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How to Use This Guide

Hello! Congratulations, you're taking one of the first steps to becoming an expert on the GEM DAQ Electronics. For you to get the most out of this guide there's a couple of things that we should discuss first. The first is how this guide should be used. It's broken down into several sections, each section focuses on a specific topic:


Test Stand Ettiquette

It's important to realize we are all sharing a set of common equipment and are working toward a common goal. Furthermore you and your coworkers are at various skill levels and possess different degrees of familiarity with the hardware and the software. This brings us to the first important point:

  • Leave the test stand how you found it.

This specifically refers to the:

  1. Test stand infrastructure (e.g. fiber patch panels, power supplies, DAQ computer, etc...), and
  2. State of software (e.g. rpcmodules) and firmware of backend electronics.

It can be expected that you would need to configure the front-end electronics for whatever test/developpment you are working on. But the back-end electronics should always be left in a useable state for the next user (i.e. how you found them).

Moreover if you are not on the list of approved individuals who can modify the hardware/stand infrastructure you should not (if you are wondering if you are on this list it means you are not).

Failure to follow these rules makes more work for the expert team, sysadmin/test stand responsible. Failure to conform repeatedly will result in loss of access to the test stand.

Once you realize this you should:

  1. Determing the right test stand to use,
  2. Request time on a test stand, and
  3. Use the appropriate e-log to log all activities.


Available Test Stands & Their Uses

The following 904 test stands exist.

Stand Location Purpose
Coffin Integration Side of 904 General purpose debugging station. Supports P5 operation, general software development, firmware testing, and trigger development. Only place combined ME1/1+GE1/1 runs can be taken.
V3 Electronics R&D GEM 904 Lab Dedicated to testing sustained operation of GE1/1 detectors.
QC8 GEM 904 Lab Production test stand for GE1/1 qualification.

Unless you are involved in, or performing a test for, the sustained operations group or QC8 for GE1/1 qualification you should default to using the "Coffin" setup.


Test Stand Infrastructure

Mainframes, fiber patch panels, uTCA crate numbers & names, AMC's, etc...

Electronic Logbook

For each of the test stands described under the Available Test Stands & Their Uses section a corresponding electronic logbook exists; as shown in the table below:

Stand E-Log
"Coffin" 904 Integration
V3 Electronics R&D V3 Electronics Testing
QC8 Cosmic Stand

When using a test stand you should:

  1. Open an elog once you start using the stand,
  2. Show commands executed, and when relevant their outputs,
  3. Summarize the actions taken and the result(s)/problem(s) encountered, and
  4. State when you are finished using the stand


Requesting Time on GEM Test Stands

Each stand has it's own requisition page on SuperSAAS to manage testing and ensure we do not collide with other users. To see the available test stands and to request time on nagivate to:

If you need time on a particular setup you need to understand what hardware you will be using. Will this be just the front-end(s) on a given link? In this case you'll need time on the AMC in question. Will testing involved the front-end being triggered from a trigger source coming from AMC13? Then you'll need time on the uTCA crate in question.

Before trying to modify the above schedules you'll need to first ask for the GEM 904 Shared User Password on SuperSAAS to use the scheduling tools. To do this ask in the System Setup channel of the GEM DAQ Mattermost Team. When scheduling you need to provide an:

  • Your name
  • Your email
  • Estimated time your test will take (starting & ending time),
  • Phone number you are reachable at while using the test stand, and
  • Description of your test.

Your request will be submitted and then approved. Note you may only use the stand once the request has been approved. Once your request has been approved and you start using the stand you still are require to make an elog entry documenting the actiosn you have taken, their outcome, and relevant commands, etc...


Back-end Electronics


The AMC13 provides clock, timing and DAQ service to the GEM uTCA crate either from the the TCDS system (at P5) or in local loopback mode (at a test stand).

Using AMC13Tool2.exe

The AMC13 can be configured by hand using the AMC13Tool2.exe. To use this tool execute:

AMC13Tool2.exe -i gem.shelfXX.amc13 -c $GEM_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH/connections.xml

Here XX is the uTCA shelf number (e.g. XX = 01 for most setups), note this is always represented with two digits even if the shelf number is less than 10. This provides a command line interface for reading/writing registers of the AMC13 and querying the status of the systme. An example successful output of the above command looks like:

AMC13Tool2.exe -i gem.shelf01.amc13 -c $GEM_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH/connections.xml
Address table path "/opt/cactus/etc/amc13/" set from AMC13_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH
Using .xml connection file...
Using AMC13 software ver:50470
Read firmware versions 0x2257 0x2e
flavor = 2  features = 0x000000b2

You can see all available commands inside the AMC13Tool2.exe by executing help command inside the tool.

Some useful commands are:


Enabling Clock to an AMC Slot

To enable

AMC13Tool2.exe -i gem.shelfXX.amc13 -c $GEM_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH/connections.xml
en <slots> t

Here XX is the uTCA shelf number (e.g. XX = 01 for most setups), note this is always represented with two digits even if the shelf number is less than 10. The second command ensures all slots have a clock. The third command will enable the slots of interest and place the AMC13 in loop back mode (drop the t for P5 operation). Here <slots> is a comma and dash separated list, e.g. en 2-5,7 t will enable slots 2 through 5 and slot 7.


Checking Status of a Given Crate

To check the status of a particular AMC13 enter the AMC13Tool2.exe and execute one of four options:

  • st displays the generic status menu
  • st 2 as st but shows additional information about enabled AMC slots,
  • st 3 as st 2 but also shows clock frequency information and FPGA voltage and temperature
  • st 99 shows all status information (large text dump)


Dumping Current Register Information

In some cases you might need to make a dump of all information on the AMC13 (e.g. to see hardware configuration after a particular problem has occurred). To do this execute:


This will dump the current configuration to a text file and in the terminal output the filepath will be printed.


Updating FW

Have your test stand sysadmin execute the following procedure:

  1. Get the latest file from the AMC13 FW Page,
  2. Program the flash of the virtex (kintex) FPGA with the pv (pk) command,
  3. Verify the flash of the virtex (kintex) FPGA with the vv (vk) command; if the verification is not successful do not continue, repeat step 2 unitl step 3 succeeds,
  4. Reconfigure the FPGA's following instructions under Reloading FW.

Note if you execute step 4 without step 3 succeeding you could brick the board and by extension the uTCA crate. An example of a successful firmware upgrade can be found in this elog entry.


Reloading FW

To reload the FW in the AMC13 enter the AMC13Tool2.exe tool and execute reconfigureFPGAs. Note this will cause the card to be non-responsive for a small amount of time. Additionally it will necessasitate a reload of FW of everything downlink of the AMC13 (e.g. any CTP7's in the uTCA crate, any OH's on those CTP7s, reconfiguring any VFATs on those CTP7's, etc...). This action should typically note be done except in the most dire of circumstances (e.g. when any and all other troubleshooting actions have been attempted, and failed). This will then require the user to re-enable the clock to all AMC slots of interest in a crate following instructions under Enabling Clock to an AMC Slot.



The Calorimeter Trigger Processor 7, or CTP7 for short, is a micro TCA AMC used by several subsystems of CMS. In the GEM project it is the present back-end AMC for GE1/1. It is responsible for slow control (register read/write), tracking data readout, and event building. In GE1/1 case it controls up to 12 optohybrids (but the FW version your card is using may be compiled for less optohybrids).

The CTP7 runs a special 32-bit version of linux located on a 32GB flash SD card inserted on the AMC. This is run by a 32-bit processor called a Zynq processor and features extremely fast register access to the Virtex 7 FPGA. The linux OS is loaded from an image on the card at each boot/reboot and only those files found under:


Are stored after each boot.

An important caveat is that the root password of the CTP7 is the same on all CTP7's. So if you are a sysadmin of a given test stand do not share this with general users as this will enable them to have root privileges on any test stand (including P5) which would be extremely frowned upon.

Most actions do not ever require you to login to the linux image of the CTP7 and they are performed almost 100% from the DAQ PC itself. However, some actions do require you to login to the linux image of a CTP7. To do this execute, from the test stand DAQ machine, the following:

ssh gemuser@eagleXX

Where eagleXX is the network alias of the CTP7 of interest, e.g. eagle64.

On the CTP7 there will be two important directories:


The gemdaq subdirectory is described below and the rpcmodules subdirectory is described in RPC Modules and the LMDB. The gemdaq subdirectory looks like:

$ ll
drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root          4096 Aug 10 12:44 address_table.mdb
drwxr-sr-x    5 gemuser  1001          4096 Jun  1  2017 apps
drwxr-xr-x    2 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:45 bin
drwxr-xr-x    2 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:45 fw
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          4096 Aug 10 09:24 gbt
drwxrwxr-x    2 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:45 gemloader
drwxr-xr-x    2 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:45 lib
drwxr-xr-x    2 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:41 oh_fw
drwxr-xr-x    3 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:45 python
drwxr-xr-x    3 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:41 scripts
drwxrwxrwx    2 51446    1399         12288 Aug 21 14:01 vfat3
drwxr-xr-x    2 51446    1399          4096 Aug  8 15:46 xml

The Lightning in Memory Database (LMDB) will be found under address_table.mdb folder along with a lock file to prevent simultaneous access. Note the address_table.mdb folder and it's contents must have read/write permissions to everyone or else LMDB related actions will fail. The CTP7 firmware will be found under fw folder and a set of symlinks will be specified there, for example:

$ ll fw   
lrwxrwxrwx    1 51446    1399            23 Aug  8 15:45 gem_ctp7.bit -> gem_ctp7_v3_5_3_4oh.bit
-rw-r--r--    1 51446    1399      28734919 Aug  3 17:37 gem_ctp7_v3_5_3_4oh.bit

The GBTx configuration files for programming over the fiber link will be found under the gbt folder and in relevant subfolders:

$ ll gbt         
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Aug 10 09:24 OHv3a
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Aug 10 09:24 OHv3b
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Aug 10 14:31 OHv3c

Configuring the gemloader for BLASTER(tm) configuration method is possible with the script which is found under the gemloader subdirectory. The gemloader itself is a system installed executable, e.g.:

$ which gemloader

The lib folder has a set of shared object libraries installed that are necessary for atomic transactions and logging. The optohybrid firmware will be found under oh_fw and a set of symlinks will be specified there, for example:

$ ll oh_fw/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 51446    1399            22 Aug  8 15:41 optohybrid_top.bit -> optohybrid_3.1.2.B.bit
lrwxrwxrwx    1 51446    1399            22 Aug  8 15:41 optohybrid_top.mcs -> optohybrid_3.1.2.B.mcs
-rwxr-xr-x    1 gemuser  1001       5465091 Jun  1  2017 optohybrid_top_2.2.d.fb.bit
-rwxr-xr-x    1 gemuser  1001      15030033 Jun  1  2017 optohybrid_top_2.2.d.fb.mcs

The python folder contains several register interface scripts specifically the,, and scripts that can be used on the CTP7. Except for these scripts are typically used from the corresponding versions on the DAQ PC. The scripts directory has a series of scripts that are in the $PATH that enable actions like reloading the CTP7 firmware or starting ipbus (just to name a few examples). The vfat3 directory for the time being contains the per (ohN,vfatN) configuration file specifies registers per chip (e.g. here you would edit the CFG_IREF for the VFAT of interest). Within the vfat3 directory there will be a set of configuration files and symlinks that are given by the following pattern:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 gemuser  1001            53 Aug 10 15:27 config_OHX_VFATY.txt -> /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/vfat3/config_OHX_VFATY_cal.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 gemuser  1001          1267 Aug 10 15:27 config_OHX_VFATY_cal.txt

The symlink is what is used by the configuration command to configure the vfat3 in (ohN,vfatN) = (X,Y) position; so this must always be a valid link. An example of how this file is expected to look can be found in the Configuration File on CTP7 section.

