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AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Terraform Module

Terraform module designed to create networking resources on the AWS Cloud, supporting both IPv4 and dual stack IP modes for workload deployment.

Usage Example

module "key_pair_vpn" {
  source             = "saturnops/keypair/aws"
  environment        = "production"
  key_name           = format("%s-%s-vpn", "production", "skaf")
  ssm_parameter_path = format("%s-%s-vpn", "production", "skaf")

module "vpc" {
  source = "saturnops/vpc/aws"
  name                                            = "skaf"
  vpc_cidr                                        = ""
  environment                                     = "production"
  ipv6_enabled                                    = true
  create_ipam_pool                                = false
  ipam_enabled                                    = false
  flow_log_enabled                                = true
  vpn_key_pair_name                               = module.key_pair_vpn.key_pair_name
  availability_zones                              = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]
  vpn_server_enabled                              = false
  intra_subnet_enabled                            = true
  auto_assign_public_ip                           = true
  public_subnet_enabled                           = true
  private_subnet_enabled                          = true
  one_nat_gateway_per_az                          = true
  database_subnet_enabled                         = true
  vpn_server_instance_type                        = "t3a.small"
  vpc_s3_endpoint_enabled                         = true
  vpc_ecr_endpoint_enabled                        = true
  flow_log_max_aggregation_interval               = 60
  flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_skip_destroy      = true
  flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days = 90
  flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_kms_key_arn       = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:222222222222:key/kms_key_arn" #Enter your kms key arn

Refer this for more examples.


To avoid interruptions during the destruction process, ensure that any resources created outside of Terraform, which are connected to Terraform-managed resources, are deleted before destroying the module.

The private key generated by Keypair module will be stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. For more details refer this

To encrypt the VPC flow log CloudWatch log group, please use the following KMS key policy. Make sure to replace the account ID and region with your specific details.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "allow-cloudwatch-logs-encryption",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowRootFullPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::12345678:root"
            "Action": "kms:*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowCloudWatchLogsEncryption",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": ""
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Network Scenarios

Users need to declare vpc_cidr and subnets are calculated with the help of in-built functions.

This module supports three scenarios to create Network resource on AWS. Each will be explained in brief in the corresponding sections.

  • simple-vpc (default behavior): To create a VPC with public subnets and IGW.

    • vpc_cidr = ""
    • public_subnet_enabled = true
    • auto_assign_public_ip = true
  • vpc-with-private-sub: To create a VPC with public subnets, private subnets, IGW gateway and NAT gateway.

    • vpc_cidr = ""
    • public_subnet_enabled = true
    • private_subnet_enabled = true
    • auto_assign_public_ip = true
  • complete-vpc-with-vpn: To create a VPC with public, private, database and intra subnets along with an IGW and NAT gateway. Jump server/Bastion Host is also configured.

    • vpc_cidr = ""
    • public_subnet_enabled = true
    • private_subnet_enabled = true
    • database_subnet_enabled = true
    • intra_subnet_enabled = true
    • auto_assign_public_ip = true
    • one_nat_gateway_per_az = true
    • vpn_server_enabled = true
    • vpn_server_instance_type = "t3a.small"
    • vpn_key_pair_name = ""
    • availability_zones = 2
    • flow_log_enabled = true
    • flow_log_max_aggregation_interval = 60
    • flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days = 90
    • flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_kms_key_arn = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:222222222222:key/kms_key_arn"
  • vpc-peering: VPC peering support is available using submodule vpc_peering. Refer Peering Docs for more information

    • accepter_name = ""
    • accepter_vpc_id = ""
    • accepter_vpc_region = ""
    • requester_name = ""
    • requester_vpc_id = ""
    • requester_vpc_region = ""
    • auto_assign_public_ip = true
    • one_nat_gateway_per_az = true
  • vpc-with-ipv6: To create VPC with IPv6 support, you only need to enable the parameter ipv6_enabled. Rest all the configurations will be taken care by module. Refer for example vpc-with-ipv6 for more information.

    • vpc_cidr = ""
    • public_subnet_enabled = true
    • private_subnet_enabled = true
    • database_subnet_enabled = true
    • intra_subnet_enabled = true
    • auto_assign_public_ip = true
    • ipv6_enabled = true
    • public_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true
    • private_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true
    • database_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true
    • intra_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = true

IAM Permissions

The required IAM permissions to create resources from this module can be found here

VPN setup

We are using Pritunl as VPN. It is using Ubuntu 22.04 image as underlying OS. To configure Pritunl VPN:

  1. Access the Pritunl UI over HTTPS using the public IP of EC2 instance in browser
  2. Retrieve the initial key, user and password for setting up Pritunl from AWS Secrets Manager and log in to Pritunl.
  3. Create a DNS record mapping to the EC2 instance's public IP
  4. After login, in the Initial setup window, add the record created in the 'Lets Encrypt Domain' field.
  5. Pritunl will automatically configure a signed SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt.
  6. Add organization and user to pritunl.
  7. Add server and set port as 10150 which is already allowed from security group while creating instance for VPN server.
  8. Attach organization to the server and Start the server.
  9. Copy or download user profile link or file.
 10. Import the profile in Pritunl client.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 4.23


Name Version
aws >= 4.23


Name Source Version
vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws 5.2.0
vpn_server ./modules/vpn n/a


