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This is a constantly updated documentation for OKF Finland's main server stuff.

Language of choice is English, for fast documentation Finnish is OK if the other option would be no documentation at all.

0. Basic Info

Main Production Server AVOHOITO

Check that the SSH fingerprints match on first contact:

20:e3:1c:1e:35:d0:da:8b:51:bd:45:51:81:77:07:39 (ECDSA)
d4:2c:e0:a3:d1:5b:68:0c:1f:40:68:8c:43:d7:94:93 (RSA)
58:20:56:9d:db:1d:f8:cf:e0:6b:46:20:cc:5e:72:b4 (DSA)

Responsible main admins: Tarmo Toikkanen and Jaakko Korhonen (also SUDO rights given to many people for setting up various services and sites)

ubuntu 12.04 1 CPU 4G RAM on VMware, scalable. 13.8.2014 added 1G for troubleshooting reasons. Later +1G, now at 6GB. 1 Gb peak bandwidth with 100 Mb ensured. Traffic quota outwards 500 GB per month, inwards no limit. Off-site backed up storage 100G, 9€/month, daily snapshot, weekly full replication. Management, updates etc sysadmin support by Saima.

Dedicated Production Server TIETOPYYNTO Responsible main admins: UNKNOWN ubuntu 12.04 1 CPU 3G RAM on VMware, scalable. 13.8.2014 added 1G for troubleshooting reasons. 1 Gb peak bandwidth with 100 Mb ensured. Traffic quota outwards 500 GB per month, inwards no limit. Off-site backed up storage 100G, 9€/month, daily snapshot, weekly full replication.

Dedicated Production Server AVOKONTTI

ProServer PlusPower X6 2.0 32 GB DDR3-RAM AMD Opteron 3280 Unlimited Bandwidth Software-Raid 1 2 x 2 TB SATA II-HDD, 7.200 rpm

Admin Tool Info

dns zones postfix alias


Test Server Info

No development or test servers as of yet. Contact [email protected] for applications. 500M RAM 13€/month. Some can be included in existing budget. Do not use Heroku, Digital Ocean or any other service if you need your servers to be managed by OKF sysadmins. We are in a phase where we consolidate the scarce resources and efforts to this one environment.

Kapsi servers

These servers are being rolled out and tested for suitability.

4 vcpu 4 GB memory 25GB system disk 200 GB data disk ip:, 2001:67c:1be8::222

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:DUCWr4Uwms82/Z+H3wh9sRuL8qAM8N7cXKmOrkbbe08.

8 vcpu 8 GB memory 25GB system disk 400GB data disk ip:, 2001:67c:1be8::221

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:kjFYIb3ICOWBBJg8Z8bryWB9vsM0Gu2sJ1C6UtV2xkw.

1. Domain names

Finnish domain names and handled by OKFFI’s own account at DNS is handled by Saimanet.

The following domains are in our DNS management (updated June 2015).

  • Directed mainly to avohoito:

  •, .net, .com










  • Directed to tietopyynto:



  • Directed to

  •, .net, .org, .com

  • Not directed anywhere:



Some services are merely routed through our server and go to another service:

Acquisition of new domains:

  1. Check that the domain name is free and that the name does not appear in any trademark or company registers. [$61$-NXhyWmV6UTY5-0-aeFa6lBb2-aeFaSHQXc](More information for .fi domains.) If you're happy with a subdomain, in the form of, that can be done more easily and without cost.

  2. Contact [email protected] with the request, listing the domains you need, and which project will pay for the costs. Finnish .fi domains cost 50€ for 5 years, international domains cost $15/year (prices may change). Also let us know where the domain's website should be. We can host Wordpress easily, other sites with some setup effort, and we can point to existing outside servers as well.

Instructions for adding new sercvices

New services may be set up by members of OKFFI. Email the following info to [email protected]:

  • Service name
  • Are you putting a service up for debug or production in this phase. is the production server, for development purposes temporary servers are provisioned.
  • OKFFI responsible project or working group.
  • Responsible technical person
  • Source code repository
  • Memory and data storage requirement expectations
  • Server applications required
  • Service address,, or own domain. OKFFI can also register domains, ask through slack or sysadmin(a)
  • Repository for service configuration files. We back up also service configurations to Github. There is a private repo available, if needed.
  • Ports reserved
  • Service url for monitoring

Order a shell account

Install the services. For development purposes temporary servers are provisioned.

Configure Nagios

  • Add your shell account name to /etc/nagios3/htpasswd.conf, with different password.
  • Add your account name to contacts.cfg
  • Add the configuration file for your service, in /etc/nagios3/conf.d/okffi/, you can use the existing ones as template.

Inform progress and issues through Slack or sysadmin(a)

2.a. Installed Services and Applications (AVOHOITO)

For each service there will be service-specific system account (if needed) and someone responsible for that account. System accounts will not have passwords but will be accessed through sudo.

Components are brought to production by installing from public sources with public installation instructions. If any of these do not exist, service-specific Github repos are built before transferring services to production. It is advisable to develop and test new services with configuration management and batch deployment in mind.

Basic services (installed)



firewall with ufw


acct accounting is installed as of 8th August 2014. It logs all user logins, issued commands, and resource usage. In case of tracking down who caused a problem, this can be useful. Some key commands to try (as root):

  • ac: summarize login accounting
  • last: show the people who have logged in, and when they’ve logged out
  • lastcomm: show which commands have been used
  • sa: summarizes process accounting

NB. acct is not sufficient to prevent malicious use of granted shell privileges. It’s merely helpful in seeing who may have accidentally caused a problem in another service, while working on another one.


