A documentation of useful tricks, formulas, and other helpers for efficiency, consistency and out-right speed.
$foo: 'condensed';
.bar {
$font: 'barlow-' + $foo; // 'barlow-condensed'
@mixin foo( $bar, $baz: false ) {
color: $bar;
@if baz {
border-width: $baz;
.qux {
@include foo( #1e90ff, 2px );
// @see https://github.com/saucyrooster/cheatsheet#variable-arguments
@mixin bar( $baz... ) {
box-shadow: $baz
.qux {
$baz: 0 0 2px #333, 0 0 4px #666, 0 0 8px #999;
@include bar( $baz );
if, if else, else
for loop
// @see https://github.com/saucyrooster/cheatsheet#control-directives
$foo: bar;
.qux {
@if $foo == bar {
color: #000;
} @else if $foo == baz {
color: #fff;
} @else {
color: #999;
.qux {
color: if($foo == bar, #000, #999); // if([condition], [if true], [else])
or here's a doozy…
$foo: "foo";
$bar: "bar";
$qux: "qux";
@if ($foo == "foo" and not ($bar == "bar")) or ($qux == "qux") {
// first condition is false, second condition is true
// @see https://github.com/saucyrooster/cheatsheet#stagger-loop
$n: 5; // $n = intiger - Sets the number of loops to complete
@for $x from 2 through $n {
&:nth-child( #{ $x } ) {
animation-delay: $x * 100ms; // $x = intiger - prints the loop count
// @see https://github.com/saucyrooster/cheatsheet#stagger-loop---reverse
@for $x from 1 through ( $n - 1 ) {
&:nth-child( #{ $x } ) {
animation-delay: ( $n - $x ) * 120ms;
Notice two things. First, we're beginning the loop from the second element whether its from the start or finish. In the reverse version we still count one less than $n
but we want to start from the end, $n - 1
, in our case, '4' then run the loop in reverse ( $n - $x )
. Beginning at the second element improves the experience in our animations. Finally, don't forget to use interpolation to append the loop count to the class.