The address table xml files will be found under the xml folder and a set of symlinks will be specified there, for example:

$ ll xml/  
-rw-r--r--    1 51446    1399      21149299 Aug  8 15:46 gem_amc_top.pickle
lrwxrwxrwx    1 51446    1399            18 Aug  8 15:45 gem_amc_top.xml -> gem_amc_v3_5_3.xml
-rw-r--r--    1 51446    1399        136064 Aug  8 15:45 gem_amc_v3_5_3.xml
-rw-r--r--    1 51446    1399        102472 Aug  8 15:41 oh_registers_3.1.2.B.xml
lrwxrwxrwx    1 51446    1399            24 Aug  8 15:41 optohybrid_registers.xml -> oh_registers_3.1.2.B.xml

Finally any action taken on a CTP7 should be recorded in full on the elog that corresponds to the system the card is on. See Electronic Logbook for details on which elog is of interest and how to make a proper elog.


CTP7 Filesystem Stuck as readonly?

More recent linux images of the CTP7 have placed the /mnt/persistent/ partition as readonly. To resolve this the test stand sysadmin should be contacted. The should edit:


To contain a single line that reads yes and nothing else. The next time the card boots the /mnt/persistent partition will be mounted as writeable.

If the system is running and cannot be rebooted (e.g. during data-taking) the following short cuts exist and can be executed by non-root users:

setpersistent rw # Sets partition writeable
setpersistent ro # Sets partition readonly

Some older versions of the linux image do not feature these commands, in this case the sysadmin of the test stand should mount the drives as rw via:

mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt/persistent
mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/image
mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/image-persist


Setting up a new CTP7

If the CMS GEM project has just received a new CTP7, or a new SD card has been placed in an CTP7 already in our possession, you will need to setup the linux partition on the card. For this have the test stand sysadmin execute from the test stand's DAQ PC:

  1. Setup xhal tag 3.2.2 following instructions here,
  2. Checkout the gemctp7user repository:
git clone
  1. Checkout the ctp7_modules repository and compile the shared object libraries following instructions under ctp7_modules,
  2. Execute the sxcript from the gemctp7user repo:
cd $BUILD_HOME/gemctp7user
./ -o X.Y.Z.Q -c A.B.C -l 4 -x 3.2.2 -a gemuser -u eagleVV

This will palce optohybrid firmware version X.Y.Z.Q, CTP7 firmware version A.B.C, xhal tag 3.2.2, setup the gemuser account, transfer all binaries/bit files/xml's/etc... to the approrpriate locations.

You may find that rpcsvc may not be running at the time that the script tries to update the LMDB. This will cause the automatic update of the LMDB to fail. This is okay, you can just do it manually following instructions with legacy (not program:

python $XHAL_ROOT/python/reg_interface/ -n ${ctp7host} -e update_lmdb /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/xml/gem_amc_top.xml

Note the instructions shown in this section reflect the "pre-packing" instructions


Updating the Linux Image on a CTP7

If you are not the sysadmin of this test stand you should not be executing this procedure. If you are the sysadmin execute:

  1. Login as root (this logs in at /home/root which is not on the /mnt partition),
  2. As root execute /sbin/reboot to make sure there are no running processes or other active sessions (this would prevent a linux update),
  3. As root login again and mount the drives as rw:
mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt/persistent
mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/image
mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/image-persist
  1. Place the linux image in the root $HOME directory (so that it is not on the /mnt partition),
  2. As root execute image-update linuxImageFile.img, an example successful output is shown as:
root@eagle26:~# image-update LinuxImage-CTP7-GENERIC-20180529T153916-0500-4935611.img 
Ensuring /mnt/persistent is writeable.
*** Extracting Image ***

*** Verifying Signature ***
Verified OK

*** Extracting Image Contents ***

*** Running Installation Script ***

Installing Image: CTP7-GENERIC-20180529T153916-0500-4935611
Mounting image filesystem read-write
Copying boot image
Mounting image filesystem read-only
Mounting image-persist filesystem read-write
Installing stage tarball
Installing documentation

Update complete!

Broadcast message from root@eagle26 (pts/0) (Thu Aug  9 08:31:00 2018):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
  1. Finally, login again (as any user) and check that the build_id reflects the new image, for the above example it would have printed:
eagle26:~$ cat /mnt/image-persist/build_id 


The rpcsvc Service

Many actions on the card requie the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service to be running and owned by the gemuser account. This service is run as a system process called rpcsvc. To check if this process is running login to the CTP7's linux image an execute:

eagleXX:~$ ps | grep rpcsvc

Example output should look like:

eagle60:~$ ps | grep rpcsvc
10994 gemuser   4040 S    rpcsvc
14004 gemuser   2796 S    grep rpcsvc

If you only see a line that says grep rpcsvc then the rpcsvc service is not running. Additionally if you see that rpcsvc is running but it is not owned by the gemuser account then it will be configured with the wrong library and must be killed (either by the sysadmin using the root account or from a $USER of the other account). Note you might find that multiple lines are returned which show multiple rpcsvc services. If these are all owned by gemuser then this just indicates that the rpcsvc service is running and that one or more open rpc connections exist between the card and the DAQ PC.

Sometimes you may need to restart the rpcsvc (typically after updating the rpcmodules on the card), to do this execute:

killall rpcsvc && rpcsvc


RPC Modules and the LMDB

When a command to interface with the front-end hardware is sent from the DAQ machine this typically uses either the micro hardware access library (uhal) built on top of ipbus or the cross hardware access library (xhal) built on top of rpcsvc (and using TCP/IP communication). An RPC message is sent to the CTP7 and the Zynq processor on the CTP7 will load a function that is defined in a shared object library (*.so) file under /mnt/persistent/rpcmodules. These shared object libraries are referred to as rpcmodules. For more detailes please see the README of the ctp7_mopdules repository.

On a production machine these will be the following set (although more may be present in the future):

$ ll /mnt/persistent/rpcmodules/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root        49093 Oct  9 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root       140180 Oct  9 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root        95769 Oct  9 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root        13917 Oct  9 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        102207 Sep 13  2017
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        122365 Sep 13  2017
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root       102929 Oct  9 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        108849 Sep 13  2017
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root        97422 Oct  9 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root    root        84989 Oct  9 16:48

While on a development system these will be a set of symlinks that point to a user editable area, for example eagle64:

$ ll /mnt/persistent/rpcmodules/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            47 Oct  1 12:15 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            64 Oct  1 12:15 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            55 Oct  3 12:09 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            50 Oct  1 12:15 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        102207 Sep 13  2017
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        611328 Jun 27 09:07 modules.tar
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        122365 Sep 13  2017
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            54 Oct  1 12:16 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        108849 Sep 13  2017
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Oct  1 12:16 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Oct  1 12:16 -> /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/

With the user editable area being /mnt/persistent/gemuser/rpcmoduleTesting/.

The LMDB is a database that the rpcmodules query when functions are launched on the CTP7. The rpcmodules are segmented into what are referred to as local or remote/non-local modules. The local version has someStringLocal() always in it's function name and is only ever executed from the CTP7. The non-local module receives the RPC Message from the host DAQ PC, calls the corresponding local function(s) and returns and RPC response to the host machine. Note that no terminal output appears on the host machine during the execution of either the local or non-local rpcmodules. Instead the developer will have configured the functions to log actions on the CTP7's log file which is available on the CTP7 at:


Note that this file is not found under the /mnt/persistent partition and is re-written everytime the card reboots. To ensure log information is not lost the DAQ PC is configured to have a version of this file found under:


Where eagleXX is the network alias of the CTP7 (e.g. eagle64). This file is written to disk on the DAQ PC and will persist through crashes/reboots of the CTP7 (so no information will be lost). You can see the most recent information found in the log file via:

tail -25 /var/log/messages

This will display the last 25 lines in the log file on the CTP7 (executed as gemuser on the CTP7). Use the tail command similarly to view the log on the DAQ PC.


Restarting syslogd

In some weird cases syslogd will not be running after the CTP7 boots. This will cause the log file:


To not be created or written to. To resolve this ask your sysadmin to execute:

/sbin/syslogd -R -L -s 1024 -b 8

And they should see the process running, e.g.

root@eagle63:~# ps l | grep syslog
S     0  9161     1  2792    64 0:0   13:31 00:00:00 /sbin/syslogd -R -L -s 1024 -b 8
S     0  9163  9146  2796   288 pts4  13:32 00:00:00 grep syslog



The tool is a command line interface which allows you to perform several actions on GEM hardware:

  1. Atomic transactions (register read/write),
  2. Getting information about a register, and
  3. LMDB on the CTP7

The first two actions will typically be performed by any user, whereas the third action should only be performed by the sysadmin of the test stand in question.

To get started you should first connect to the CTP7 of interest:
Open pickled address table if available  /opt/cmsgemos/etc/maps/amc_address_table_top.pickle...
Starting CTP7 Register Command Line Interface. Please connect to CTP7 using connect <hostname> command unless you use it directly at the CTP7
CTP7 > connect eagleXX
eagleXX > 

You will now have opened an rpc connection to the CTP7 whose network alias is eagleXX. Note that the rpcsvc service must be running on the CTP7 and owned by the gemuser account (not the texas account). If rpcsvc is not running or it is running and owned by the texas account you may find the connection fails.

You can see available commands by looking at the help menu. This is viewable by calling help. Some of the most useful commands are:

  • connect opens an RPC connection to a CTP7,
  • doc prints additional information about a command (e.g. doc <full node name>),
  • exit exits the interface (or press Ctrl+D),
  • help prints the help menu or help <cmd> the command specific help menu,
  • kw reads all node names containing a substring,
  • read reads a given node name,
  • readAddress reads a given address and displays the corresponding node,
  • rwc reads a string segmented by the wildcard character *, and
  • write writes a value to a node name.

