Generate TopoJSON maps of Swiss municipalities for OneGov/onegov.election_day from publicly available swisstopo geodata. Generate corresponding json data for the naming of the districts and communities. This repository is based of the apparently now abandonded interactivethings/swiss-maps.
To generate the TopoJSON files you need to install Node.js, either with the official Node.js installer or via Homebrew:
brew install node
You also need GDAL and the corresponding python-gdal library installed. Links to the binaries are in the GDAL Wiki. On OS X you can also use Homebrew:
brew install gdal
On Ubuntu/Mint Linux run the following to install gdal
# gdal might be present, try
sudo apt install gdal-bin
# For Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gdal-bin
ogr2ogr --version
Or install qgis according to the documentation. It includes gdal as well.
Run generate
directly to create all municipalities and rename the files:
./generate 2018
This is related to seantis/swiss-municipalities. For the sake of consistency, we can generate the same files out of the geodata without using another data source. Together with the TopoJson, they can be used for naming the districts. The data looks like this:
"90": {
"district": "Dielsdorf"
"name": "Niederhasli"
Where "90"
is the BSF-Nr. which corresponds to the id
in the TopoJson.
Use the script generate_municipalties
to create the json files.
Jeremy Stucki, Interactive Things
Data source is the Swiss Federal Office of Topography, swissBOUNDARIES3D.