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Chintan Desai edited this page Jun 28, 2022 · 10 revisions


RPLIDAR is a low cost 2D LIDAR solution developed by RoboPeak Team, SlamTec company. It can scan 360° environment within 6meter radius. The output of RPLIDAR is very suitable to build map, do slam, or build 3D model.

You can know more information aboud rplidar from SlamTec HomePage(

How to build rplidar ros package

    1. Clone this project to your catkin's workspace src folder
    1. Running catkin_make to build rplidarNode and rplidarNodeClient

How to run rplidar ros package

Check the authority of rplidar's serial-port :

ls -l /dev |grep ttyUSB

Add the authority of write: (such as /dev/ttyUSB0)

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0

There're two ways to run rplidar ros package

I. Run rplidar node and view in the rviz

roslaunch rplidar_ros view_rplidar.launch

You should see rplidar's scan result in the rviz.

II. Run rplidar node and view using test application

roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch

rosrun rplidar_ros rplidarNodeClient

You should see rplidar's scan result in the console

How to remap the USB serial port name

Maybe you should change the usb device port mode with the authority of read and write, more than make the port remap to an fixed name. install USB port remap: ./scripts/

chack the remap using following command: ls -l /dev | grep ttyUSB usb_port_remap

Once you have change the USB port remap, you can change the launch file about the serial_port value.
<param name="serial_port" type="string" value="/dev/rplidar"/>

RPLidar frame

RPLidar frame must be broadcasted according to picture shown in rplidar-frame.png

How to install rplidar to your robot

rplidar rotates in clockwise direction. The first range comes from the front (the tail with the line).

you can install rplidar A2 in your robot like this. rplidar_a2_install_robot

you can install rplidar A1 in your robot like this. rplidar_a1_install_robot