Here a node is a particular point in the xml address table, nodes typicall go as string1.string2.string3 and so on. Here string2 is the parent node of string3 and the daughter node of string1.

Note while running while issuing a KeyboardInterrupt (i.e. pressing Ctrl+C) this will not terminate but it will kill the rpc connection, a new connection must be opened with the connect command afterward.


Getting Info About a Register

To get the documentation for a given register you need to call doc on the full node name, for example:

eagle26 > doc GEM_AMC.OH.OH2.GEB.VFAT23.CFG_RUN
Description: SLEEP/RUN mode (0 = SLEEP, 1 = RUN)
Address: 0x0052bb00
Permission: rw
Mask: 0x00000001
Module: False

Here the above are:

  • Description is the register documentation,
  • Address is the register address in the CTP7 address space,
  • Permissions indicate read-only (r), write-only (w), or both read & write (rw),
  • Mask indicates the register mask, all registers in the CTP7 address space are 32-bit registers and registers may be shared by multiple nodes. This indicates the bits of the given Address that this node occupies,
  • Parent the parent node.

Note that if you write to a given address (e.g. as in an rpc module) without using the node name you need to carefull apply the mask or you risk changing the value of other nodes which share the same 32-bit register.


Updating the LMDB

This action should only ever be taken by the sysadmin of the test stand.

Whenever the FW of either the CTP7 or the OH changes such that a new xml address table is generated (e.g. new node names are added, new addresses are added, or existing nodes (addresses) have their addresses (nodes) altered, FW is compiled for more optohybrids) then the LMDB must be updated. If the FW update does not include changes to the xml address table then this action does not need to be taken). To update the LMDB launch from the DAQ PC and after connecting execute:

update_lmdb /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/xml/gem_amc_top.xml

If an error was reported when trying to update the lmdb than it has failed and you must investigate the problem, solve it, and then update the lmdb again. Note even though this references gem_amc_top.xml and not optohybrid_registers.xml it will update the OH registers in the LMDB due to how the software functions.


Reprogramming a CTP7

All v3 electronics systems use AMC firmware version 3.X.Y or higher while legacy v2b systems uses firmware versions strictly from the 1.A.B series.

Only Reload FW

v2b Hardware

The v2b hardware is considered end-of-life and legacy system. Little to no support is available for this hardware. If your CTP7 is connected to a v2b hardware then you'll need to use:

It is critical to ensure that all GTH Status values (0 through 35) return 0x7. If 0x6 is returned then you'll need to call again. If any other value is returned (e.g. 0x0) the CTP7 may not be receiving a clock from the AMC13 and you'll need to check that the AMC13 is configured correctly, see instructions under Enabling Clock to an AMC Slot


v3 Hardware

The v3 hardware requires a different polarity of come of the CXP's on the CTP7, in this case one should call on the CTP7:

As in the v2b case it is critical to ensure that all GTH Status values (0 through 35) return 0x7. If 0x6 is returned then you'll need to call again. If any other value is returned (e.g. 0x0) the CTP7 may not be receiving a clock from the AMC13 and you'll need to check that the AMC13 is configured correctly, see instructions under Enabling Clock to an AMC Slot


Full Recovery:

If you need to perform a full recovery (e.g. after a reboot of the CTP7 or a power cut) simply execute:

This will be a symlink to either or in the /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/scripts directory and will have been correctly set by your test stand's sysadmin. This will:

  • Reload the FW,
  • start ipbus,
  • start rpcsvc,
  • place the OH FW into the CTP7 RAM for PROM-less (e.g. BLASTER(tm) programming), and
  • disable forwarding of TTC resets to the front-end.

Again, it is critical to ensure that all GTH Status values (0 through 35) return 0x7. If 0x6 is returned then you'll need to call ( if you are working with v3 (v2b) electronics. If any other value is returned (e.g. 0x0) the CTP7 may not be receiving a clock from the AMC13 and you'll need to check that the AMC13 is configured correctly, see instructions under Enabling Clock to an AMC Slot. Sometimes this will not enable rpcsvc or ipbus correctly. After calling it is important to check if rpcsvc and ipbus are running on the card.

An example of a successful recovery is illustrated in this elog entry.

Note that if you are calling this after the card has been rebooted or power cycled you should ensure the texas account is not the owner of the rpcsvc service. You might have to login as the texas account and issue killall rpcsvc then logout and login under the gemuser account to issue the recover command.


To Update OH FW on CTP7

The following requires knowledge of the root password of the CTP7. If you do not know the root password you should not be executing this procedure. Please call the sysadmin of your test stand and ask to have this done for you.

  1. Begin by creating an elog entry in the relevant elog explaining what you are about to do (e.g. for 904 "Coffin" Integration stand use the "904 Integration" elog, for QC8/V3 Electronics R&D use the DAQ Station Elog under Quality Control, for P5 use Slice Test.)
  2. Login to the DAQ machine of interest (i.e. gem904qc8daq or gem904daq01)
  3. Navigate to the Release Page of the OptohybridV3 FW Repo
  4. Select the release you are interested in, they are labeled as 3.X.Y.{A|B|C} (note OHv3a and OHv3b can use the same firmware, but OHv3c uses different FW, the changes are largely in default FW values).
  5. Navigate to the firmware directory on the 904 NAS for OH FW: cd /data/bigdisk/GEMDAQ_Documentation/system/firmware/files/OptoHybrid/V3/OHv3{a|b|c}_firmware.
  6. Download the OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.tar.gz file from the release to the NAS area on 904, do this via: wget{A|B|C}/OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.tar.gz
  7. Unpack the archive by executing: tar -zxf OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.tar.gz, this will create a subfolder OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.
  8. Navigate to this subfolder: cd OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.
  9. Upload the *.bit file to the CTP7: scp OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.bit root@eagleXX:/mnt/persistent/gemdaq/oh_fw where XX is the serial number of the CTP7.
  10. Upload the *.mcs file to the CTP7: scp OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.mcs root@eagleXX:/mnt/persistent/gemdaq/oh_fw where XX is the serial number of the CTP7.
  11. Upload the the xml address table to the CTP7: scp oh_registers_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.xml root@eagleXX:/mnt/persistent/gemdaq/xml
  12. Login to the CTP7 of interest: ssh gemuser@eagleXX
  13. Become root: su root
  14. Navigate to the OH FW directory on the CTP7: cd /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/oh_fw
  15. Update the *.bit file symlink: ln -sf OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.bit optohybrid_top.bit
  16. Update the *.mcs file symlink: ln -sf OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.mcs optohybrid_top.mcs
  17. Navigate to the xml address table directory on the CTP7: cd /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/xml
  18. Update the optohybrid registers xml symlink: ln -sf oh_registers_3.X.Y.xml optohybrid_registers.xml
  19. Make sure the symlinks you created on the CTP7 in steps 14, 15 & 17 are valid,
  20. On the DAQ machine navigate to the $GEM_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH (e.g. execute cd /opt/cmsgemos/etc/maps),
  21. Now update the optohybrid registers xml symlink: ln -sf /data/bigdisk/GEMDAQ_Documentation/system/firmware/files/OptoHybrid/V3/OHv3b_firmware/OH_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}/oh_registers_3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.xml optohybrid_registers.xml
  22. Make sure the symlink you created in step 20 is valid
  23. On the daq machine delete the pickle file found under $GEM_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH (e.g. execute rm /opt/cmsgemos/etc/maps/amc_address_table_top.pickle).
  24. Create a new pickle file on the DAQ machine, to do this execute:, this will automatically create a new pickle file under $GEM_ADDRESS_TABLE_PATH. Then exit the tool by typing exit.
  25. Uploade the new pickle file to the CTP7: scp /opt/cmsgemos/etc/maps/amc_address_table_top.pickle root@eagleXX:/mnt/persistent/gemdaq/xml/gem_amc_CTP7FW.3.A.B_OHFW3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.pickle where 3.A.B is the CTP7 FW version and 3.X.Y is the OH FW version (for intergers A,B,X and Y.)
  26. As root on the CTP7 navigate to the xml address folder: cd /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/xml,
  27. As root open the pickle file with a text editor: vi gem_amc_CTP7FW.3.A.B_OHFW3.X.Y.{A|B|C}.pickle.
  28. AS root replace the third line of the pickle file:

to match:


Note do not copy paste this, you must manually type it. If you copy/paste you may insert a hidden unicode character (e.g. newline) that will cause the file to not be parsed correctly and any register access action will fail.

  1. As gemuser on the CTP7 load the new OH FW into the CTP7 RAM by executing:
cd /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/gemloader
  1. If the address space has changed you must update the LMDB on the CTP7, see Updating the LMDB.
  2. To confirm that the update was successful reprogram all optohybrids following instructions under Programming OH FPGA. - Note this will kill any running process on the hardware, but if you're updating FW no one should be using the system anyway.
  3. Summarize the actions you took in the elog entry you have already opened.


Preparing For a Power Cut

In order to safely prepare a GEM test stand for a planned power cut execute:

  1. Power down the High Voltage.
    • Use the opportunity to power down other sensitive equipment, such as PMT's.
  2. Power down the Low Voltage.
  3. Place the µTCA modules in extraction mode:
    • Gently pull the hot swap tab on all AMC's, including the AMC13. Wait until the blue LED stays on solid on each AMC's.
    • Gently pull the hot swap tab on the MCH. Again, wait until the blue LED stays solid on.
  4. Power down the µTCA crate Power Modules one at a time. Find the AC/DC converters powering the PM's and turn them off one at a time. They can either be built in the crate or external to the crate. In the first case, a switch is present on the crate front panel.
  5. Finally, power off the DAQ computer.


Recovering From a Power Cut

To recover a GEM test stand after a power cut execute:

  1. Ensure the uTCA crate and associated hardware all have power.
    • E.g. the crate, network switches, DAQ computer, etc...
  2. Start the DAQ computer first, then:
    • Ensure that the sysmgr, xinetd and dnsmasq services are correctly started. You can use the systemctl status <service name> command to check each service status. The Active field must report active (running).
    • If any of the services is not started, you can start it manually with the following command sudo systemctl start <service name>.
  3. Power on the µTCA crate. If the power cut was planned, undo the actions from the previous section:
    • Power on the µTCA crate Power Modules one at a time.
    • Push the hot swap tab on the MCH and wait for the blue LED to turn off.
    • Push the hot swap tabs on the AMC's, including the AMC13, and wait for the blue LED's to turn off.
  4. Enter the AMC13 tool and enable clocks to the AMC of interest by following instructions under Enabling Clock to an AMC Slot,
  5. For each CTP7 login as texas and execute: killall rpcsvc
    • Right now on boot the CTP7 linux core will start rpcsvc as the texas user and this is not gauranteed to have the correct $ENV for the rpcmodules on the card.
  6. For each CTP7 login as gemuser and execute the step:
    • Check to make sure that all values in the GTH Status column are 0x7. If not you will need to Reload the CTP7 FW until all GTH Status column values are 0x7.
    • Check to make sure rpcsvc is running as gemuser by executing ps | grep rpcsvc. If rpcsvc is not running launch it manually as gemuser by executing: rpcsvc
    • Check to make sure ipbus is running as gemuser by executing ps | grep ipbus. If ipbus is not running launch it manually as gemuser by executing: ipbus.
  7. For each CTP7 from the DAQ machine try to read the FW address of the CTP7:
    • Execute:
    • From inside the tool execute: connect eagleXX where XX is the number of the CTP7 of interest
    • From inside the tool execute: kw RELEASE this should display the FW release of the CTP7, if 0xdeaddead are shown for any entries of the CTP7 registers (e.g. those lines that do not have OHX in the name for X some integer) the CTP7 is not programmed correctly.

