Starter kit for Node.js + Typescript + React.js + Apollo GraphQL + TypeORM
- Typescript Node + React
- Apollo GraphQL (apollo-client 3.0)
- TypeORM w/ testing connections (Docker-Compose Postgres + GitHub Actions)
- GraphQL Code Generator
- Material UI
- Unit/Integration/E2E tests
- React client with Hooks
- Prettier + ESLint configuration
NOTE: VS Code settings for ESLint+Prettier (consequence of mono repo structure)
"eslint.workingDirectories": [ "./client", "./server" ]
Tested with Node 12+, Postgres 11+ required for database. Docker-compose provided for Postgres. Should be easy to adapt examples to other databases... may update database support in future versions.
This is setup like a mono-repo with seperate folders for clients and server, each with their own package and config. You could set these up in their own repos, switch to each folder to start the respective packages.
client = Material UI based React TypeScript (create-react-app non ejected), using GraphQL Code Generator for hooks + TypeScript Types. Apollo Client 3.0.
server - Apollo Server using GraphQL Code Generator for resolvers + types. Using TypeORM for database access, working examples of relay style cursor pagination, unit, integration and e2e tests.
pinned server dependency versions to avoid breaking changes, this app is getting a bit dated now will require larger updates for more packages in future
had to update typescript to avoid issues with types for @types/express-serve-static-core and @types/lodash, however, version 5.1 appears to have regression so we are sticking with 5.0.4 for now. microsoft/TypeScript#54542
graphql tools older version using older @types/ws with breaking changes, had to add a resolution to address for "@types/ws": "8.5.4" in package.json.
typeorm has to be stuck to 0.2.22, higher versions break tests and have not been addressed by typeorm. Issue still open after years: typeorm/typeorm#5676
updated github actions to use specific Yarn version with corresponding .yarnrc.yml set to 3.6.0, included the releases in the repo to stay fixed
may make some more changes to streamline the repo into yarn workspaces, tbd