downloader. Although it's a large file its good for development purposes, mainly because it's a single file download and we can easily find of active seeders (peers that have the data you want). You can download it by clicking this, or by going here

The .torrent file contains Bencode encoded metadata for the torrent. Bencode is data serialization format. You can read more about it here -

If we decode the ubuntu-19.04-live-server-amd64.iso.torrent file that we have downloaded earlier, it's gonna look something like this,

   "announce": "",
   "announce-list": [
   "comment": "Ubuntu CD",
   "creation date": 1555564384,
   "info": {
      "length": 784334848,
      "name": "ubuntu-19.04-live-server-amd64.iso",
      "piece length": 524288,
      "pieces": "<hex>E2 0F 7E ...</hex>"

To decode the bencoded dictionary and represent it in JSON, I used -

If we look at the fields of decoded dictionary above, they are just key-value pairs describing some information about the torrent. Let's break down the contents of the .torrent file of a typical single-file torrent downloader, like the one we just downloaded.

  • announce - A URL string. It is called the announce-url of tracker. If we send a specific type of request to that URL, it will respond with data about other peers.

  • announce-list - [Optional] - This is a list of lists of URLs, and will contain a list of tiers of announces. If a client is compatible with the multitracker specification, it will ignore the announce property and only use the URLs in announce-list, if it's present.

  • info - A dictionary that describes the file that you want to download. In our single file torrent example the info dictionary contains the following fields,

    • length - An integer corresponding to length of the file that we want to download (single-file) in bytes.

    • name - Name of the file.

    • piece length - Length of each piece in bytes. More about the pieces here

    • pieces - A string consisting of the concatenation of 20-byte SHA1 hash values for all pieces.

    • md5sum - [Optional] - A 32-character hexadecimal string corresponding to the MD5 sum of the file.

For multi-file torrents the contents of info dictionary is a little different though.

  • info - ...

    • piece length - Just like single-file, an integer representing the length of each piece in bytes.

    • pieces - A string consisting of the concatenation of 20-byte SHA1 hash values for all pieces. Just like in the single-file.

    • name - The name of the directory in which to store all the files.

    • files - A list of dictionaries, one for each file. Each dictionary in this list contains the following fields.

      • length - Length of one file in bytes.
      • md5sum - MD5 sum of that file.
      • path - A list containing one or more string elements that together represent the path and filename.

There are some more optional fields in the bencoded dictionary. You can read about those here -

NOTE: To better understand pieces, go through this.

Getting Peers from Tracker

As mentioned earlier, to find all the other peers a client needs to send a request to something called a tracker. This is called a announce-request or tracker-request. The address of the tracker can be found in the announce property of the .torrent file.

In the .torrent file that we just downloaded, the announce URL happens to be You can say that the tracker uses HTTP (TCP) for communication from the http:// at the start of the URL. But that's not necessary. Some trackers communicate over UDP too, which is also an internet protocol, a little different from TCP though (TCP is what HTTP is build over). More about UDP here.

To get all the other peers, a client needs to send a HTTP GET-request to the announce URL with some unique identifier of the torrent & client in the URL-params (in the case of HTTP URLs). The implimentation of tracker-request over UDP is a little different though.

The required parameters for the request are the following...

  • info_hash: The 20 byte SHA1 hash of the bencode encoded form of the info value from the ./torrent file. Code for extracting info_hash is here.
  • peer_id: A 20 byte long unique string, to be used as the id for the download. A client needs to generate its own id at random at the start of a new download. There are certain rules to follow while generating a client's peer_id what we will discuss later. The code for generating peer_id is here.
  • ip: IP-address of the client machine. This is an optional parameter though, cause the tracker can always feigure out the IP-address from the request itself.
  • port: The port that the client is listening on for other peers to connect. The ports used for BitTorrent are typically 6881-6889.
  • uploaded: The total amount uploaded so far, encoded in base 10 ASCCI.
  • downloaded: The total amount downloaded so far, encoded in base 10 ASCCI.
  • left:: The number of bytes this peer still has to download, encoded in base 10 ASCCI.
  • event: Indicates one of these events - started, completed and stopped. For UDP requests there's pre-assigned numbers for the events, but more on that later
  • numwant: Maximum number of peers that a client wants the tracker send back in response.