Scheduled commands can be used by all users of the server. "man crontab" gives more instructions. Essentially: by executing "crontab -e" you can edit your scheduled commands. A new line with the following contents: 15 3 * * * cd /var/www/okf/data/FOO; git pull would run the "git pull" command in folder /var/www/okf/FOO every day, at 15 past 3 in the morning.

Web server: nginx

nginx is running on port 80 and is the main web server (since 2014-10-07). Folders served by nginx are mainly in /var/www. Nginx can server static content efficiently. It can also be used to serve php/perl/python powered content using fastcgi (such as php5-fpm) or special services using proxying. See examples in /etc/nginx/sites-available/. Run nginx -t after modifying configurations, so the syntax is checked. If nginx shuts down, all our web services are down!

Web server: apache2

Apache2 can be used to run virtual web sites, if the site requires some apache2-specific functionality.

Folders served by apache2 are mainly in /var/www.

New virtual hosts are set up in folder /etc/apache2/sites-available, by copying an existing configuration and modifying appropriately. A new site called "NAME.conf" is taken into use like this:

  1. Add the new domain name to /etc/nginx/sites-available/apache-proxy (onto the line that says "server_name", so that nginx routes requests to apache.

  2. a2ensite NAME enables the new site configuration in Apache2 (you can of course manually symlink if you prefer)

  3. apachectl -t checks that the configuration syntax is correct. Remember to do this, since an invalid configuration file can shutdown the entire web server!

  4. service apache2 reload loads the new configuration.

If something goes wrong, do something like a2dissite NAME and service apache2 restart to get back to the preceding situation, so that the possible errors in your site configuration are out of the way.

Blog service, Wordpress network/multisite:

Wordpress multisite has been installed into /var/www/okf/blog. It is visible on the web at You may request a blog to administer. It can be given a subdomain or domain controlled by OKFFI, or it can be assigned a domain owned by you. Themes and plugins are installed by superadmins. Contact [email protected] if you need these.

Nagios monitoring

Running at address You can see the status with account "vieras". Ask the password from OKFFI core. To gain more access, add a username/password combination for yourself. Use the same username you have for shell access, and also use that as the contact name in Nagios configurations.

htpasswd /etc/nagios3/htpasswd.users USERNAME

To add or modify monitored services, add and edit service definitions in


and run

service nagios3 reload

To get notifications of service outages, add yourself to the contacts configuration and add you as the manager for appropriate services.


RT, Request Tracker 4

RT is used for OKFFI's helpdesk functions. It runs in Accounts are given to people who need to handle tickets. You may request a queue in RT if you need it for something. We can also forward mail aliases directly to RT queues (like [email protected] which goes to the finances queue).


Instructions on using screen and irssi together:

Use the irssi client inside a screen to keep the connections alive even when you log out.

Working IRC-nodes:


Using IRC with irssi client: #. ssh [KÄYTTÄJÄ] #. screen -S irssi irssi #. Commands to run inside irssi:

  • /SERVER ADD -auto -network IRCnet
  • /SERVER ADD -auto -network freenode
  • /CHANNEL ADD -auto #OKFFI freenode
  • /CHANNEL ADD -auto #avoindata freenode
  • /CHANNEL ADD -auto #OKFN freenode #. detach from screen: ctrl-a + ctrl-d (or, in a shorter notation: ^a^d) #. Next time, reattach the screen: screen -r (or screen -x)

You can access slack through IRC:

URL shortener: Lessn More

URL shorterner. Access it at

User name and password are given to people who need to create short urls.

Open ERP

Open ERP could be used for project management, asset tracking, and similar. Currently it's not widely used.

Data web server -

/var/www/okf/data on kansio, johon kaikki käyttäjät voivat lisätä julkaistavia tiedostoja. Kansion sisältö näkyy osoitteessa

GIS Geocode API

Responsible admin: Mikael Rekola

Geographical Information System Geocode API

  • Maanmittauslaitoksen maastotietokannan teiden geometriat ja attribuutit

  • Itellan osoitteet, postinumerot, postitoimipaikat ja kunnat

  • Pistemuotoiset osoitteet

Technically, the service is done using perl, and is located in /var/www/data/gis/

nginx proxies to apache, which uses mod_perl to call the service.


  1. asennettu Apache CouchDB 1.5.0 ja supervisor + tarvittavat lisäpaketit
  2. asennettu rahankeräysrekisteri-sovellus hakemistoon /home/warmaster/WhipAroundRegistryEnvironment
  3. supervisor asetettu käynnistämään WarApp-sovelluksesta 2 instanssia porteissa 8880 ja 8881 nobody-käyttäjänä
  4. supervisor kuuntelee ja tunnukset löytyy conffista. Tuolta voi hallita WarApp-sovellusta ja seurata lokia.
  5. muokattu Apache2 lataamaan proxy_balancer moduuli
  6. lisätty Apache2 virtual_host konfiguraatio domaineille ja rahankerä

CKAN / Datacatalog with datastore

All documentation, discussion and issues in Running as a docker container. See instructions at

The containers have been created as follows:

$ docker run -d --name db ckan/postgresql

$ `docker run -d --name solr ckan/solr

$ docker run -d -p 8081:80 --link db:db --link solr:solr --name ckan ckan/ckan

Nginx is configured to proxy the port 8081 and serve that as virtual host

If the containers are not running, they can be started with

$ docker start solr db ckan

2.b. Installed services and application (TIETOPYYNTO)

All documentation, discussion and issues in


avohoito server maintenance repository







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