A set of "ready to import" Power Automate Cloud flow templates, useful for daily automation projects.
A professional Microsoft account (1), which gives access to Power Automate Cloud - website (please note this is a different software from Power Automate Desktop)
(1) Microsoft 365 E3 licence or equivalent (see Microsoft entreprise plans comparison), some educational or non profit plans may also work.
Choose a flow in the Features section of this README. Download the latest release ZIP file using the hyperlink.
Go to the Power Automate Cloud editor (not Power Automate Desktop) > My flows > Import > Import Package (Legacy) > Upload a .zip package file ; Select the "_power_automate_package.zip" file that you previously downloaded ; [details missing]
Each package has an explicit filename, which summarise what it does.
A set of Power Automate Cloud flows to extend capabilities of Power Automate.
- workaround to run javascript code in a Power Automate Cloud flow using Excel Online - latest release - unzipped folder
A set of Power Automate Cloud flows which perform edit on every item of a sharepoint list (i.e. mass edit), to avoid editing each item manually.
empty a given SharePoint list (delete all items of a given SharePoint list without deleting the SharePoint list itself) - latest release - unzipped folder
import Excel table in an existing SharePoint list - latest release - unzipped folder
remove duplicates in a given SharePoint list (the duplication filter can use any column as reference) - latest release - unzipped folder
transfer data of each item from one column to another one in a given SharePoint list - latest release - unzipped folder
A set of Power Automate Cloud flows to enable Excel Online to deal with specific use cases.
- give to anybody who knows a given email adress, a write only access to a given Excel table (e.g. user will only be able to write, but will not be able to read) - latest release - unzipped folder
Note : this flow is secure "by design", because an email sent to only one mail box is only visible by the owner of this mailbox.
- save all messages of all Teams in Microsoft Teams accessible by the user of the flow - latest release - unzipped folder
Specific setting : flows are exported as "create new", as shown on picture below.
- ZIP file is uploaded in release.
- ZIP file unzipped is uploaded as source code.