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Sistema para gerenciamento de cardápio de Bandejão.

Guia de comandos e configurações:

rails new bandejao cd bandejao

para testar: criar este controller e descomentar a linha

rails generate controller welcome index vi config/routes.rb

root to: welcome#index

se for configurar o bd em mysql

vi config/database.yml

production: adapter: mysql database: *** username: <%= ENV['BANDECO_USER'] %> password: <%= ENV['BANDECO_PASSWORD'] %> host: *** pool: 5 timeout: 5000

para configurar o bd no Mac Osx, deve-se definir o socket assim:

vi config/database.yml

default: &default adapter: mysql2 encoding: utf8 pool: 5 username: <%= ENV['BANDECO_USER'] %> password: <%= ENV['BANDECO_PASSWORD'] %> socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

após isso é preciso criar um arquivo com o login e senha, ou definir localmente

vi .env

BANDECO_USER=db_password BANDECO_PASSWORD=db_password

para finalizar, substitui o sqlite pelo mysql

vi Gemfile

gem 'mysql'

comandos para gerar os modelos

rails generate model Campusunit name:string address:string rails generate model Restaurant campusunit:references name:string address:string tel:string rails generate model Meal name:string cost:string rails generate model Menu day:date restaurant:references meal:references options:text kcal:string rails generate model Menuscomment menu:references commenter:string message:string rails generate model Restaurantopeninghour restaurant:references meal:references wday:integer open:string close:string rails generate model Placescategory campusunit:references name:string abbreviation:string rails generate model Place placescategory:references name:string address:string tel:string latitude:string longitude:string metatags:text

comandos para gerar os controllers

rails generate controller campusunits index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller restaurants index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller meals index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller menus index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller menuscomments index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller restaurantopeninghours index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller placescategories index show new create edit update destroy rails generate controller places index show new create edit update destroy

se for rodar online

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

se for rodar development

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="development"

acrescentar estas linhas

vi config/routes.rb resources :campusunits, :path => "campus" resources :restaurants, :path => "bandejao" resources :restaurantopeninghours, :path => "horariosrestaurante" resources :meals, :path => "refeicao" resources :menus, :path => "cardapio" resources :menuscomments, :path => "comentariosrefeicao" resources :placescategories, :path => "categoriaslocal" resources :places, :path => "local"

para monitorar o sistema com o Google Analytics

vi Gemfile

group :production do gem 'rack-google_analytics', :require => "rack/google_analytics" end

adicionar isso na definição da application class

vi config/application.rb

if Rails.env == "production" config.middleware.use("Rack::GoogleAnalytics", :web_property_id => "UA-0000000-1") end

para configurar o secrets.yml

rake secret

copia a chave gerada e edita o arquivo seguinte sem usar TAB no arquivo

vi config/secrets.yml

development: secret_key_base: pasted from rake secret_

test: secret_key_base: pasted from rake secret_

production: secret_key_base: pasted token from config/initializers/secret_token.rb_

para recarregar as novas configurações e iniciar o uso:

rm public/index.html touch tmp/restart.txt