These instructions assume you are working with a system that is setup for v3 electronics.


Front-end Electronics

LV Power

Two LV settings are recommended depending on what equipment you have available. If your power supply can go beyond 8V (e.g. A3016HP) then use 8V at the LV terminals of the detector. Here the system should draw ~3A when fully configured (VFATs in sleep mode) and increase to ~3.5A when VFATs are in run mode.

If your power supply cannot supply higher than 8V (e.g. A3016) than use 6.5V at the LV terminals of the detector. Here the system will draw closer to ~5.5A when fully configured (VFATs in sleep mode) and move to ~6A when VFATs are placed in run mode. Note the FEASTs here will be much less efficient and may overheat easily. Normally this happens to the F1 and/or F2 FEASTs which respectively supply the FPGA core voltage or VTRx/VTTx power. It's recommended to have a fan over these FEASTs and heat sinks on all FEASTs.

Note the voltage at the power supply will not be the voltage at the terminals, especially if your cable is long. It is recommended to use a voltage drop compensating power supply with sense wires at the LV cable connector to the detector patch panel.



The FEASTMP is a radiation hard DC-DC power converter used by many systems at CERN to convert high input voltage into low output voltage. The GE1/1 design (both long & short detectors) each use 10 FEASTs:

  • F1 1.0V powers FPGA core voltage
  • F2 2.55V provides power to VTTx/VTRx,
  • F3 1.55V provides power to GBTx and SCA chips,
  • F4 1.86V provides power to EPROM (not loaded in OHv3c systems),
  • F5 ???
  • F6 ???
  • FQA, FQB, FQC, FQD, 1.2V providing digital and analog power to 6 VFAT3s each.

Again it is recommended to apply heat sinks to all FEASTs and specifically to air cool with a fan F1 and F2.



The GBTx is a radiation hard gigabit transceiver for optical links which provides simultaneous transfer of readout data, timing and trigger signals, as well as slow control and monitoring information.


E-link Assignment in GE1/1

For the GE1/1 optohybrid v3 (any version) the correspondence between vfat position by software (SW) number, vfat position by hardware (HW) number, GBTx number, and GBTx e-link number is given by the following table:

VFAT Pos (SW) VFAT Pos (HW) GBTx E-Link
0 24 1 5
1 23 1 9
2 22 1 2
3 21 1 3
4 20 1 1
5 19 1 8
6 18 1 6
7 17 0 6
8 16 1 4
9 15 2 1
10 14 2 5
11 13 2 4
12 12 0 3
13 11 0 2
14 10 0 1
15 9 0 0
16 8 1 7
17 7 2 8
18 6 2 6
19 5 2 7
20 4 2 2
21 3 2 3
22 2 2 9
23 1 0 8

Please note that GBTx0 doesn't use all its e-links for VFAT communication as it is also responsible for SCA & FPGA communication on the optohybrid v3 (any version).


Programming GBTx

Via Dongle: gbtProgrammer

To program a GBTx using the USB dongle programmer ensure that the I2C jumper is enabled (e.g. closed circuit) then:

  1. launch the programmer software by executing gbtProgrammer from terminal,
  2. an error window stating No WindowsLookAndFeel will pop up, this is normal, press "okay",
  3. if an error message loads after the main GUI loads stating: No GBTX detected! then execute the substeps here, if not proceed to step 4,
    • Close the programmer software,
    • Disconnect the USB cable from the dongle (this ensures the dongle powers off),
    • Reconnect the USB cable to the dongle (the light should blink), then
    • Repeat steps 1-3
  4. Press Import i... to import the configuration file, if a warning window pops up asking you to upgrade the dongle SW press No,
  5. In the open dialog box that loads change the Files of Type selection from XML to txt
  6. If you do not see the GBT configuration file you're looking for navigate to (on GEM 904 machines only):
    • /data/bigdisk/GEMDAQ_Documentation/system/OptoHybrid/V3/GBT_Files/
  7. Select the configuration file of interest note that files are named GBTX_OHv3Y_GBT_Z_*.txt where Y = {a,b,c} for optohybrid version and Z = {0,1,2} for GBTx index
    • Each GBTx will have a different configuration, additionally optohybrids on long & short detectors will also have a different configuration so you must select the right file for the corresponding hardware
  8. Press Write GBTX, finally
  9. Press Read GBTX if the readback state is anything but idle 18h then programming failed.

In some cases the readback state will read idle 18h but communication with the GBTx will not be good. To check this:

  1. Navigate to the Monitoring tab,
  2. Press the Monitor! button, wait some time, the red and blue lines can take any values, but they must be flat and unchanging in time, if not, there’s a problem, then
  3. Stop monitoring by pressing Monitor! button again.

Note that while monitoring is running the USB cable will induce a large amount of noise into the front-end electronics. This will be detected by scurves having a much larger width. If monitoring is running, your noise will be higher and this can disturb data-taking.


Manually Writing Charge Pump Current

Ask the sysadmin of your test stand if it is necessary to change the charge pump current value of the GBT after programming with the USB dongle, if so while having gbtProgrammer open execute:

  1. Navigate to the Advanced mode tab,
  2. In the bottom right corner, insert 35 as Register # and the press READ.
  3. The correct value should be F2 and usually it’s already in the register.
  4. If it’s not, insert F2 the click Write (hex) value, press WRITE and repeat step 2.


Over Fiber:

To program the GBTx over the fiber link it must be at least minimally fused (so that it locks to the fiber link) and the I2C jumper for the GBTx in question must not be in place (e.g. open circuit). Before proceeding please check that the GBTx communication is good by following instructions to check the GBTx status on a given ON under Section GBT_READY Registers. Once communication is enabled exectue the following procedure:

  1. login to the CTP7 of choice as gemuser (e.g. ssh gemuser@eagle60),
  2. Once logged in, to configure GBT X of OH Y execute: Y X config <config file>

The GBTx will now be programmed. The GBT config files a CTP7 can be found under:



Performing a GBT Phase Scan

Again, the GBTx must be at least minimally fused (so that it locks to the fiber link) and the I2C jumper for the GBTx in question must not be in place (e.g. open circuit). Before proceeding please check that the GBTx communication is good by following instructions to check the GBTx status on a given ON under Section GBT_READY Registers. Once communication is enabled exectue the following procedure: Y X v3b-phase-scan <config file> 2>&1 | tee $HOME/oh_Y_gbt_X_phase_scan.txt

This will scan all phases for all e-links on this GBTx and report whether the phase is good (bad) if the SYNC_ERR_CNT of the VFAT on that e-link is 0x1 (0x0). Note that while the above says v3b-phase-scan it is good for any v3 optohybrid version. The GBT config files a CTP7 can be found under:




This can only be done with the USB dongle and this should be done only by true hardware experts with consent of GEM DAQ team (if you are wondering if you fall in this category it probably means you should not be fusing GBTs) as this process is irreversible and if done incorrectly could brick communication with one or more VFATs, the FPGA, or the entire front-end electronics. To fuse a GBTx launch the gbtProgrammer software and then execute the following procedure:

  1. Import config file,
  2. Write GBT,
  3. Read GBT,
  4. State should be idle 18h, if not stop and investigate,
  5. Go to Monitoring tab
  6. Press Monitor!, wait some time, the red and blue lines can take any values, but they must be “flat” and unchanging in time, if not, there’s a problem
  7. Stop monitoring (press Monitor! button a second time)
  8. Leave the gbtProgrammer window running
  9. In a separate terminal in verify that the GBT_READY register of this GBTx is 0x1,
  10. Issue a link reset then read the errors flags for this GBTx (NOT ready, was not ready) to ensure they are 0x0,
  11. Check that SYNC_ERR_CNT of all VFATs on this GBTx are 0x0 and the counters do not roll up,
  12. Check that you have slow control with all VFATs on this GBTx by executing kw CFG_RUN <OH Number> only 0x0 should be returned for the VFATs on this GBTx, if not there is a problem,
    • In rare cases SYNC_ERR_CNT are all 0x0 but VFAT communication is dead),
  13. Go back to the gbtProgrammer window,
  14. Go to the Fuse My GBT tab,
  15. Click Update view,
  16. Make sure all rows in the table are green,
    • The last row is a test register and it’s okay if it’s red,
  17. Click Select non zero val…
  18. Check the enable… box inside the Fuse GBTX box, this enables fusing,
  19. Check the fuse upda… check box inside the Fuse GBTX box, this fuses the GBTx such that after power on reset it loads it’s fuse settings (not doing this means fusing was useless :D),
  20. Click Fuse button in the Fuse GBTX box,
  21. Close the gbtProgrammer software,
  22. Power off the OHv3,
  23. Leaving the USB dongle connected to the GBTx of your OHv3, disconnect the usb cable from the dongle,
    • Failure to do this will leave the GBTx partially powered from the USB cable and result in a "funky” unusable state,
  24. Power on the OHv3,
  25. Plug the USB cable back into the dongle,
  26. Launch gbtProgrammer,
  27. Import the config file that you used for fusing,
  28. Click Read GBTx and check state is idle 18h,
  29. Go to the Fuse My GBTx tab,
  30. Click Update View, then
  31. Check if all rows in table are green (it could be that the last row is red…it’s okay if it’s only this one).

The GBTx is now fused.

Top Manually writing the GBT e-link phase for a given VFAT

You can write the GBT e-link phase for a given VFAT or all VFATs using the tool by calling from the DAQ machine:

$ -h
usage: [-h] {single,all} ...