Name Type
aws_security_group.vpc_endpoints resource
aws_vpc_endpoint.private-ecr-api resource
aws_vpc_endpoint.private-ecr-dkr resource
aws_vpc_endpoint.private-s3 resource
aws_vpc_ipam.ipam resource
aws_vpc_ipam_pool.ipam_pool resource
aws_vpc_ipam_pool_cidr.ipam_pool_cidr resource
aws_availability_zones.available data source
aws_ec2_instance_type.arch data source
aws_route_tables.aws_private_routes data source


Name Description Type Default Required
auto_assign_public_ip Specify true to indicate that instances launched into the subnet should be assigned a public IP address. bool false no
availability_zones Number of Availability Zone to be used by VPC Subnets list(any) [] no
create_ipam_pool Whether create new IPAM pool bool true no
database_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation Assign IPv6 address on database subnet, must be disabled to change IPv6 CIDRs. This is the IPv6 equivalent of map_public_ip_on_launch bool null no
database_subnet_cidrs Database Tier subnet CIDRs to be created list(any) [] no
database_subnet_enabled Set true to enable database subnets bool false no
default_network_acl_ingress List of maps of ingress rules to set on the Default Network ACL list(map(string))
"action": "deny",
"cidr_block": "",
"from_port": 22,
"protocol": "tcp",
"rule_no": 98,
"to_port": 22
"action": "deny",
"cidr_block": "",
"from_port": 3389,
"protocol": "tcp",
"rule_no": 99,
"to_port": 3389
"action": "allow",
"cidr_block": "",
"from_port": 0,
"protocol": "-1",
"rule_no": 100,
"to_port": 0
"action": "allow",
"from_port": 0,
"ipv6_cidr_block": "::/0",
"protocol": "-1",
"rule_no": 101,
"to_port": 0
enable_database_subnet_group Whether create database subnet groups bool false no
environment Specify the environment indentifier for the VPC string "" no
existing_ipam_managed_cidr The existing IPAM pool CIDR string "" no
flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_kms_key_arn The ARN of the KMS Key to use when encrypting log data for VPC flow logs string null no
flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log group for VPC flow logs. number null no
flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_skip_destroy Set to true if you do not wish the log group (and any logs it may contain) to be deleted at destroy time, and instead just remove the log group from the Terraform state bool false no
flow_log_enabled Whether or not to enable VPC Flow Logs bool false no
flow_log_max_aggregation_interval The maximum interval of time during which a flow of packets is captured and aggregated into a flow log record. Valid Values: 60 seconds or 600 seconds. number 60 no
intra_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation Assign IPv6 address on intra subnet, must be disabled to change IPv6 CIDRs. This is the IPv6 equivalent of map_public_ip_on_launch bool null no
intra_subnet_cidrs A list of intra subnets CIDR to be created list(any) [] no
intra_subnet_enabled Set true to enable intra subnets bool false no
ipam_enabled Whether enable IPAM managed VPC or not bool false no
ipam_pool_id The existing IPAM pool id if any string null no
ipv4_netmask_length The netmask length for IPAM managed VPC number 16 no
ipv6_enabled Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC. You cannot specify the range of IP addresses, or the size of the CIDR block. bool false no
ipv6_only Enable it for deploying native IPv6 network bool false no
name Specify the name of the VPC string "" no
one_nat_gateway_per_az Set to true if a NAT Gateway is required per availability zone for Private Subnet Tier bool false no
private_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation Assign IPv6 address on private subnet, must be disabled to change IPv6 CIDRs. This is the IPv6 equivalent of map_public_ip_on_launch bool null no
private_subnet_cidrs A list of private subnets CIDR to be created inside the VPC list(any) [] no
private_subnet_enabled Set true to enable private subnets bool false no
public_subnet_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation Assign IPv6 address on public subnet, must be disabled to change IPv6 CIDRs. This is the IPv6 equivalent of map_public_ip_on_launch bool null no
public_subnet_cidrs A list of public subnets CIDR to be created inside the VPC list(any) [] no
public_subnet_enabled Set true to enable public subnets bool false no
region The AWS region name string null no
secondary_cidr_blocks List of the secondary CIDR blocks which can be at most 5 list(string) [] no
secondry_cidr_enabled Whether enable secondary CIDR with VPC bool false no
vpc_cidr The CIDR block of the VPC string "" no
vpc_ecr_endpoint_enabled Set to true if you want to enable vpc ecr endpoints bool false no
vpc_s3_endpoint_enabled Set to true if you want to enable vpc S3 endpoints bool false no
vpn_key_pair_name Specify the name of AWS Keypair to be used for VPN Server string "" no
vpn_server_enabled Set to true if you want to deploy VPN Gateway resource and attach it to the VPC bool false no
vpn_server_instance_type EC2 instance Type for VPN Server, Only amd64 based instance type are supported eg. t2.medium, t3.micro, c5a.large etc. string "t3a.small" no


Name Description
database_subnets List of IDs of database subnets
intra_subnets List of IDs of Intra subnets
ipv6_vpc_cidr_block The IPv6 CIDR block
private_subnets List of IDs of private subnets
public_subnets List of IDs of public subnets
vpc_cidr_block IPV4 CIDR Block for this VPC
vpc_id The ID of the VPC
vpc_ipv6_association_id The association ID for the IPv6 CIDR block
vpc_secondary_cidr_blocks List of secondary CIDR blocks of the VPC
vpn_host_public_ip IP Address of VPN Server
vpn_security_group Security Group ID of VPN Server

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AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Terraform Module







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