ToxiCrawler:- A web crawler to measure toxicity on Reddit and YouTube. Its front-end (HTML) code is given under path templates and CSS is under static/styles. For .py files, go to path ToxiCrawler/templates and under the root ToxiCrawler. For results, that is output plots, please go through the path ToxiCrawler/static/plots.
In the digital age, understanding celebrity influence on today's generation is crucial. This project explores this phenomenon using the YouTube Data API and Reddit to collect and analyze data for meaningful insights. The objective is to collect real-time data and analyze and derive meaningful insights from the celebrity-based data, their online presence, and their impact on today’s generation. This entails scrutinizing the nature of discussions surrounding celebrities, discerning whether they predominantly manifest in a positive or negative light. By navigating the intricate interplay between celebrities and their admirers, we aim to shed light on the profound ways in which these figures shape beliefs, behaviors, and preferences within today's digital age.
Rushabh Kothari [email protected] Bhavit Yogesh Shah [email protected] Shruti Iyengar [email protected] Mukul Dev [email protected]
- The project is developed and tested using Python v3.8. Python Website -
- A lightweight WSGI web application framework in Python. Flask Website -
- Request is a popular HTTP networking module (aka library) for Python programming language. Request Website -
- The DateTime library used for manipulating dates and times. Python documentation Website -
- A library for accurate and cross-platform timezone calculations. pytz Documentation -
- A powerful extension to the standard datetime module. dateutil Documentation -
- Json is a Python built-in package used to work on JSON data from different APIs to get requests. Python documentation Website -
- Base64 is a Python library used for data encoding. Python documentation Website -
- MongoDB is a NoSQL document database used to store data collected from Reddit and YouTube websites. MongoDB Website -
- PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools used to work with MongoDB using Python. PyMongo Website -
- A comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. Matplotlib Website -
- A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. numpy Website -
- A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data (natural language processing). NLTK Website -
- A logging facility for Python, part of the standard library. Python documentation Website -
- A module in Python that provides a way of using operating system-dependent functionality. Python documentation Website -
- A module that provides various time-related functions. Python documentation Website -
- Google OAuth2 for authentication and authorization in Python applications. Google OAuth2 Documentation -
- A client library for accessing Google APIs. Google API Client Library Documentation -
- A module for simple databases in Python. Python documentation Website -
Custom Modules
- Module developed for generating comparative plots.sentiment
- Module for plotting toxicity analysis.influence
- Module for plotting influence metrics.Reddit
- Custom module for fetching data from Reddit.YouTube
- Custom module for fetching data from YouTube.
For Installation of different packages:-
Use requirements.txt file(Mentioned in how-to-run steps.)
- We are using/cristianoronaldo
etc. - - <this Reddit endpoint URL provides data for posts related to all 10 celebrities.>
- *"auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", -
Note:- For Youtube, we also filter/ handle exceptions that are due to videos that have "Disabled Comments".
(One thing we observed is that YouTube API has a fetch request limit, if we cross that it will throw an error that more API calls will be taking place)
{Also, a process is already running such that API fetch request will fetch every 1 hour and get the result in the Reddit and YouTube collections as discussed above.)
To view the information of this process:- Go to VM and login such that you are in user@CS515-25:- (user will be your username) Run command: - ps -ef | grep python3.
You will be able to see more details in the MongoDB collections which display individual posts and comments.
(Please check the front-end design CSS stored at path:- static/styles)
Go inside project-1-implementation-team-caffeine folder:- 1)Using a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
2)Activate the virtual environment:
On Linux/macOS: source venv/bin/activate
On Windows: . venv/bin/activate
3)Installing all required packages
python -m pip install --upgrade pip Use this before installing the below requirements.txt if direct install doesn't work
pip install -r requirements.txt
3)run the main script
Please Note
1: Reddit API calls take some time to fetch as compared to YouTube.
2: The r/politics subreddit was added as per our discussion with the professor. This is loaded in a separate collection named "politics_data" and for checking the count, we are using a collection called "store_count".
More than 100,000 records were taken from Reddit and YouTube from various channels over 1 month to carry out the analysis.