Tool for writing GBT phase for a single or all elink

positional arguments:
  {single,all}  Available subcommands and their descriptions.To view the sub
                menu call COMMAND -h e.g.
       single -h
    single      write GBT phase for single VFAT
    all         write GBT phase for all VFAT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

There are two sub-commands single and all. To check their details:

$ single -h
usage: single [-h] shelf slot vfat phase link

positional arguments:
  shelf       uTCA shelf number
  slot        AMC slot number in the uTCA shelf
  vfat        VFAT number on the OH
  phase       GBT Phase Value to Write
  link        OH number on the AMC

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


$ all -h
usage: all [-h] shelf slot gbtPhaseFile

positional arguments:
  shelf         uTCA shelf number
  slot          AMC slot number in the uTCA shelf
  gbtPhaseFile  File having link, vfat and phase info.
                The input file will look like:
                4    0    7
                4    1    9
                4    2    13

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

For example:

  1. If you want to write phase for single VFAT: single 1 6 23 7 3
    this will write the phase 7 to VFAT23 on (shelf,slot,link) = (1,6,3).
  2. If you want to write phase for all VFAT using input text file as expected by the script: all 1 6 $DATA_PATH/GE11-X-S-INDIA-0015/gbtPhaseSetPoints_GE11-X-S-INDIA-0015_current.log
    Here, we assumed that we are reading the detector GE11-X-S-INDIA-0015. This will write phases for all VFATs on (shelf, slot) = (1, 6) for the link told by the text file.


GBT_READY Registers

There are a set of registers for each optohybrid in the CTP7 FW that provide information about the GBTx status. To read these reigsters for the X^th optohybrid from execute:


For example a healthy set of GBTx chios would have the GBT ready register as 0x1 and all the error registers as 0x0:

eagle60 > kw OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT0_READY                         0x00000001
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT1_READY                         0x00000001
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT2_READY                         0x00000001
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT0_WAS_NOT_READY                 0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT1_WAS_NOT_READY                 0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT2_WAS_NOT_READY                 0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT0_RX_HAD_OVERFLOW               0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT1_RX_HAD_OVERFLOW               0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT2_RX_HAD_OVERFLOW               0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT0_RX_HAD_UNDERFLOW              0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT1_RX_HAD_UNDERFLOW              0x00000000
0x65800800 r    GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS.OH1.GBT2_RX_HAD_UNDERFLOW              0x00000000

If GBTY_READY is not 0x1 or GBTY_WAS_NOT_READY stays 0x1 after Issuing a GBT Link Reset then your communication is probably not good. Check the following:

  • The electronics are powered,
  • The TX from the CTP7 to the GBTx is going into the left position (OH is oriented with FPGA facing you and VTTx/VTRx are pointing towards the floor) of the VTRx that corresponds to this GBTx, or
  • The TX from the GBTx to the CTP7 makes it to the CTP7 fiber patch panel.


Issuing a GBT Link Reset

To reset the GBT links and send the VFAT synchronization command execute:


If your GBTx communication is stable this will reset the following registers to 0x0:


This will be applied to all optohybrids and VFATs on the CTP7.


Slow Control ASIC (SCA)

Voltage & Temperature Monitoring

"Comming to a guide near you soon"

The Tool

The is a command line tool for sending a variety of commands to the SCA. For a description of the possible commands and their calling syntax execute -h for more information.


Issuing an SCA Reset

To issue an SCA reset execute the following from the DAQ PC: r cardName ohMask

For example: r eagle60 0x3

This will issue an SCA reset to OH's 0 and 1 on eagle60.

If a red error message appears for one or more of the OH's in your ohMask re-issue the SCA reset until no red error messages appear. For subsequent SCA resets issued in this way you can use the same ohMask or modify it to remove the healthy OH's. If continuing to issue an sca reset does not resolve the issue (i.e. red error messages continue to appear) there is a problem and you probably lost communication. In this case check the status of GBT0 on each of the problem GBTs using instructions under GBT_READY Registers, if GBTX is either not ready or was not ready you may need to either issue a GBTx link reset (see Issuing a GBT Link Reset), re-program GBT0 (see Programming GBTx), or in rare cases power cycle and start from scratch.


Checking SCA Status

There are two registers of great importance for checking SCA communication. They are:


Each is a 12 bit register with the N^th bit corresponding to the N^th optohybrid. In the case of READY if the N^th bit is raised high (e.g. it equals 1) it means the link is ready and communication is most likely stable (although in some cases the READY bit for a given optohybrid is 1 but slow control is not possible). In the case of CRITICAL_ERROR if the N^th bit is raised high (e.g. it equals 1) it means the SCA controller on the N^th optohybrid has encountered a critical error and needs an SCA reset.



You can get the SCA status on all optohybrids on a CTP7 from command. Execute: --shelf=X -sY

The relevant SCA output for all optohybrids on the CTP7 in slot Y of shelf X will look like:


READY             0x000003fc
CRITICAL_ERROR    0x00000000
NOT_READY_CNT_OH00 0x00000001
NOT_READY_CNT_OH01 0x00000001
NOT_READY_CNT_OH02 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH03 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH04 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH05 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH06 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH07 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH08 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH09 0x00000002
NOT_READY_CNT_OH10 0x00000001
NOT_READY_CNT_OH11 0x00000001

Note that ipbus service must be running on the CTP7.



You can get the SCA status on all optohybrids on a CTP7 from using the following command, with example output:

eagleXX > rwc SCA*READY
0x66c00400 r    GEM_AMC.SLOW_CONTROL.SCA.STATUS.READY                   0x00000002
0x66c00408 r    GEM_AMC.SLOW_CONTROL.SCA.STATUS.NOT_READY_CNT_OH0       0x00000001
0x66c0040c r    GEM_AMC.SLOW_CONTROL.SCA.STATUS.NOT_READY_CNT_OH1       0x00000002
0x66c00410 r    GEM_AMC.SLOW_CONTROL.SCA.STATUS.NOT_READY_CNT_OH2       0x00000001
0x66c00414 r    GEM_AMC.SLOW_CONTROL.SCA.STATUS.NOT_READY_CNT_OH3       0x00000001
0x66c00404 r    GEM_AMC.SLOW_CONTROL.SCA.STATUS.CRITICAL_ERROR          0x00000000

Here we see that SCA READY is 0x2 so only OH1 has stable communication and no links are in error (critical error is 0x0).

Note that rpcsvc must be running on the CTP7.


VFAT Reset Lines

In the OHv3c version the VFAT reset lines are controlled by the SCA and not the OH FPGA. In CTP7 firmware versions higher than 3.5.2 the resets will automatically be lifted and no user action is required. On older CTP7 FW versions to lift the VFAT resets first program the OHv3c FPGA following instructions under Section Programming OH FPGA then execute:

  1. From the DAQ machine execute eagleXX ohMask gpio-set-direction 0x0fffff8f,
  2. From the DAQ machine execute eagleXX ohMask gpio-set-output 0xf00000f0,
  3. from the DAQ machine send a GBTx link reset, see Section Issuing a GBT Link Reset,
  4. Then check the status of the GBT's in (kw OH_LINKS.OH0.GBT),
  5. Report the status of link good of all VFATs (kw LINK_GOOD 0),
  6. Report the status of sync error counters of all VFATs (kw SYNC_ERR_CNT 0),
  7. Check for slow control of al VFATs (kw CFG_RUN 0)


Optohybrid (OH) FPGA

Unlike the OHv2b the OHv3 FPGA is not responsible for slow control or data transfer of tracking data from the VFATs. The OHv3 deals only with sending the VFAT trigger data to the CSC TMB and GEM CTP7.


Programming OH FPGA

To program the FPGA we recommend the "PROM-less" or BLASTER(tm) method. To program the OH FPGA execute the following:

  1. Power the LV,
  2. Program all GBTs on the OHv3 via one of the methods under Programming GBTx,
    • In the rare case that the GBTx's on your OH are fully fused proceed to step 3
  3. Issue an sca reset following instructions under Issuing an SCA Reset,
  4. From on the DAQ PC connect to the CTP7 of interest with connect eagleXX and then enable the TTC generator via write GEM_AMC.TTC.GENERATOR.ENABLE 1,
  5. From send a single TTC hard reset to program the FPGA with the BLASTER(tm) via write GEM_AMC.TTC.GENERATOR.SINGLE_HARD_RESET 1
    • Note this will issue this reset to all optohybrids on this CTP7 which will stop any existing data taking, crashing any scans, and wipe out any present configuration
  6. Check that the FW is loaded into all optohybrids present by following instructions at [Checking Firmware Version],
  7. From disable the TTC generator via write GEM_AMC.TTC.GENERATOR.ENABLE 0,
    • This is important, while the TTC generator is enabled the CTP7 will ignore all TTC commands from the backplane

If you see in step 6 that the FW is not loaded in any of the optohybrids of interest (or you where expecting a different OH FW version) it is likely that either the OH FW is not loaded into the CTP7 RAM or that a different version of OH FW is loaded into the CTP7 RAM. To resolve this login to the CTP7 and execute:

cd /mnt/persistent/gemdaq/gemloader

Then repeat step 5 again. Note sometimes the OH FW does not load successfully into the CTP7 RAM and the call of must be repeated several times. If however after this the FW is not loading onto one or more optohybrids check to make sure you have communication with the SCA of interest by following instructions under Section Checking SCA Status. If you're SCA communication is good and the FW is still not loading double check that the TTC Generator is enabled by reading the value of the GEM_AMC.TTC.GENERATOR.ENABLE. If the TTC Generator is enabled, the SCA status is good, and the OH FW is in the CTP7 RAM check to make sure GBT0 is still good, see GBT_READY Registers. If GBT0 is no longer good then programming the FPGA will not be possible (as this is through GBT0). In this case you may need to start the procedure again from step 1. One final check would be to ensure the CTP7 Mapping register has the correct value, see Checking CTP7 Mapping Register.

If after all these you are still unable to program the FPGA the linux image of your CTP7 may be to old, contact your test stand's sysadmin. Although typically this is not the case.

Failure to program the FPGA in our experience usually comes from:

  1. Hardware problem,
  2. Failure to execute the procedure in the correct order


Checking Trigger Link Status

To check the status of the OH-CTP7 trigger link for OHY execute:


Where Y is an integer representing the OH number. A healthy link should come back as:

0x66000e80 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK0_SBIT_OVERFLOW_CNT             0x00000000
0x66000e80 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK1_SBIT_OVERFLOW_CNT             0x00000000
0x66000e84 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK0_MISSED_COMMA_CNT              0x00000000
0x66000e84 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK1_MISSED_COMMA_CNT              0x00000000
0x66000e8c r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK0_OVERFLOW_CNT                  0x00000000
0x66000e8c r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK1_OVERFLOW_CNT                  0x00000000
0x66000e90 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK0_UNDERFLOW_CNT                 0x00000000
0x66000e90 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK1_UNDERFLOW_CNT                 0x00000000
0x66000e94 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK0_SYNC_WORD_CNT                 0x00000000
0x66000e94 r    GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHY.LINK1_SYNC_WORD_CNT                 0x00000000

If your link does not look like the above the link is not healthy. First try reseting the counters and then reading them again by executing:


If your link still does not match the example above try the following:

  1. If the trigger fiber is accessible as a stand alone fiber (e.g. not in an MTP12 bundle) check that there is red light in both ends of the fiber coming from the OHv3. If so issue a reset, if not
    • the board may not be on,
    • the fiber may be faulty,
    • the VTTx may be faulty, or
    • the VTTX may not be receiving the correct voltage, check that the 2.5V pin on the OH; with no load it should be between [2.45, 2.66]V.
  2. Try reloading the firmware to the OHv3 by following instructions under Section [Programming OH FPG], in rare cases the Trigger block of the OH FW does not start properly.


