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How to: Change the text color scheme

rrirower edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 3 revisions

The text color, font, and size on the Grid, Details, Episodes, and Seasons screens can be modified by adding your fonts, or, updating the installed fonts in the fonts folder. The theme.json file in the source folder defines the font, size, and color of screen fields. The structure of the file consists of:

  • A top-level entry called screens - this entry defines the screens used in the source code. It defines an array of screens and their fields.
  • Each screen entry consists of a name entry that specifies the name of the screen and all of its defined fields.
  • Each field entry is an array of one or more font entries that define the name of the font to use for the field.
  • Each font entry defines the URI, size, and color to use for the field.

To change a screen color, use an RGB color table to find a different color. Then overlay the new color in the theme.json file in the appropriate font entry.

You are responsible for any changes made to the fonts and the source.