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Bootstrap utilities for Symfony3

1. Installation

1.1. Add the bundle to your composer.json:

$ php composer.phar require seegno/bootstrap-bundle dev-master

1.2. Register the bundle on app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Seegno\BootstrapBundle\SeegnoBootstrapBundle()

1.3. (Optional) Symlink twbs/bootstrap and twbs/bootstrap/fonts. From your web folder:

$ ln -s ../vendor/twbs/bootstrap bootstrap
$ ln -s ../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/fonts fonts

2. Usage


If you want to extend one of the SeegnoBootstrapBundle templates, you'll need to add the bundle to Assetic Configuration:

# app/config.yml
        - SeegnoBootstrapBundle


To use the SeegnoBootstrapBundle form theme just import it in place:

{# some_view.html.twig #}
{% form_theme form 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Form:layout.html.twig' %}

Or, add it globally to Twig Configuration:

# app/config.yml
        resources: ['SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Form:layout.html.twig']


There are two twig functions to help you handle the flash messages:

All at once

Render all the FlashBag you can include the following twig function anywhere on your view:

{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alerts() }}

By default will render the keys "success", "info", "warning" and "danger" flashes. You can change this on the SeegnoBootstrap Configuration:

# app/config.yml
    alerts: ["success", "info", "warning", "danger"]

Or, if you want to catch any flash, turn the strict option off:

{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alerts(false) }}
Just what you want

Render a flash individually (this will lookup for the given key on the FlashBag):

{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alert('success') }}

You can also use this twig function adding a message (without adding it to the FlashBag):

{# some_view.html.twig #}
{{ seegno_bootstrap_alert('success', 'Your message here') }}


Navigation takes advantage of KnpMenuBundle. Use the navigation layout included:

# app/config.yml
        template: SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Nav:layout.html.twig

Or, use it on the twig function:

{{ knp_menu_render('main', { 'template': 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Nav:layout.html.twig' }) }}

Furthermore, to make the menus easier to define we've included a custom MenuProvider to define the menus using yaml. You can define a menu as showed bellow:

# app/config.yml
                childrenAttributes: { class: 'nav nav-pills' }
                    homepage: { label: 'Pages', route: 'homepage' }
                    about:    { label: 'About', route: 'about' }
                    blog:     { label: 'Blog', route: 'blog', extras: { 'routes': [{ pattern: '/^blog/' }] } }

The MenuProvider provides some menu item extras:

  • submenu: The key of another menu to render it as menu item children.
  • roles: An array of roles setted as an extra parameter that check if the users has access to certain menu item.

The twig template included also have some extras:

  • include: The template location setted as an extra parameter, i.e., SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Example:menuitem.html.twig
  • render: The controller setted as an extra parameter, i.e., SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Example:menuitem


Pagination takes advantage of KnpPaginatorBundle and we suggest you to use it in case you need to paginate something.

We've included two different views: a default pagination and a pager.

Added it to KnpPaginator Configuration:

# app/config.yml
        pagination: SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Pagination:layout.html.twig

Or, just use it with the twig function:

{{ knp_pagination_render(pagination, 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Pagination:pager.html.twig') }}

Check the examples section for more.

3. Examples

The bundle includes some examples. Check the code on Controller/ExampleController.php and relative views.

If you want to see them on your browser, add the following route to your routing file:

# app/routing_dev.yml
    resource: "@SeegnoBootstrapBundle/Resources/config/routing/example.yml"
    prefix: /seegno/bootstrap

And, the seegno_bootstrap menu:

# app/config_dev.yml
        childrenAttributes: { class: 'nav nav-pills nav-stacked'}
            alerts:     { label: 'Alerts', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_alerts' }
            forms:      { label: 'Forms', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_forms' }
            navs:       { label: 'Navs', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_navs' }
            pagination: { label: 'Pagination', route: 'seegno_bootstrap_pagination' }
            something:  { extras: { include: 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:Example:menuitem.html.twig' } }

4. Style Guide

It's always helfult to have a styleguide. In order to do it, add the following entry to your routing_dev.yml file:

# app/routing_dev.yml
    resource: "@SeegnoBootstrapBundle/Resources/config/routing/styleguide.yml"
    prefix: /seegno/bootstrap

Next, you'll need to override the Twig template so you can view the style guide with your stylesheets. Create the file app/Resources/SeegnoBootstrapBundle/views/StyleGuide/index.html.twig with the following content:

{% extends 'SeegnoBootstrapBundle:StyleGuide:base.html.twig' %}

{% block stylesheets %}
    {% stylesheets filter="cssrewrite,?yui_css"
        <link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
    {% endstylesheets %}
{% endblock stylesheets %}

And now, you can see how the Bootstrap components will look on your app by accessing /seegno/bootstrap/styleguide in dev mode.

5. Advanced

To do.