Masking VFATs From Trigger

You can write a 24 bit mask to GEM_AMC.OH.OHX.FPGA.TRIG.CTRL.VFAT_MASK to mask a given set of VFATs from the trigger, having a 1 in the N^th bit means the N^th VFAT will be masked.


Temperature Monitoring

The OH has the FPGA core temperature accessible from the sysmon registers in the OHv3 address table and nine PT100 sensors located around the board. These PT100 sensors are read by the SCA when monitoring is enabled, see [Voltage & Temperature Monitoring].

SCA gives output in the ADC counts. For the details of how the conversions for temperature and voltages are done look here



For an indepth guide on the VFAT3 please consult the VFAT3 Manual availabe here. The VFAT3 is a much more complicated ASIC than VFAT2 and requires a little bit more knowledge to successfully use. While the VFAT3 manual should serve as the end-all-be-all reference on the ASIC here we present some useful information.


General Overview of VFAT3

The VFAT3 has three gain settings of it's preamplifier (low, medium, high), two comparator modes ("arming", aka leading-edge, or CFD), several shaping times, two on ASIC 10-bit ADC's for DAC monitoring, and an internal temperature sensor. For the chip to function correctly and for all bias currents/voltages to be set properly the CFG_IREF value must be set such that the reference current is 10 uA. The VFAT3 team has calibration each chip and determined this value for us. So all we need to do is to use this the provided value. However this value is unique per each VFAT and care should be taken to ensure it is properly assigned.

The VFAT3 also has a hardware e-fuse which specifies the unique chip ID as a 32-bit integer. In GE1/1 values 0 to 5000 are expected.

You can change the gain settings of the preamp by writing the following set of registers:

#High VFAT3 preamp gain                                                                                                                                                                                               
#Medium VFAT3 preamp gain
#Low VFAT3 preamp gain

It is recommended to use the medium preamp gain setting as it was shown that the high gain setting causes strange behavior due to either saturation, after pulsing, or cross-talk. To switch the comparator modes write teh following set of registers:

#Comparator Mode - CFD
#Comparator Mode - ARM

It is recommended to use the comparator in CFD mode. If using the comparator in CFD mode than the shaping time should be set to the maximum to try to integrate the full pulse charge for the CFD technique. If the comparator is used in arming mode than the shaping time should be set to the minimum to trigger the comparator as fast as possible (when pulse is over threshold). These two can be accomplished via:

# For comparator in CFD mode
CFG_FP_FE = 0x7
CFG_PT = 0xf
# For comparator in arming mode
CFG_FP_FE = 0x0
CFG_PT = 0x1 

The calibration module can inject charge either in current injection of voltage step pulsing. Both modes use the same circuit but are compliments of one and other (e.g. high current injection is low voltage step). From s-curve results in the lab we have not see a difference between these two modes and voltage step pulsing is typically used by default.

Both the comparator and the calibration module can be configured to look at (inject) either positve or negative polarity pulses. For calibration scans to be effective the polarity of the calibration module must match the polarity expected by the comparator. Additionally during data taking the polarity the comparator should match the polarity of the GEM signal (i.e. negative polarity). To ensure there are no mistakes both polarities are set such that:


To ensure proper temperature reading and any DAC monitoring the CFG_VREF_ADC must be set such that this is as close to 1.0V as possible (again provided by VFAT3 team at production time). The HV3b_V2 hybrids only have the internal temperature sensor on the VFAT3 ASIC while HV3b_V3 and V4 hybrids have an external PT100 sensor for monitoring temperature.

The comparator has two voltage DAC registers for specifying the voltage on the comparator (note this should not be confused with the threshold, that's the 50% point on an scurve where the channel responds to charge 50% of the time at fixed comparator voltage setting). One value is the CFG_THR_ARM_DAC and the other is the CFG_THR_ZCC_DAC. The later must be calibrated for proper channel trimming; the former is of little concern since this is not used in either arming or CFD comparator modes. For more details on comparator voltage settings see the VFAT3 manual.

Finally there are a few calibration coefficients that are needed:

  • CAL_DACM, slope in y=mx+b for converting CFG_CAL_DAC to fC,
  • CAL_DACB, as CAL_DACM but for intercept,
  • ADC0M, slope in y=mx+b for converting ADC counts to mV for ADC0,
  • ADC0B, as ADC0M but for intercept,
  • ADC1M, as ADC0M but for ADC1,
  • ADC1B, as ADC0B but for ADC1,
  • CAL_THR_ARM_DAC_M, slope in y=mx+b for converting CFG_THR_ARM_DAC to fC (needed for trimming),
  • CAL_THR_ARM_DAC_B, as CAL_THR_ARM_DAC_M but for intercept.


DAC Monitoring

The VFAT3 has two internal 10 bit SAR ADCs. They each use two difference voltage references:

  • ADC0 uses the internal reference derived from the bandgap,
  • ADC1 uses an external reference tied to the input digital voltage (DVDD)

These can monitor the following values:

Monitor Sel State Register Name VFAT3 Manual Bits Min Max Register Name GEM XML Address Table Note
1 Calib IDC GBL_CFG_CAL_0 [9:2] 0 0xff CFG_CAL_DAC
2 Preamp InpTran GBL_CFG_BIAS_1 [7:0] 0 0xff CFG_BIAS_PRE_I_BIT
3 Pream LC GBL_CFG_BIAS_2 [13:8] 0 0x3f CFG_BIAS_PRE_I_BLCC
4 Preamp FC GBL_CFG_BIAS_1 [13:8] 0 0x3f CFG_BIAS_PRE_I_BSF
5 Shap FC GBL_CFG_BIAS_3 [15:8] 0 0xff CFG_BIAS_SH_I_BFCAS
6 Shap Inpair GBL_CFG_BIAS_3 [7:0] 0 0xff CFG_BIAS_SH_I_BDIFF
7 SD Inpair GBL_CFG_BIAS_4 [7:0] 0 0xff CFG_BIAS_SD_I_BDIFF
9 SD SF GBL_CFG_BIAS_5 [13:8] 0 0x3f CFG_BIAS_SD_I_BSF
10 CFD Bias1 GBL_CFG_BIAS_0 [5:0] 0 0x3f CFG_BIAS_CFD_DAC_1
11 CFD Bias2 GBL_CFG_BIAS_0 [11:6] 0 0x3f CFG_BIAS_CFD_DAC_2
12 CFD Hyst GBL_CFG_HYS [5:0] 0 0x3f CFG_HYST
13 CFD Ireflocal - - - - - Fixed value, no register
14 CFD ThArm GBL_CFG_THR [7:0] 0 0xff CFG_THR_ARM_DAC
15 CFD ThZcc GBL_CFG_THR [15:8] 0 0xff CFG_THR_ZCC_DAC
16 SLVS Ibias GBL_CFG_BIAS_6 [11:6] 0 0xff ? Does not appear in Section 7.5 Registers
32 BGR - - - - - Fixed value, no register
33 Calib Vstep GBL_CFG_CAL_0 [9:2] 0 0xff CFG_CAL_DAC
34 Preamp Vref GBL_CFG_BIAS_2 [7:0] 0 0xff CFG_BIAS_PRE_VREF
35 Vth Arm GBL_CFG_THR [7:0] 0 0xff CFG_THR_ARM_DAC
36 Vth ZCC GBL_CFG_THR [15:8] 0 0xff CFG_THR_ZCC_DAC
37 V Tsens Int - - - - - Fixed value, no register
38 V Tsens Ext - - - - - Fixed value, no register
39 ADC_Vref GBL_CFG_CTR_4 [9:8] 0 0x3 CFG_ADC_VREF
40 ADC VinM - - - - - Fixed value, no register
41 SLVS Vref GBL_CFG_BIAS_6 [5:0] 0 0x3f ? Does not appear in Section 7.5 Registers


Checking VFAT Registers

Presently does not have functionality for monitoring v3 electronics. In the meantime you can get information on VFATY of OHX from by executing:


This will print the values of all global registers for this vfat. Information about the channel register for channel Z can be obtained via:



Checking VFAT Synchronization

To check if the VFATs are synchronized on OHY from execute:


Where Y is an integer representing the OH number. Any VFAT whose sync error counter is non-zero implies non-stable communication. In rare cases the sync error counters can all be 0x0 but communication may still not be good (i.e. you're on the edge of a good/bad phase for that GBT elink). This is what the second keyword read (kw) is for checking, it is a slow control command to the VFATs directly. If 0xdeaddead is returned for any CFG_RUN value this indicates you do not have good communication.

Typical causes of bad communication are:

  • the vfat is not physically present on the hardware,
  • the gbt phase setting for that e-link is bad, or
  • there is a problem with the hardware (VFAT, OH, or GEB).


Configuration File on CTP7

The tool, see Configuring a Detector, can be used to apply a common DAC setting to all VFATs for a given register.

The script can be used to apply a unique, per VFAT, value to a given register. The script must be run as user gemuser on the ctp7 in order to have permission to edit the configuration files. The per VFAT mode of the script is invoked with


where the input file format is the same as the output of As an example

./ -f ~/NominalDACValues_GE11-X-S-INDIA-0002/2018. BIAS_PRE_VREF 0

will cause each line of the file ~/NominalDACValues_GE11-X-S-INDIA-0002/2018. to be parsed, and if, for example, one line of the file is 6 102, then the value of the register BIAS_PRE_VREF will be replaced by 102 in the config file for VFAT 6.

