A tiny JIT Interpreter of Objective-C, dynamically run your code like eval()
- Run Objective-C code dynamically.
- Support iOS & OS X.
- Written by Objective-C.
- Driven By Unit Tests.
- Support part of Low-level APIs like block and C funtion.
//Example 1
NSString *inputStr = @"return 1 + 3 <= 4 && [NSString string] != nil;";
NSNumber *result = [OCEval eval:inputStr];
NSAssert([result boolValue] == YES, nil);
//Example 2
NSString *inputStr = @"{NSArray *content = @[@6,@7,@8,@9,@1,@2,@3,@4];\
NSComparisonResult (^comparison)(id obj1, id obj2) = ^NSComparisonResult(id _Nonnull obj1, id _Nonnull obj2) {\
return [obj1 doubleValue] > [obj2 doubleValue];\
content = [content sortedArrayUsingComparator:comparison];\
return content;\
NSArray *result = [OCEval eval:inputStr];
NSAssert([result[6] intValue] == 8, nil);
//new implementation code,just call originalInvocation
NSString *viewDidLoad2 = @"{\
[originalInvocation invoke];\
[OCEval hookClass:@"ViewController"
Theoretically we could make a whole application written by Objective-C and deliver it through the network. You could read the iOS demo for details.
pod 'OCEval'
- if..else..,do..while..
- for..in,for
- @() @[] @{}
- array[0] or dic[@""]
- block
- call C external function
- mac application
- i++,++i,i+=1
- if(a){} : means if(a == nil){}
- C struct: including CGRect,CGPoint,CGSize,NSRange etc.
- [super doSth]
- call C inline function
- macro like #define xx or typedef: use original value instead.
- ((YES)&&(NO)) : use
(YES && NO)
instead - [stringformat:@"%d",aInt] : use
[stringformat:@"%@",[NSNumber numberWithInt:aInt]]
instead - ?: : use
if else
instead - _propertyName : use
instead - if (!a): use
if(a == nil)
An app submission to Appstore including this framework will likely be rejected.
- libffi
- Aspect