collection_1: YouTube_data structure sample:- { "_id": { "$oid": "65417320ea8ac22301457ef5" }, "Name": "Selena Gomez", "video_info": { "kind": "youtube#video", "etag": "KyCSzF3W1hq4p9kHYE_c7X5kuhM", "id": "3AtDnEC4zak", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2016-08-02T20:00:26Z", "channelId": "UCwppdrjsBPAZg5_cUwQjfMQ", "title": "Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) [Official Video]", "description": "Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) [Official Video]\nFrom Charlie's debut album Nine Track Mind!\nDownload/Stream: \n\nExclusive Nine Track Mind Bundles Available Here:\n\nLight Switch out now!\nDownload/stream:\n\nSubscribe for more official content from Charlie Puth:\n\n\nFollow Charlie\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\nDirector: Phil Pinto\n\nThe official YouTube channel of Atlantic Records artist Charlie Puth. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.\n\n#CharliePuth #WeDontTalkAnymore #MusicVideo", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "Charlie Puth", "tags": [ "Charlie Puth", "Selena Gomez", "We Don't Talk Anymore", "Official Video", "Atlantic Records", "Nine Track Mind", "Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) [Official Video]", "wdta", "charlie puth", "charlie selina", "we dont talk anymore", "we dont talk anymore cover", "gomez puth", "selena gomez charile puth", "nine track mind", "we dont talk anymore selena", "we dont talk anymore like we used to do", "we dont" ], "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": { "title": "Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) [Official Video]", "description": "Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) [Official Video]\nFrom Charlie's debut album Nine Track Mind!\nDownload/Stream: \n\nExclusive Nine Track Mind Bundles Available Here:\n\nLight Switch out now!\nDownload/stream:\n\nSubscribe for more official content from Charlie Puth:\n\n\nFollow Charlie\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\nDirector: Phil Pinto\n\nThe official YouTube channel of Atlantic Records artist Charlie Puth. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.\n\n#CharliePuth #WeDontTalkAnymore #MusicVideo" } }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "3072807750", "likeCount": "14199256", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "402664" } }, "comments": [ "un gran duo van a pasar años y todavia va a ser de las mejores 💗", "I left talking with her from today .....1.11.2023 . We don't talk text see smile think anymore.", "No nut November remember everyone we are disciples of god.We can do it 👍", "Any international fans?\nComment your country", "Nov.?", "❤❤❤ for 2030 anyone", "31Oct2023,6:40PM,Tue", "Who listens in November 2023🌝❤️", "fell it 🥺", "احب هاي اغنيه من دهر زمان" ], "view_count": "3072807750" }
collection_2: Reddit_data structure sample:-
{ "_id": { "$oid": "6541737bea8ac22301457f21" }, "id": "17k4nes", "subreddit": "messi", "title": "[France Football] Lionel Messi has won the 2023 Ballon d’Or", "selftext": "", "upvote_ratio": "messi", "ups": 8, "downs": 0, "score": 8, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/messi/comments/17k4nes/france_football_lionel_messi_has_won_the_2023/", "comments": [ { "id": "k75k4l7", "subreddit": "messi", "comment_text": "G.O.A.T" }, { "id": "k75ejy3", "subreddit": "messi", "comment_text": "!!lets gooo" } ] }
- PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tool used to work with MongoDB using Python PyMongo Website -
- We are using this library to generate various plots that are required in this part of the project MatPlotLib Website -
Natural Language Processing
- We used a speech intensity analyzer to analyze the comments and to check if they were positive, neutral, or negative. NLP Speech intensity analyzer
For Installation of different packages:-
Use requirements.txt file(Mentioned in how-to-run steps.)
In this part of the project, we perform various analyses based on the collected data. Along with this, we also used Modern Hate Speech API for toxicity detection.
We performed four main types of analysis on celebrities and their overall impact:-
- Comparative
- Influence
- Sentiment
- time-series/trends
Go inside project-1-implementation-team-caffeine folder:-
- Using a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
On Linux/macOS: source venv/bin/activate
On Windows: . venv/bin/activate
- Installing all required packages
python -m pip install --upgrade pip Use this before installing the below requirements.txt if direct install doesn't work
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the different script
- Comparative
- Influence
- Sentiment
- time-series/trends
For running a plot that shows a comparison between Reddit and YouTube in toxicity using --modern hate speech:- python3
--for generating politics comments binned hourly python3
**Note: We are collecting data for the politics subreddit from the 3rd of November to the 17th of November instead of the 1st of November to the 14th of November, we had a word with the professor during the lecture regarding the same and he approved it.
All plots will be stored under the plots directory. We have run each kind of plot once and stored it just in case.
**NOTE: For data that was to be collected between the 1st and 14th. Due to the VM problems, there is no data on the 5th and 6th, and some inconsistencies that we had spoken to the professor in class.
Other than that we had run the project several times after the VM was restored for testing purposes and that's why you may see a spike on that date. Also, on the 17th a spike was seen as after our first demo we were advised to make some changes in scheduling and we tested the same again.
In this part of the project, we have developed an interactive tool including various analyses based on the collected data. All the HMTL files should be under the templates folder This file contains code that is based on the Flask modules. Running this file activates routes to the different analyses given below. This file contains code which is based on the number of posts from Reddit and YouTube and here the comparison is made. This file contains code that connects to MongoDB and generates plots based on the likes and comments of various celebrities for Reddit and YouTube. This file contains code that uses using NLTK technique for NLP to find toxicity and influence of celebrities on people's lives for genres such as music, entertainment, and sports. 5- The static folder contains images, plots, and styles used in our website. 6- The template contains html files for all three analyses.
We performed three main types of analysis on celebrities and their overall impact:-
- Comparative
- Influence
- Sentiment
Go inside project-3-implementation-team-caffeine folder:-
- Using a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
On Linux/macOS: source venv/bin/activate
On Windows: . venv/bin/activate
- Installing all required packages
python -m pip install --upgrade pip Use this before installing the below req.txt if direct install doesn't work
pip install -r req.txt
Run the different script
- For the start of an interactive website or for waking up the server, use the command
This will open a website on host and port
Now for the below analysis:
- Comparative
- Influence
- Sentiment
For running all the plots that show a comparison between Reddit and YouTube:-
- General Plots
In our MongoDB database, we have collected data from 3rd November to 27th November for the toxicity and sentiment-based data. All plots will be stored under the static/plots directory. We have run each kind of plot once and stored it just in case. Also, the images that will be used on our website, are stored under path static/images. =======