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Translator Communication

mmwikali edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 1 revision

We encourage translators for a particular language to collaborate with each other. There are a variety of ways for folks to communicate. For some languages, one mechanism may be better than another. Regardless of what mechanism you use, it's important that translators have a way to talk to each other about translating Scratch. Here are some of the options.

Direct messages

In comments on strings you can @mention another transifex user to have them be notified about the comment. If you're adding an issue on a translation, it is probably a good idea to @mention the person who reviewed the string, or a reviewer on the language team. You can see all the people on the team for a particular language. For example, shows all the people on the Italian team. You can replace it with the your language code to see the people translating to your language.

You can also use Transifex's message system to send a direct message to someone else on the team.


We have set up a Slack community for Translators that you can join. There is a #general channel where anyone can ask questions, and you can set up a channel for discussions of your language if there isn't one already. Sometimes it can be helpful to discuss how to translate things with people translating to other languages.

Discussion Forums

There is a Scratch Translators Discussion forum on Transifex. On transifex you can post a message for All languages, or just your language. We also have a Translating Scratch discussion forum on the Scratch Website. It tends to have general questions about translating Scratch, but you could also start a topic in that forum for discussing your language. For example, Japanese has a long running topic in that forum.