This is a simple plugin that embeds a Textus Viewer instance into a Wordpress plugin.
This plugin depends on the Textus Viewer code (
It creates a custom Textus type that corresponds to a shortcode that calls the file.
[textus id="<insert file name>"]
The file name must be the name of file to be retrieved from the backend. At the moment this assumed to be in form "author/normalised text name".
The JSON file is then retrieved from the file system and presented to the viewer in the post.
The Textus posts are searchable separately
This is only the initial version of the plugin, please check the list of issues for the todo list.
The API format is JSON.
"textid": integer of the text id being retrieved,
"start":integer of the start co-ordinate,
"end": integer of the end co-ordinate,
"private": either "true" or "false". Must be a string,
"payload": {
"language":String. Language of the note,
"text": String. The note's body
"name": String. The public name of the account.
"status": Integer. HTTP Status code. 200 for success.
"note" : String. Description.
Request: ?text=1&type=annotation
"status": Integer. HTTP Status code,
"notes": [
"start": Integer. Start co-ordinate,
"end": Integer. End co-ordinate,
"time": String. The date in MySQL,
"private": String. True or false,
"payload": {
"language": String. Language code for the note,
"text": String. The note
"textid": integer of the text id being retrieved,
"start": integer of the start co-ordinate,
"end": integer of the end co-ordinate,
"private": either "true" or "false". Must be a string,
"language": String. Language code for the note,
"text": String. The updated text
"name": String. The public name of the account.
"id" : Integer
"status": Integer. HTTP Status code. 200 for success.
"note" : String. Description.