The VFAT configuration files can also be manually edited, an example is shown below:

eagle26:/mnt/persistent/gemdaq$ more vfat3/config_OH3_VFAT9_cal.txt
PULSE_STRETCH           7
SPZS_ENABLE             0
SZP_ENABLE              0
SZD_ENABLE              0
TIME_TAG                0
EC_BYTES                0
BC_BYTES                0
FP_FE                   7
RES_PRE                 1
CAP_PRE                 0
PT                     15
EN_HYST                 1
SEL_POL                 1
FORCE_EN_ZCC            0
FORCE_TH                0
SEL_COMP_MODE           1
VREF_ADC                3
MON_GAIN                0
IREF                   32
THR_ZCC_DAC            10
THR_ARM_DAC           200
HYST                    5
LATENCY                45
CAL_SEL_POL             1
CAL_PHI                 0
CAL_EXT                 0
CAL_DAC               200
CAL_MODE                1
CAL_FS                  0
CAL_DUR               200
BIAS_CFD_DAC_2         40
BIAS_CFD_DAC_1         40
BIAS_PRE_I_BSF         13
BIAS_PRE_I_BIT        150
BIAS_PRE_I_BLCC        25
BIAS_PRE_VREF          86
BIAS_SH_I_BFCAS       250
BIAS_SH_I_BDIFF       150
BIAS_SH_I_BFAMP         0
BIAS_SD_I_BDIFF       255
BIAS_SD_I_BSF          15
BIAS_SD_I_BFCAS       255


Building GEM Software

Building CMS GEM Online software is only supported on GEM DAQ 904 machines. Please note that you need to set the BUILD_HOME environment variable before building. Set this to be the folder in which you git clone cmsgemos. For example using bash: export BUILD_HOME=~/Path/To/Folder.


GEM RPM Location on 904 NAS

If you are an authorized rpm builder you can place your compiled RPM's on the following location on the 904 NAS:


Additionally if your a sysadmin you can find compiled RPM's at this location


Build Prerequisites: The gembuild repo

For all repositories except cmsgemos you'll need to get the config/ directory from the gembuild repository. To do this once you've cloned the repository of interest execute:

cd <repo folder>
git submodule init
git submodule update

periodically the gembuild repository may change and you may need to update the config folder in your local versions, to do this execute:

cd <repo folder>
git submodule update



Compiling the entire framework

To do a complete compile execute:

cd cmsgemos
source setup/etc/profile.d/
git tag <tag number>
make clean -j8 && make cleanrpm -j8
make debug -j8
make rpm

For each subpackage you will find both a *.rpm and a *.tgz file inside an rpm/ subdirectory inside the subdirectory. For example for gempython you'll find under cmsgemos/gempython/rpm many files, but the most recent versions of the following files:

-rw-r--r--. 1 user group  49K Sep 19 11:18 cmsgemos_gempython-*.tgz
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 2.1K Sep 19 11:18 cmsgemos_gempython-debuginfo-*.cc7.python2.7.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 106K Sep 19 11:18 cmsgemos_gempython-*.cc7.python2.7.x86_64.rpm

will be of interest to you. The wildcard * will have the information on the tag number (for the *.tgz file) and tag number plus git commit (for *.rpm` files).

The *.rpm file can be installed on a DAQ machine, or upgrade an existing installed version (assuming the tag number is higher than the existing installed version), with yum and in the case of gempython a *.tgz file which can be installed into a python virtualenv with pip.

If you are generating an installable rpm for a DAQ machine it's best to check with GEM RC what tag should be used.


Compiling Only gempython

In many cases you will be interested in only compiling gempython to do this execute:

cd cmsgemos
source setup/etc/profile.d/
git tag <tag number>
make clean
make gempython
cd gempython
make rpm

If you are generating an installable rpm for a DAQ machine it's best to check with GEM RC what tag should be used.

If you are not interested in generating the rpm you can substitute make pip for the last line. To install this into your virtualenv after activating your venv execute:

pip install cmsgemos/gempython/rpm/cmsgemos_gempython-<version>.tgz --no-deps


Configuring your $ENV for testing

It's important to keep in mind cmsgemos has several dependencies which you may be required to set by hand. If you are looking to test changes to only cmsgemos or some SW package "downstream" of cmsgemos (e.g. vfatqc-python-scripts) then you may use the system installed dependencies. If you have already configured your virtualenv with the installed packages then you can either setup the $ENV by hand, or you can use the script via:

cd <your working directory>

Note if this is your first time calling please first call the help menu to see how to setup a virtualenv using this script. An example is presently provided here; in this example a python virtualenv will be setup and the cmsgemos_gempython and gempython_gemplotting packages will be installed inside of it.




export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/xdaq/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wiscrpcsvc/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rwreg/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/xhal/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PETA_STAGE=/data/bigdisk/sw/peta-stage/
source /data/bigdisk/sw/Xilinx/SDK/2016.2/
export XHAL_ROOT=$BUILD_HOME/xhal/
cd ctp7_modules/
make clean && make rpm

You will create *.rpm files in the following subdirectories:


This will also compile the shared object libraries (e.g. rpcmodules) under the subdirectory:


These *.so files can be uploaded to the CTP7 by the test stand sysadmin (for production test stands) or developers (for development test stands).



Execute the following:

cd gem-plotting-tools
git tag <tag number>
make clean && make rpm

this will generate the following files:

% ll gem-plotting-tools/rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 226K Mar 12 13:55 gempython_gemplotting-*.tgz
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 308K Mar 12 13:55 gempython_gemplotting-*.src.rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 320K Mar 12 13:55 gempython_gemplotting-*.noarch.rpm

The wildcard * will have the information on the tag number (for the *.tgz file) and tag number plus git commit (for *.rpm files). The rpm can be used to install the gemplotting package onto your DAQ machine or upgrade an existing version (assuming the tag number is higher than the existing version). The *.tgz file can be used to install the gemplotting package into your virtualenv by executing:

pip install -U gem-plotting-tools/rpm/gempython_gemplotting-<tag number>.tgz

Note it is assumed you've already activated your virtualenv



Execute the following:

cd vfatqc-python-scripts
git tag <tag number>
make clean && make rpm

Note branches deriving from rpc-playground presently require their tag to be set manually in vfatqc-python-scripts/Makefile and are not correctly picked up from the git tag number, look for lines:


this will generate the following files:

% ll vfatqc-python-scripts/rpm 
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group  42K Sep 19 11:56 gempython_vfatqc-*.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 1.9K Sep 19 11:56 gempython_vfatqc-debuginfo-*centos7.python2.7.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group  89K Sep 19 11:56 gempython_vfatqc-*centos7.python2.7.x86_64.rpm

The wildcard * will have the information on the tag number (for the *.tar.gz or *.tgz file) and tag number plus git commit (for *.rpm files). The rpm can be used to install the vfatqc package onto your DAQ machine or upgrade an existing version (assuming the tag number is higher than the existing version). The *.tar.gz or *.tgz file (you may only see one depending on which branch you are developing from, develop or rpc-playground) can be used to install the vfatqc package into your virtualenv by executing:

pip install -U vfatqc-python-scripts/rpm/gempython_vfatqc-<tag number>.tar.gz

Note it is assumed you've already activated your virtualenv



Post-Packing Instructions

To set the computing environment execute:

export PETA_STAGE=/data/bigdisk/sw/peta-stage
source /data/bigdisk/sw/Xilinx/SDK/2016.2/
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable


Compiling the entire libary

It is assumed you have setup the computing environment, the execute the following:

cd xhal
git tag <tag number>
make clean && make rpm

If you are generating an installable rpm for a DAQ machine it's best to check with GEM RC what tag should be used.

This will create *.rpm, and in some cases *.tgz, files in the following sub-directories:


It will also place a set of *.so libraries under:


Typically you will not be interested in files under xhal/xhalarm unless you are also responsible for maintaining your test stand's backend electronics (e.g. CTP7, GLIB or other AMC).


Compiling only the python tools

It is assumed you have setup the computing environment. To compile only the python tools execute:

cd xhal/python
git tag <tag number>
make clean && make rpm

This will generate the following files:

% ll xhal/python/reg_interface_gem/rpm 
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group  19K Sep 17 15:02 reg_interface_gem-*.centos7.python2.7.noarch.rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 7.7K Sep 17 15:02 reg_interface_gem-*.tgz
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group  20K Sep 17 15:02 reg_interface_gem-*.peta_linux.python2.7.noarch.rpm

The wildcard * will have the information on the tag number (for the *.tgz file) and tag number plus git commit (for *.rpm` files).

The peta_linux file is an rpm designed to be installed on the back-end card's linux image (e.g. CTP7). The *.tgz file is a python package which can be installed into a virtualenv via:

pip install -I xhal/python/reg_interface_gem/rpm/reg_interface_gem-<tag number>.tgz

and the centos7 rpm can be used to install the reg_interface_gem package onto your DAQ machine or upgrade an existing version (assuming the tag number is higher than the existing version). Note that reg_interface_gem rpm requires the reg_interface package from the reg_utils repository.

Note it is assumed in the pip install command shown above that you have already activated your python virtualenv.


Compiling only the DAQ Machine C++ libraries

It is assumed you have setup the computing environment. To compile only the C++ libraries execute:

cd xhal/xhalcore
git tag <tag number>
make clean && make rpm

This will generate the following files:

% ll xhal/xhalcore/lib 
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 user group 1.1M Sep 19 10:50
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 user group 615K Sep 19 15:48
% ll xhal/xhalcore/rpm 
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group  11K Sep 19 15:48 xhal-devel-*.centos7.gcc6_3_1.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 2.3M Sep 19 15:48 xhal-*.centos7.gcc6_3_1.x86_64.rpm

The wildcard * will have the information on the tag number (for the *.tgz file) and tag number plus git commit (for *.rpm` files).

The rpm file can be installed onto your DAQ machine via yum or upgrade an existing installed package (assuming the tag number is higher than the existing version).

If you are performing local tests to changes made to XHAL you need to ensure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the xhal/xhalcore/lib directory (and no other directory that would include the libraries shown, e.g. a system directory under /opt/xhal/lib). You can add the XHAL libraries to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH by executing:

cd xhal/xhalcore/lib

Note this only appends LD_LIBRARY_PATH it does not remove a pre-existing path (e.g. /opt/xhal/lib) from LD_LIBRARY_PATH to do this execute:


Copy the output of that echo commad and remove /opt/xhal/lib from the text and then set it to:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<text from echo command>
cd xhal/xhalcore/lib


Legacy Pre-Packaging Instructions for Tag 3.2.2

Note the shell variable BUILD_HOME is expected to exist and be the top level directory in the area where all your SW repositories are checked out and built from.

git clone
cd $BUILD_HOME/xhal
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/xdaq/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wiscrpcsvc/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
git checkout tags/3.2.2
cd xhal
python .github/ -t 3.2.2 -l .github/uploads.cfg


Common Slow Control Actions

Checking Firmware Version

To get the firmware version of a CTP7 and all its programmed OH's from execute:



Checking CTP7 Mapping Register

One major difference between OHv3a and {OHv3b, OHv3c} is that OHv3a uses a different set of e-links to communicate with the OH FPGA on GBT0. The mapping the CTP7 uses is hard coded in the FW but can be toggled between OHv3a and {OHv3b, OHv3c} behavior. The default behavior in recent CTP7 FW releases is {OHv3b, OHv3c} and this implies the mapping register is 0x1:

eagle60 > kw MAPPING
0x66400044 rw   GEM_AMC.GEM_SYSTEM.VFAT3.USE_OH_V3B_MAPPING             0x00000001

Writing this register to 0x0 will switch to OHv3a e-link assignment.


