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Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Few-Shot Intent Detection by Transferring Natural Language Inference


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0. Introduction

This is the official code base for the models in our paper on few-shot intent detection:

  • Jianguo Zhang, Kazuma Hashimoto, Wenhao Liu, Chien-Sheng Wu, Yao Wan, Philip S. Yu, Richard Socher, and Caiming Xiong. Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Few-Shot Intent Detection by Transferring Natural Language Inference. In EMNLP 2020. (

This project is a collaboration with UIC and HUST, through an internship project with Jianguo Zhang. This code base is designed to reproduce our experiments in our paper, and can be used with other datasets. For any technical details, please refer to our paper.

When using our code or the methods, please cite our paper: reference.

1. Getting started

1.1. Install a pytorch environment by anaconda

Other environments would work, but the following pytorch environment is what we used in our research and development process.

conda install pytorch==1.3.0 torchvision python==3.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch

1.2. Install other required packages

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

1.3. Prepare data for NLI

To get the training data for our NLI pretraining, we can simply run


and then the following files are generated:

$ ls -1 ./data/nli/all*

When we want to evaluate an NLI model on each of the SNLI, MNLI, and WNLI datasets separately, the following files would be useful:

$ ls -1 ./data/nli/*_processed.txt

Note that, there are only two classes, entailment and non_entailement, in our setup, so the NLI evaluation scores are not compatible with those of the standard three-way classification task. Each file has the following format:

$ cat ./data/nli/all_nli.train.txt 
a person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane.  a person is training his horse for a competition.       non_entailment
a person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane.  a person is at a diner, ordering an omelette.   non_entailment
a person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane.  a person is outdoors, on a horse.       entailment
children smiling and waving at camera   they are smiling at their parents       non_entailment
children smiling and waving at camera   there are children present      entailment
children smiling and waving at camera   the kids are frowning   non_entailment

, which is based on a tab-separated format: [premise] \t [hypothesis] \t [label]. As long as we follow this format, we can use whatever data for the NLI pretraining step.

1.4. Prepare data for intent detection

If we have already done the NLI data preprocessing step, the CLIN150 dataset is ready. If not, we can simply run


and then the following files are generated:

$ ls -l ./data/clinc150/ | grep '^d' | grep -v 'original_data' | cut -d" " -f 9

all corresponds to the full-domain setting with the 150 intents, oos corresponds to the OOS examples, and each of the others correspons to a single-domain setting. The single-domain split is based on ./data/clinc150/domain_intent_map.json, and this JSON file was manually created by us based on the CLINC150 dataset paper. Each of them has the following three directories:

$ ls -1 ./data/clinc150/banking/*



and a pair of label and files look like this:

$ paste ./data/clinc150/banking/train/* | cat
transfer        i need $20000 transferred from my savings to my checking
transfer        complete a transaction from savings to checking of $20000
transfer        transfer $20000 from my savings account to checking account
transfer        take $20000 from savings and put it in checking
transfer        put $20000 into my checking account from my savings account

As long as we follow this format, we can use whatever data for the intent detection model training.

2. Models

Here we explain how to use the models desribed in our paper.

###### Warning ######
In our code design, we sample few-shot examples every time we launch a process, so we assume that we use the same environment and the same random seed to ensure that there is consistency between the training and evaulation phases. An alternative strategy is to create a separate set of files for pre-sampled few-shot examples, so that we can avoid performing the sampling again and again.

2.1. Train and evaluate DNNC

We use the same model (./models/ to pretrain our DNNC model with NLI and then train it for the intent detection task.

  • Pretraining with NLI

The following command shows how to pretrain our DNNC model with the NLI dataset created by ./ as described above:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/nli/all_nli.train.txt \
--dev_file_path ./data/nli/ \
--do_lower_case \
--model_dir_path ./roberta_nli/

, where we set the same hyper-parameter setting used in our paper. In this example, a RoBERTa-based NLI model will be saved as ./roberta_nli/pytorch_model.bin. If we want to evaluate the model again, we can simply add the --do_predict option. Alternatively, we also provide our own RoBERTa NLI model at this URL ( to skip this pretraining step.

  • Training for intent detection

The following command shows how to train our DNNC model with the CLINC150 dataset created by ./ as described above:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/train/ \
--dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/dev/ \
--oos_dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/oos/dev/ \
--do_lower_case \
--bert_nli_path ./roberta_nli/ \
--bert_model roberta-base \
--few_shot_num 5 \
--num_trials 5 \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--train_batch_size 400 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
--save_model_path saving_checkpoints \
--output_dir ./clinc150_banking_dnnc/

, where we use the banking domain as an example, assuming that we have a NLI-pretrained model at ./roberta_nli/. If we do not want to use any NLI pretrained models, we can replace --bert_nli_path ./roberta_nli/ with --scratch, so that we can train an intent detetion model directly from the original BERT/RoBERTa models. --few_shot_num 5 and --num_trials 5 together specify a setting of 5 trials of 5-shot learning; the 5 examples of a class in each trial is randomly sampled from the training dataset. If we want to use a fixed example set, we can create such a dataset with K examples for each class and set --few_shot_num K and --num_trials 1. After each trial of the training, we can see a result table like this:

|   Threshold |   In-domain accuracy |   OOS recall |   OOS precision |   OOS F1 |
|         0   |              95.3333 |            0 |          0      |   0      |
|         0.1 |              93.6667 |           88 |         90.7216 |  89.3401 |
|         0.2 |              93      |           90 |         89.1089 |  89.5522 |
|         0.3 |              93      |           90 |         88.2353 |  89.1089 |
|         0.4 |              93      |           91 |         88.3495 |  89.6552 |
|         0.5 |              92.6667 |           94 |         87.8505 |  90.8213 |
|         0.6 |              92      |           97 |         86.6071 |  91.5094 |
|         0.7 |              91.6667 |           97 |         85.8407 |  91.0798 |
|         0.8 |              90      |           98 |         82.3529 |  89.4977 |
|         0.9 |              86.6667 |           99 |         74.4361 |  84.9785 |
|         1   |               0      |          100 |         25      |  40      |

, where all the OOS-related scores are 0 if we do not use any OOS evaluation sets. Once all the training processes are completed, we can see the following file and directories:

$ ls -1 ./clinc150_banking_dnnc/5-shot-roberta-base_nli__Based_on_nli_fine_tuned_model/

, where the first text file stores all the evaluation scores on the dev set, and if we set --save_model_path saving_checkpoints, all the trained models are saved in the saving_checkpoints_X directories. To calculate the statistics of the socres as reported in our paper, we can run the following command:

$ python \

, and we can see results like these:

Best threshold: 0.7000000000000001 (index: 7)
Best in_acc: 91.86666107177734 std: 2.8244941234588623
Best oos_recall: 97.5999984741211 std: 0.8944271802902222
Best oos_prec: 86.95243072509766 std: 3.594482183456421
Best oos_f1: 91.93324279785156 std: 1.8878377676010132

Finally, we can evalaute the models on the test set, by running the following command with --do_predict:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/train/ \
--dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/test/ \
--oos_dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/oos/test/ \
--do_lower_case \
--bert_nli_path ./roberta_nli/ \
--bert_model roberta-base \
--few_shot_num 5 \
--num_trials 5 \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--save_model_path saving_checkpoints \
--output_dir ./clinc150_banking_dnnc/ \
--do_predict \

, and the following file will be generated:


This file stores the evaluation scores on the test set, and we can apply the same script to get the statistics by specifying the best threshold value identified above:

$ python \
./clinc150_banking_dnnc/5-shot-roberta-base_nli__Based_on_nli_fine_tuned_model/batch_400---epoch_10.0---lr_2e-05---trials_5__oos-threshold__based_on_nli_fine_tuned_model_TEST.txt \

2.2. Train and evaluate Emb-kNN

To train the Emb-kNN model, we do not need to pretrain it with the NLI dataset, becasuse we directly use NLI-pretrained sentence transformer models from the sentence-transformers library. The following command shows how to train the model with the same dataset as in the DNNC example:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/train/ \
--dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/dev/ \
--oos_dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/oos/dev/ \
--do_lower_case \
--bert_model roberta-base \
--few_shot_num 5 \
--num_trials 5 \
--num_train_epochs 25 \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--train_batch_size 100 \
--save_model_path saving_checkpoints \
--output_dir ./clinc150_banking_embknn/

, where semantics of the arguments is consistent with the DNNC scenario's. The remaining evaluation process is exactly the same as before.

2.3. Train and evaluate TF-IDF-kNN

We also provide the TF-IDF retrieval baseline, and the following command shows an example of how to run it:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/train/ \
--dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/dev/ \
--oos_dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/oos/dev/ \
--do_lower_case \
--few_shot_num 5 \
--num_trials 5 \
--output_dir ./clinc150_banking_tfidf/

, where the training process is much simpler than before, because this just builds a TF-IDF index. The remaining evaluation process is almost the same as before, except that we do not save any models and we can just add --do_final_test to get scores for the test set.

2.4. Evaluate DNNC-joint

One we train the DNNC model and the Emb-kNN model, we can use our DNNC-joint method. An example command looks like this:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/train/ \
--dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/dev/ \
--oos_dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/oos/dev/ \
--do_lower_case \
--bert_model roberta-base \
--few_shot_num 5 \
--num_trials 5 \
--save_model_path saving_checkpoints \
--output_dir ./clinc150_banking_joint/ \
--dnnc_path ./clinc150_banking_dnnc/5-shot-roberta-base_nli__Based_on_nli_fine_tuned_model/ \
--emb_knn_path ./clinc150_banking_embknn/5-shot-roberta-base_nli__Based_on_nli_fined_tuned_model/ \
--topk 20

, where we assume that both the DNNC and Emb-kNN models are trained in an identical setting. In our paper, we only used the Emb-kNN model for the fast retrieval compoenent, but here we also make it possible to use the TF-IDF retrieval as well. We can simply remove the --emb_knn_path argument to enable the TF-IDF option. The remaining evaluation process is almost the same as before, except that we can just add --do_final_test to get scores for the test set.

2.5. Train and evaluate classifier

As the most standard baseline, the following command shows how to use the softmax classifier baseline:

python \
--train_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/train/ \
--dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/banking/dev/ \
--oos_dev_file_path ./data/clinc150/oos/dev/ \
--do_lower_case \
--bert_model roberta-base \
--few_shot_num 5 \
--num_trials 5 \
--num_train_epochs 25 \
--learning_rate 5e-5 \
--train_batch_size 30 \
--save_model_path saving_checkpoints \
--output_dir ./clinc150_banking_classifier/

, where semantics of the arguments is consistent with the others. The remaining evaluation process is exactly the same as before.

3. Questions?

For any questions, feel free to open issues, or shoot emails to

4. License


Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Few-Shot Intent Detection by Transferring Natural Language Inference



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