There are some more optional parameters too. To learn more -

For TCP/HTTP tracker-request the data needs to be put as URL-encoded key-value pairs in query string. Once the tracker get's the request it writes back details about other peers on that connection.

For the trackers that uses UDP it's a little different though. First, a client needs to send a connection request to the tracker-url with some specific data and wait for the tracker to respond back with something called an connection ID. Then, the client again needs to send another request with the data mentioned above and the connection ID encoded in the packet. And finally, the tracker writes back the data about other peers to the client. In the case of UDP we need to take care of requesting data multiple times in different intervals to overcome network failures.

The implementation/details for both TCP/HTTP and UDP is here.

UDP: UDP (User Datagram Protocol), something something something. Small packets. Faster. No connection establishment. Network failure.

Pieces of Data

Once a client gets the peers, a client needs to request data from them. In BitTorrent, the whole data (full file/files) is divided into multiple pieces. The piece length property from ./torrent file (within info dictionary) represents the length (size) of each piece in bytes (equal for all pieces). For example, in our ubuntu-19.04-live-server-amd64.iso.torrent file, each piece length is 524288 bytes, and it has 784334848 / 524288 = 1496 pieces.

The pieces are uniquely identified among the peers by it's index. Before downloading, the peers will let us know which pieces they have and we can request only those pieces from that peer. To make the download efficient, we need to request different pieces from different peers. And, that's how torrent download is fatser than normal server-client file downloads.

While downloading pieces from the peers, we request pieces in chunks. Typically, each chunk happens to be 2^14 (16384) bytes in size. This is called a block.

NOTE: Though the length of all pieces is equal, the last piece might not be full. For example, Let's say the file is total 584600 bytes in size (approximately 571 kb). And let's also assume that each piece is going to be 86920 bytes in long (from the piece length). In that case, there will be 6 pieces. Each piece's size will be 86920 bytes. And the last piece will contain 584600 % 86920 = 63080 bytes of useful data.

Just like pieces, every block is 16384 bytes long but for the last one. In the case of blocks though, the length of the last block doesn't stay the same. Details here. In the example above, 16384 bytes for each block gives us 6 blocks for a piece. And, the last block's length becomes, 86920 % 16384 = 5000 bytes.

NOTE: The original BitTorrent specification uses the term "piece" when describing the peer protocol, but as a different term than "piece" in the ./torrent file. For that reason, the term "block" will be used in this tutorial to describe the little chunks of data that is exchanged between two peers.

Peer to Peer Communication

Once it gets the IP-address and Ports of other peers from tracker-request, a client needs to download pieces of data from them. Also, share pieces with other peers. This whole communication between peers typically operates over TCP, and clients need to follow a certain protocol (bittorrent peer protocol). Simply, one client establishes a TCP connection with another client (peer), and sends different messages back and forth to communicate and share data between each other.

Before we go any further talking about different messages, there are some terms that we need to be clear about. These typically indicates the state of a peer-connection.

  • Choked and Unchoked: Choked and Unchoked represents state of a remote peer. If a peer has choked a client, that means the client is not allowed to request pieces of data from that peer. And, unchoked means that the client can request data from that peer. After connecting to a new peer, the state (of that peer connection) is choked by default. When we recieve a unchoke-message from that peer, the state changes to unchoked. More on that here

  • Interested: Whether or not the remote peer is interested in something this client has to offer. This is a notification that the remote peer will begin requesting blocks (after the client unchokes them). In this tutorial we are not gonna foucs on sharing data though.


Once a TCP connection is established with a peer, a client can start sending and recieving message from it. The communication between the client and the remote peer starts by sending a specific type of message that contains an unique identifier of the torrent and the client (a peer-ID). And the peer also write's back a similar kind of message on that connection. This is called a Handshake, and the message is called a handshake-message. All the data sharing, request and other messeges are sent after the handshake.

The handshake-message consists of multiple values concatenated together is a specific order...

PSTR-Len + PSTR + ReservedBytes + InfoHash + PeerID

PSTR-Len - Int8 - Length of Protocol-String (1 byte long)
PSTR - Int32 - String identifier of the peer-protocol, more about that just below (variable length)
ReservedBytes - 8 reserved bytes. All current implementations use all zeroes (8 bytes long)
InfoHash - 20-byte SHA1 hash of the bencode encoded form of the info dictionary (20 bytes long)
PeerID - 20-byte string used as a unique ID for the client. Same as tracker-request (20 bytes long)

Peer-Protocol String (PSTR): In version 1.0 of the BitTorrent protocol, PSTR-Len = 19, and PSTR = "BitTorrent protocol".

