- add description.
- Clone the repo and
to the :mkdir myproject
cd myproject
git clone https://github.com/saeedarabi92/Farm-equipment-following-behaviour.git
- Run
pip install -e .
- Convert UTC time to local " US/Central "
- VAN category excluded
- Day of week rearranged based on the UTC conversion
- Plotting CDFs of trajectories in python
- Plotting CDFs of each trajectory in Tableau (It was too hard! I could not figure it out! Officially gave up)
- Meeting with Ashirwad about the model.
- Meeting summery:
- Do not shrink your dataset to mean and std. One outlier will have a great influence on the results.
- One option could finding the outliers and remove them from the dataset. There is something called Cook's distance which can be used to identify the outliers.
- Meeting summery:
- Finding appropriate statistical models. The response variables are mean and std of following distances. Also, random variable should be involved.
- Schedule appointment with stat department to go over the available options of stat model.
- Validity check of the fall 2018 . (Pictures and initial validation check)
- location in box: SaferTrek/Fall 2018 SaferTrek Roadway Data/Chunks based on Frame Missing from Koray Hard Drive
- Tableau visualization of medians and CDFs.
- I set meeting with Archana.
- Include only one following phase per trajectory. The one which is closest to the end of trajectory.
- Use median instead of mean and std for the model.
- [ ]
- Consider only the last following phase for each trajectory.
- Use two different distance estimation model for car and pickup truck.
- Put SUV in the pickup truck category.
- marginal effects ---> effect of one variable on the model
- Add more data.
- Use spline information for model fitting.