Checking Trigger Rates

To see some useful trigger information on the CTP7, in execute kw GEM_AMC.TRIGGER.OHX for your OH of interest and several registers displaying the rate, sbit cluster info, and link health registers (mentioned above) will be shown. Execute doc <register> to learn more about each register.

To see the trigger rate each VFAT is sending on OHX execute in



Getting Info About the CTP7

If your CTP7 is in shelf X slot Y execute: --shelf=X -sY

This will print various info about the board, the DAQ link status, the TTC status, and the SCA status. Note that ipbus must be running on the CTP7.


Reading a Register Repeatedly

If you would like to repeatedly read the same register (e.g. in order to determine the rate of bits being flipped) execute: REGISTER_NAME X Y --card eagleXX

This will read register REGISTER_NAME X times, pausing Y microseconds between each read. Results are written to terminal and also an output text file: [filename].txt. Y should be set to >= 250 microseconds.


Configuring a Detector

Using to Configure a Detector (Recommended)

The script is a routine which allows you to establish communication with the frontend electronics for one or more detectors. It can be used to automatically scan all VFAT3 DACs involved in the analog portion of the front-end; it will also automatically analyze this data to determine the correct DAC settings needed to determine the proper bias current and voltages for each DAC. Finally, it can be used to automatically launch an scurve and analyze the data.


Routine to Establish Communication w/Detectors

Assuming your back-end electronics are setup correctly you can configure the front-end electronics by executing the following steps:

  1. Power the LV of your detector(s),
  2. Determine the shelf number of your uTCA crate,
  3. Determine the SLOT of your AMC in the uTCA crate with the shelf number from step 2,
  4. Determine the ohMask of your detector(s) on your AMC in slot SLOT,
    • Here the ohMask is a 12 bit number where a 1 in the N^th bit means "consider this OH." So an ohMask = 0xc4c would mean to use OH's 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11.
  5. The execute: --skipDACScan --skipScurve --nPhaseScans=100 SHELF SLOT OHMASK 2>&1 | tee connectivityLog.log

For each OH in ohMask this will:

  1. Check GBT communication & program GBTs,
  2. Check SCA communication & Reset SCAs,
  3. Program FPGA & Check Communication,
    • Note this will issue a TTC hard reset to all OH's on the AMC in question; this will wipe out the frontend configuration and kill any running scan and stop any data-taking process.
  4. Scan GBT Phases & Set Each VFAT to a good phase, and
  5. Synchronize all VFATs and check VFAT communication.

If you would like to start at a later step use the option -f X where X is the desired starting step, e.g. -f 3 will start by programming the FPGA and checking FPGA communication (in this case it would be assumed that steps 1 & 2 have been completed by an earlier call of or by manual intervention).

You can add the option -i to ignore VFAT synchronization errors.

You can add the option -a to accept a bad trigger link status (e.g. trigger link fibers are not connected).

You are now ready to issue a configure command. The configure command is done with cardName -gX


Automatic DAC Scan, Analysis & Upload of Parameters

First upload the correct CFG_IREF values to the VFAT3 configuration files on the CTP7 in slot SLOT and prepare the ADC0 calibration file under ${DATA_PATH}/${DETECTOR_SER_NO}/calFile_ADC0_{DETECTOR_SER_NO}.txt for each detector defined in chamber_config dictionary. Note if the VFAT3's you're using have their chipID encoded with the Reed-Muller Encoding Algorithm and they are found in the VFAT3 production DB then you do not need to upload the CFG_IREF values yourself or prepare the calFile_ADC0_{DETECTOR_SER_NO}.txt file as this will be done for you.

Then if you execute either: --skipScurve SHELF SLOT OHMASK 2>&1 | tee connectivityLog.log

or -f5 --skipScurve SHELF SLOT OHMASK 2>&1 | tee connectivityLog.log

this will automatically perform a DAC scan, analyze the DAC scan results, and then upload the register values to the VFAT3 configuration files on the CTP7 in slot SLOT.

You are now ready to issue a configure command. The configure command is done with cardName -gX


Manually Configuring a Detector

Assuming your back-end electronics are setup correctly you can configure the front-end electronics by executing the following steps:

  1. Power the LV of your detector(s),
  2. If the GBTx chips of your optohybrid(s) are not fully fused, program the GBTx chips, see Programming GBTx,
  3. Program the FPGA of the optohybrid(s), see Programming OH FPGA,
  4. Issue a GBTx link reset, see Issuing a GBT Link Reset,
  5. Check the VFATs are all synchronized on your optohybrid(s), see Checking VFAT Synchronization,

You are now ready to issue a configure command. The configure command is done with cardName -gX

This will issue an RPC call to the CTP7 whose network alias is cardName and load all the per VFAT3 configuration settings in each of the VFAT3 configuration files (see Configuration File on CTP7) for optohybrid X. Note it is important to have edited each of these files to ensure the CFG_IREF value for your VFATs on all your optohybrid(s) is the unique value each chip needs.


Using chamber_vfatDACSettings to write common register values

While some registers must be set by hand or by the script described in Configuration File on CTP7 since they are unique to each VFAT (e.g. CFG_IREF or registers that control a VFAT3's analog chain) some registers can be safely applied to all VFATs (e.g. setting the comparator mode, see General Overview of VFAT3). To do this easily, and without having to tediously modify many text files on the CTP7 the chamber_vfatDACSettings dictionary exists for this purpose. The chamber_vfatDACSettings dictionary is a nested dictionary found in the file under $PYTHONPATH of your system:

% $ locate

The chamber_vfatDACSettings dictionary is a nested dictionary where the outer key is the geographic address (e.g. ohKey)-a tuple (shelf,slot,link) which specifices uTCA shelf number, AMC slot number, and optohybrid number-and the inner dictionary uses (key,value) pairs of (register name, value), example:

chamber_vfatDACSettings = {    

With these settings a call of will overwrite the values of:

  • CFG_RES_PRE, and

registers in the Configuration File on CTP7 for all VFATs for optohybrids 0 through 2.


Taking Calibration & Commissioning Data

Calibration and commissioning scans can be taken with the interface. Unlike the v2b case the OH FPGA is no longer controlling the taking of calibration scans, nor is it generating a TTC stream. The CTP7 generates the TTC stream or forwards a TTC stream from the AMC13. This means that all optohybrids on a given CTP7 receive a common TTC stream. This means you cannot be taking data with routine A with OHX and simultaneously take data with routine B with OHY.

Additionally the scan routines rely on several blocks of the CTP7 FW:

  • etc...

These blocks can only receive information from one optohybrid at a time and thus almost all scans presently have to be run in series; they cannot be run in parallel. This will change as the SW tools develop.


Getting the VFAT Mask:

In some cases you may not have a fully instrumented setup (e.g. less than 24 VFATs) or you may not be able to communicate with all 24 VFATs for one reason or another. In this case you will need to mask either the non-responsive VFATs or those that are not physically present (otherwise scan applications will crash). "Newer" scan applications will automatically determine which VFATs are good or bad for you; however older scans will require you to provide a VFAT mask, a 24 bit number where the N^th bit corresponds to the N^th VFAT and a value of 1 indicates the VFAT should be skipped.

However to make things simplier, especially for newer users a tool has been provided to determine the VFAT mask for you: -c eagleXX -gY
Open pickled address table if available  /opt/cmsgemos/etc/maps/amc_address_table_top.pickle...
Initializing AMC eagleXX
The VFAT Mask you should use for OHY is: <some hex number>

Here the tool was given eagleXX OHY and returns some hex number that is the VFAT mask for this optohybrid.


The Mapping File:

The file is either a system installed file or installed under your python virtualenv which loads the required python dictionaries from your setup's file (found under $PYTHONPATH) at runtime. You never have to change the file and you should only ever edit the file via the editConfig alias on the user account, e.g. call:

$ editConfig 

Once the file has loaded the information from at runtime the python API will have a set of dictionaries:

  1. chamber_config,
  2. GEBtype, and
  3. chamber_vfatDACSettings dictionary (see Using chamber_vfatDACSettings to write common register values),

These dictionaries will:

  • define which detectors are connected,
  • provide the mapping between detector serial numbers and geographic addresses,
  • possible DAC values to use to overwrite values stored in the VFAT3 configuration files on the CTP7,
  • the appropriate data paths to write output data too, and
  • the chamber type.

The key values of the chamber_config and GEBtype are the geographic address (e.g. ohKey)-a tuple (shelf,slot,link) which specifices uTCA shelf number, AMC slot number, and optohybrid number-and enable you to define your test stand by specifying which detector is on which geographic address and what its detector type is, i.e. "long", "short", "m1", etc...


Taking Data:

Once the dictionaries in are correctly configured, see:

You're now able to use the command line interface tool for automatically launching scan applications for your test stand. The will for each uncommented link (optohybrid number) in chamber_config dictionary:

  • Create a scandate directory in the correct data path under: $DATA_PATH/chamber_config[ohN],
  • Set the permissions on this directory so anyone in the gemuser group can write or read,
  • Call the scan application and configure it with the correct inputs,
  • Create a log file of the scan, and
  • Set the permissions on the output files so anyone in the gemuser group can read them.

The tool accepts different commands, each command represents a different scan application and has it's own positional (mandatory) and optional arguments. You can calling the help menu of via: -h

Will display each of the possible input commands and provide a brief description of them. You can call the help menu of each of the commands in by calling: COMMAND -h

For example calling the help menu for the scurve command would look like: scurve -h
usage: scurve [-h] [--chMax CHMAX] [--chMin CHMIN] [-l LATENCY]
                           [-m MSPL] [-n NEVTS] [--vfatmask VFATMASK]
                           cardName ohMask

positional arguments:
  cardName              hostname of the AMC you are connecting too, e.g.
  ohMask                ohMask to apply, a 1 in the n^th bit indicates the
                        n^th OH should be considered

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --chMax CHMAX         Specify maximum channel number to scan
  --chMin CHMIN         Specify minimum channel number to scan
  -l LATENCY, --latency LATENCY
                        Setting of CFG_LATENCY register
  -m MSPL, --mspl MSPL  Setting of CFG_PULSE_STRETCH register
  -n NEVTS, --nevts NEVTS
                        Number of events for each scan position
  --vfatmask VFATMASK   If specified this will use this VFAT mask for all
                        unmasked OH's in ohMask. Here this is a 24 bit number,
                        where a 1 in the N^th bit means ignore the N^th VFAT.
                        If this argument is not specified VFAT masks are taken
                        from chamber_vfatMask of

Happy calibrating and commissioning!



Software utils for CMS GEMs







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  • Shell 91.1%
  • Python 8.9%