No blockchain skills needed. Timestamp your WordPress content to empower your content authenticity and increase user trust.
- Check out the ScoreDetect Timestamps Docs
Timestamps allow you to increase content authenticity by displaying a rich timeline of your post updates. The timeline can be independently verified by the public.
The plugin requires these software with the following versions:
Simply downloading the repository files is not enough to have the plugin working, as CSS and JavaScript files are built during the release process. If you want to use a development version of the plugin you will need to run:
nvm use && composer i && npm install && npm run build
Node.js (v18) and npm (v8) are required.
Should you spot any mistakes or have suggestions for enhancing the plugin, feel free to raise an issue. We're eager to hear the community's feedback on this project and greatly appreciate your contribution!
Active: ScoreDetect is currently and continuously improving this project, with plans to maintain compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. We welcome bug reports, feature suggestions, enquiries, and pull requests.
A complete listing of all notable changes to the plugin are found in
Please read for details on our code of conduct, for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us, and for a listing of maintainers of, contributors to, and libraries used in the plugin.