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08. FAQ

A.D. Letaw edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gmacs?

Gmacs is a size-based stock assessment modeling framework designed for stock assessment of hard-to-age species.

What can Gmacs do that distinguishes it from other assessment packages?

Gmacs has been developed from the outset as a structured project with clear open-source ideaologies. It wa written specifically for length-structured stock assessments, with Alaskan crab stocks in mind. However, Gmacs should be applicable to any length-structured stock that grows incrementally after each molt.

How do I learn Gmacs?

There are several pieces of Gmacs documention. See the main pages of this Wiki for a general guide to users and developers, and the gmacs/docs directory for technical documention relating to the source code.

Where are good examples to follow?

The gmacs/examples directory contains a demonstration model based on the Bristol Bay Red King Crab (BBRKC) stock under management of the North Pacific Fisheries Management council. See the gmacs/examples/bbrkc directory.

Can I run Gmacs from within R?

No, not yet. However, there are plans to include this functionality into the R Package gmr in the near future. In the meantime, you can always use the R command system("gmacs") to run Gmacs from within R.