The code for constructing the handshake message here


Typically message exchange between two peers happens after the handshake. A message is nothing but a stream of data sent from a peer to another, following a certain protocol. All the messages other than handshake-message, has very simillar structure. Every message has three parts - Length, ID, Payload. The structure of a message looks something like the following...

Length + ID + Payload

Length - Int32 - Length of the rest of the message data (4 bytes long)
ID - Int8 - Represents what message is it (1 byte long)
Payload - varies for different messages (Optional)

Here's a list of messages that are used in BitTorrent-Peer-Protocol...

  1. Choke: Choke message is recieved when a peer doesn't wanna share data with a client. This indicates a peer-connection to be switching to Choked state.
    Len=0001 + ID=0

  2. Unchoke: Unchoke message is recieved when a peer wants to share data with the client. Switches the peer-connection's state to Unchoked.
    Len=0001 + ID=1

  3. Interested: Interested message is sent to a peer, when a client is interested in downloading some data the peer has to offer.
    Len=0001 + ID=2

  4. Not-interested: Just opposite of interested-message. Sent when a client is not interested in downloading any data that the peer has to offer.
    Len=0001 + ID=3

  5. Have: This message lets a client know what pieces a peer has. The payload of the message is a Int32 specifying the zero-based piece index. Recieving this message from a peer means that the peer has the piece and the recieving client can download it. As mentioned earlier, pieces uniquely identified among the peers by it's index.
    Len=0005 + ID=4 + Piece-Index

  6. Bitfield: The Bitfield message is another way to let a client know what pieces a peer has to offer, but all at once. It does it by sending a string of bits, one for each piece of the whole data. The index of the each bit represents the piece-index. If value of a bit is 1 then the piece is present (piece at that index), else if 0 then the piece is absent. Code for decoding the Bitfield message is here
    Len=(0001+X) + ID=5 + Bitfield (where, X = Length of the Bitfield)

  7. Request: Request-message is used to request pieces of data from a peer. To be exact the request-message requests a chunk of a piece, A.K.A. a block. The payload for request-message contains the piece-index (Int32), the offset where the block/chunk starts (Int32) and length of the requested block (Int32). Code for constructing request-message is here
    Len=0013 + ID=6 + Piece-Index + Begin + Length

  8. Piece: Piece-message is used to share pieces of data among peers. The message contains a piece of actual data that has been requested from a peer. The payload conststs of piece-index (Int32), byte offset of the block within the piece, and the block of data. Code for reading from piece-message is here
    Len=(0009+X) + ID=7 + Piece-Index + Begin + Block (where, X = Length of the Block)

  9. Cancel: Cancel-message used to cancel block requests. Len=0013 + ID=8 + Piece-Index + Begin + Length

  10. Keep-alive: Peers may close a connection if they receive no messages for a certain period of time. So a keep-alive message must be sent to maintain the connection alive if no command have been sent for a given amount of time (generally 2 minutes). Unlike other messages, there's no payload or ID for this message, it's just a Int32 specifying the length (which is 0).

Message Flow

Typically messaging between a client that wants to download data and a remote peer goes something like this...

1. The client sends a handshake message to a peer
2. The client recieves a handshake message from that peer
3. The client recieves multipe have-messages or a bitfield-message, or both
4. The client recieves an unchoke message from the peer
5. The client starts requesting pieces one by one from the peer, by sending request-messages (goes on for multiple pieces)
6. The client waits for piece messages from the peer and saves the pieces of data (goes on for multiple pieces)

Messaging usually takes place with multiple peers at the same time, to make the download efficient. The client needs to feigure out what to request from which peer. The client need to take factors like what pieces a peer has and even distribution of requests among peers into consideration. The algorithm for requesting pieces from peers is here

Constructing Files from Pieces



More to be added...


Torrent Client


A command-line utility that downloads file/files shared over a BitTorrent-network. The application joins a network of peers, and concurrently requests and saves little pieces of data from them.






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