Automation using Bash scripts and Cron jobs for Molgenis Compute pipelines from:
- Indentation:
- environment variables: ALL_UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES
- global script variables: camelCase
- local function variables: _camelCasePrefixedWithUnderscore
if ... then
,while ... do
andfor ... do
not on a single line, but on two lines with thethen
on the next line. E.g.if ... then ... elif ... then ... fi
See separate for details on the (deprecated) version
|-- bin/......................... Bash scripts for managing data staging, data analysis and monitoring / error handling.
|-- etc/......................... Config files in bash syntax. Config files are sourced by the scripts in bin/.
| |-- <group>.cfg.............. Group specific variables.
| |-- <site>.cfg............... Site / server specific variables.
| `-- sharedConfig.cfg......... Generic variables, which are the same for all group and all sites / servers.
`-- lib/
`-- sharedFunctions.bash..... Generic functions for error handling, logging, track & trace, etc.
⎜ LFS ⎜ Dedicated pre processing server to create FastQ files ⎜
⎜ scr* ⎜ multiplexed rawer data (BCL format) -> demultiplexed raw data (FastQ format) ⎜
1: copyRawDataToPrm
⎜ LFS ⎜ HPC cluster ⎜ LFS ⎜>>> 4: notifications
⎜ prm* ⎜ demultiplexed raw data (FastQ format) -> variant calls (VCF format) ⎜ tmp* ⎜>>> 5: cleanup
^ v ^ v
^ `>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2: startPipeline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^ v
^ v
`<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3: copyProjectDataToPrm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
flow gattaca01 (scr01) --> chaperone (prm06) --> leucine-zipper (tmp06) --> chaperone (prm06)
#### gattaca01
##### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_Demultiplexing-2.3.1 ; -g umcg-gd
#### chaperone
###### umcg-gd-dm
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-bare ; -g umcg-gd -s
#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd
#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd
#### chaperone
###### umcg-gd-dm
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-bare ; -g umcg-gd
#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd -a umcg-gap
#### leucine-zipper
###### umcg-gd-ateambot
module load NGS_Automated/3.0.1-NGS_DNA-3.5.5 ; -g umcg-gd
The path to phase.state files must be:
Phase is in most cases the name of the executing script as determined by ${SCRIPT_NAME}
State is either started
, failed
or finished
- For 'sequence projects':
- ${project} = the 'run' as determined by the sequencer.
${run} = the 'run' as determined by the sequencer. Hence $ {project} = {run} = [SequencingStartDate][Sequencer][RunNumber]_[Flowcell]
- For 'analysis projects':
- ${project} = the 'project' name as specified in the sample sheet.
- ${run} = the incremental 'analysis run number'. Starts with run01 and incremented in case of re-analysis.
(NGS_Demultiplexing) => ${sourceServer}:${SCR_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${run}_Demultiplexing.
touch ${sourceServer}:${SCR_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${run}_Demultiplexing.finished
\/ -g GROUP -s GATTACA => ${cluster}:${PRM_ROOT_DIR}/logs/copyRawDataToPrm.lock
Check which sample sheets feed into startPipeline! ${cluster}:${PRM_ROOT_DIR}/Samplesheets/project_${cluster}/${project}.csv
\/ -g GROUP => ${project}.scriptsGenerated # Refactor to use *.${phase}.${state} syntax
\/ -g GROUP => ${cluster}:${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${project}/${run}.calculateMd5s.started
\/ -g GROUP => ${cluster}:${PRM_ROOT_DIR}/logs/copyProjectDataToPrm.lock
${cluster}:${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${project}/${run}.copyProjectDataToPrm.finished -g GROUP => -g GROUP => ${cluster}:${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${project}/${run}.ConcordanceCheck.started
To configure e-mail notification by the notifications script,
array in etc/${group}.cfg
and list the : combinations for which email should be sent. E.g.:
In addition there must be a list of e-mail addresses (one address per line) for each state for which email notifications are enabled in:
In case the list of addresses is the same for mutiple states, you can use symlinks per state. E.g.
${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${phase1}.mailinglist -> ./all.mailinglist
${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/logs/${phase2}.mailinglist -> ./all.mailinglist
The cleanup script runs once a day, it will clean up old data:
- Remove all the GavinStandAlone project/generatedscripts/tmp data once the GavinStandAlone has a ${project}.vcf.finished in ${TMP_ROOT_DIR}/GavinStandAlone/input
- Clean up all the raw data that is older than 30 days, it first checks if the data is copied to prm
- check in the logs if ${filePrefix}
- count *.fq.gz on tmp and prm and compare for an extra check
- All the project + tmp data older than 30 days will also be deleted
- when ${project}
Script | User | Running on site/server |
1. copyRawDataToPrm | ${group}-dm | HPC Cluster with prm mount |
2. startPipeline | ${group}-ateambot | HPC Cluster with tmp mount |
3. copyProjectDataToPrm | ${group}-dm | HPC Cluster with tmp mount |
4. notifications | ${group}-ateambot | HPC Cluster with tmp mount |
5. cleanup | ${group}-ateambot | HPC Cluster with tmp mount |
- LFS = logical file system; one of arc*, scr*, tmp* or prm*.
- NGS_DNA and NGS_RNA pipelines produce data per project in a run sub dir for each (re)analysis of the data. These pipelines do not generate data outside the projects folder.
- NGS_Automated has it's own dirs and does NOT touch/modify/create any data in the projects dir.
|-- Samplesheets/
| |-- archive
| |-- new?
|-- generatedscripts/
|-- logs/............................ Logs from NGS_Automated.
| |-- ${SCRIPT_NAME}.mailinglist... List of email addresses used by the notifications script
| | to report on state [failed|finished] of script ${SCRIPT_NAME}.
| | Use one email address per line or space separated addresses.
| |-- ${SCRIPT_NAME}.lock Locking file to prevent multiple copies running simultaneously.
| `-- ${project}/
| |-- ${run}.${SCRIPT_NAME}.log
| |-- ${run}.${SCRIPT_NAME}.[started|failed|finished]
| |-- ${run}.${SCRIPT_NAME}.[started|failed|finished].mailed
|-- projects/
| |-- ${run}.md5....... MD5 checksums for all files of the corresponding ${run} dir.
| `-- ${run}/
| |-- jobs/........ Generated Bash scripts for this pipeline/analysis run.
| |-- logs/........ Only logs for this pipeline/analysis run, so no logs from NGS_Automated.
| |-- qc/.......... Quality Control files.
| |-- rawdata/..... Relative symlinks to the rawdata and corresponding checksums.
| | |-- array/... Symlinks point to actual data in ../../../../../rawdata/array/
| | `-- ngs/..... Symlinks point to actual data in ../../../../../rawdata/ngs/
| `-- results/..... Result files for this pipeline/analysis run.
`-- rawdata/
|-- array/
`-- ngs/