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Rafael Staib edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 13 revisions
Method Name Description Parameters Return Type
add Adds a new step. (chainable) Object step Object wizard
insert Inserts a new step to a specific position. (chainable) Integer index, Object step Object wizard
remove Removes a specific step by an given index. Integer index Boolean
getCurrentStep Gets the current step object. - Object step
getCurrentIndex Gets the current step index. - Integer
getStep Gets a specific step object by index. Integer index Object step
next Routes to the next step. - Boolean
previous Routes to the previous step. - Boolean
finish Triggers the onFinishing and onFinished event. - void
destroy Removes the control functionality completely and transforms the current state to the initial HTML structure. - void
skip Skips a certain amount of steps. Not yet implemented! Integer count Boolean


$("#wizard").steps("insert", 0, {
   title: "Step Title",
   content: "<p>Step Body</p>"
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