This sketch needs the following libraries which are both available under GNU public licence:
- Adafruit Neopixel
- VarSpeedServo
To install the Adafruit Neopixel library:
- Select Sketch, Include Library, Manage Libraries.
- In the box that says Filter your search type Adafruit Neopixel.
- Click on the box that appears and click the Install button.
To install the VarSpeedServo library:
- Download this zip file.
- Inside the Arduino IDE select: Sketch → Include Library → Add .ZIP Library.
- Browse to where you downloaded � select it and click Open.
This sketch also needs the wire library which is included in the Arduino environment
The Servo Controller for Ohbot Robot receives commands on the serial port and converts these to instructions for moving servo motors and controlling LEDs. It also allows the analogue inputs on the Arduino to be polled
Version | Change |
V1.5 | Added eye light LED support, correction to input response. |
V1.6 | Draft add I2C support for inputs. |
V1.7 | Added demo program support |
V1.8 | Remapped pinlist for 32U4 based board |
m, d, a, x, n, t, r, l, i, g, e, h, c, v
Param | Description |
ss | servo number 0 to 11 |
ttt | position in degrees, if >180 then uS pulse width |
vvv | speed 1-250, 1 slowest, 0 = full speed. |
defaults to centre (90 deg) and full speed with no parameters
detaches servo ss
attaches servo ss
Attach all specified servos
set max value uuu in uS pulse width for servo ss rep 180 deg
set min value uuu in uS pulse width for servo ss rep 0 deg
store min and max values for all servos in EEPROM
sets all servos to midpoint.
Param | Description |
nn | led number (00 or 01) |
rrr | red value (0-255) |
ggg | green value (0-255) |
bbb | blue value (0-255) |
set led nn - 0 or 1 if 2 eyes used to r, g b values.
To turn eyes off:
read Analog port pp. responds with vpp,vvv where v is value of analog port.
start monitoring port pp
e = event to change and ttt parameter
e = 1 change greater than ttt 0 or not included any change
e = 2 value rises above threshold ttt
e = 3 value falls above threshold ttt
for events 2 and 3, it will trigger once, and be reset when value falls back below/above threshold. kpp stop monitoring port pp
special commands for setup e5798 erase eeprom Commands for I2C on D2,D3
ca,uuuu set port address of I2C device to be addressed.
cw,bb,bb,bb... write bytes bb...
cr,nn read nn bytes from device returns
v04,vvv,vvv,vvv.... v - version number. returns version number
Digital 4-13 servos or pin 13 for leds
Analog A0-A5 inputs
I2C - 2 default ports used.
D2 I2C SDA Also servo 90
D3 I2C SCL Also servo 91
D0 Serial1 Rx Also servo 92
D1 Serial1 Tx Also servo 93
For reference with Ohbot
Servo | Motor |
Servo 0 | HeadNod |
Servo 1 | Head turn |
Servo 2 | Eye turn |
Servo 3 | Lid Blink |
Servo 4 | Top Lip |
Servo 5 | Bottom Lip |
Servo 6 | Eye tilt |
This Servo Controller for Ohbot Robot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA