#Docker steps
##Build and push
- step 1: ./mvnw install dockerfile:build -Dimage.tag=dev
- result: repository/image_name:tag -> regissantana/spring-example:dev
- step 2: docker login
- step 3: ./mvnw dockerfile:push
##Pull and run (local or server)
- step 1: docker login
- step 2: docker run -d -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev" -p 6080:8080 regissantana/spring-example:dev
- 6080 is the exposed port and 8080 is the internal port
- step 3: docker logs 40591d4a501e
- 40591d4a501e is the CONTAINER ID
##Running with compose (aws-Lightsail)
- step 2: git pull origin master
- step 3: docker login
- step 5: TAG=dev docker-compose up -d
- kill all containers
- docker kill $(docker ps -q)
- remove all stopped containers
- docker system prune
- remove all images which are not referenced by any existing container
- docker image prune -a