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PHP Domain Parser Symfony-bridge

This package provides a Symfony specific bridge for the PHP domain-parser by Jeremy Kendall and Ignace Nyamagana Butera.

Providing a Cache adapter, HTTP Client adapter, and optional FrameworkBundle integration at Rollerworks\Component\PdbSfBridge\Bundle\RollerworksPdbBundle.


To install this package, add rollerworks/pdb-symfony-bridge to your composer.json:

$ php composer.phar require rollerworks/pdb-symfony-bridge

Now, Composer will automatically download all required files, and install them for you.

Symfony Flex (with contrib) is assumed to enable the Bundle and add required configuration.

Otherwise add the following configuration:

    cache_pool: 'rollerworks.cache.public_prefix_db'
    #manager: http # either: 'http' (default), 'static' (requires manual updates) or 'mock'

            # This name can be changed by setting `rollerworks_pdb.cache_pool` (**Don't reuse an existing cache pool!**)
                adapter: cache.adapter.array # use a persistent adapter that can be easily invalidated like cache.adapter.memcached or cache.adapter.pdo
                default_lifetime: 604800 # one week, the cache should be automatically refreshed, unless manager=static is used


You need at least PHP 8.1, and internet access is recommended but not required.

The public-suffix and top-level domain needs to manually updated from time to time. When internet access is available the PdbManager will automatically download the list and store it in the cache.

If no internet access is available, the local cache needs to refreshed manually. (Current not supported yet).

Basic Usage

Use the HttpUpdatedPdpManager to get a PdbManager which automatically updates the local cache using the HttpClient.


use Rollerworks\Component\PdbSfBridge\HttpUpdatedPdpManager;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache(;

// Any PSR16 Compatible adapter can be used, but it's recommended to use
// A caching adapter that allows easy invalidation (like Pdo or Memcache).
$cacheAdapter = ...;
$cache = new Psr16Cache($cacheAdapter);

// Optional, if not provided created as shown
// $httpClient = new \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient::create();

$manager = HttpUpdatedPdpManager::create($cache, /*$httpClient*/);

// Not required. But recommended to warm-up the caches.

// \Pdp\PublicSuffixList
$publicSuffixList = $manager->getPublicSuffixList();

// \Pdp\PublicSuffixList
$topLevelDomainList = $manager->getTopLevelDomainList();

When internet access is not possible use the StaticPdpManager instead.


use Rollerworks\Component\PdbSfBridge\StaticPdpManager;

// Any PSR16 Compatible adapter can be used, but it's recommended to use
// A caching adapter that allows easy invalidation (like Pdo or Memcache).
$cacheAdapter = ...;
$cache = new Psr16Cache($cacheAdapter);

// Provide the lists as described, realpath (not contents are string)
$publicSuffixList = ...; // File provided from
$topLevelDomainList ...; // File provided from

$manager = new StaticPdpManager($publicSuffixList, $topLevelDomainList, $cache);

// Not required. But recommended to warm-up the caches.

// \Pdp\PublicSuffixList
$publicSuffixList = $manager->getPublicSuffixList();

// \Pdp\PublicSuffixList
$topLevelDomainList = $manager->getTopLevelDomainList();

For resolving domain names see the official documentation of [PHP domain-parser].


For using the manager in tests use \Rollerworks\Component\PdbSfBridge\PdpMockProvider::getPdpManager().

Bundle Usage

First add set a suitable cache adapter (the Flex recipe uses ArrayCache to allow booting-up the Kernel, but for production usage it's required to use a persistent cache adapter, as otherwise whenever the Manager is initialized the rules need to be downloaded, parsed and cached).

# config/packages/rollerworks_pdb.yaml

    cache_pool: 'rollerworks.cache.public_prefix_db'

            # This name can be changed by setting `rollerworks_pdb.cache_pool` (**Don't reuse an existing cache pool!**)
                adapter: cache.adapter.memcached # or cache.adapter.pdo
                default_lifetime: 604800 # one week, the cache should be automatically refreshed

Offline usage

When the HttpClient component is installed and enabled the HttpUpdatedPdpManager is automatically used. When the HttpClient is not available the StaticPdpManager is used instead.

To force usage of the static adapter set configuration rollerworks_pdb.manager to static.

When the static adapter is enabled you must run rollerworks-pdb:update with the lists provided as files names.

And disable expiration of the cache, as otherwise the pre-bundled version will be used instead.

First download the lists from and respectively.

And load them into the cache.

$ bin/console rollerworks-pdb:update public_suffix_list.dat tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt

The files path can be either absolute or relative to the current working directory.

Cache expiration disable: Symfony cache-warming is designed as such that once the cache is warmed-up no future file writing is expected (for security reasons).

Which is why the cache should be easily updatable, with preferable no filesystem writing.

The rollerworks-pdb:update updates the cache without writing the provided files to the application var/cache directory. So when the cache does expire, there would be no files to read from, to prevent this the pre-bundled lists (used for the MockManager) are used instead, but these are only updated from time to time, and thus outdated.


For transparency and insight into the release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility, this package is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.

Releases will be numbered with the following format:


And constructed with the following guidelines:

  • Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
  • New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)
  • Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch

For more information on SemVer, please visit


This library is released under the MIT license.


This is an open source project. If you'd like to contribute, please read the Contributing Guidelines. If you're submitting a pull request, please follow the guidelines in the Submitting a Patch section.