- PHP 7.3, Xdebug, Composer
- MySQL 8.0
- Nginx
- Clone the repository inside your project root:
git clone <url> .docker
- Remove from your .env file the following variables:
- Optional: Update the VIRTUAL_HOST value in
- From within the .docker folder, run
docker-compose -p $(basename $(dirname $(pwd))) up -d
You should be able to view your Laravel project at http://website.localhost or at http://$VIRTUAL_HOST
To avoid volume collision always remember to pass in a unique project name when
running docker-compose. I am currently using the parent folder name as project
name. Given this folder structure: .../my-project/.docker
, running
docker-compose -p $(basename $(dirname $(pwd)))
from within the .docker
folder will use my-project
as project name.
Add this function to your bash profile or .zshenv to be able to use dcp
as a
function dcp() {
docker-compose -p $(basename $(dirname $(pwd))) $@
This will set the --project-name argument for you.
As of right now it's not possible to run multiple Laravel applications at the same time. This is because both the nginx-proxy and database services publish hard coded ports. I don't currently see this as a deal-breaker and could be fixed by running nginx-proxy either externally or with a different port and by setting a custom port for the database service on a per-project basis.
To enable HTTPS you simply need to:
- Generate a .key and .crt file into the .docker/images/nginx-proxy/certs folder by running the following command from the docker folder. The variable VIRTUAL_HOST must be the same to the one you set in the .docker/.env file.
VIRTUAL_HOST=website.localhost bash -c 'openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout images/nginx-proxy/certs/$VIRTUAL_HOST.key -out images/nginx-proxy/certs/$VIRTUAL_HOST.crt -subj "/C=US/ST=Oregon/L=Portland/O=Localhost/OU=Development/CN=$VIRTUAL_HOST"'
- Update the nginx-proxy service to expose port 443:
3 services:
4 nginx-proxy:
6 ports:
7 - 80:80
+ 8 - 443:443
- If present, update your Trusted Proxy configuration to trust the caller IP
// app/Http/Middleware/TrustProxies.php
- 15 protected $proxies;
+ 15 protected $proxies = '*';
Your browser will complain about your self-signed SSL certificate.
Xdebug is installed and enabled by default and uses port 9000. You just need to configure your IDE.
For PHPStorm, all you need to do is:
- Install the Browser extension: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/browser-debugging-extensions.html
- Start listening, from the Menu: Run > Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections
You'll probably need npm/yarn, I'm currently using the "serafinomb/node" docker image. Usage is as follows:
docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/ws:delegated -w /ws serafinomb/node node -v
docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/ws:delegated -w /ws serafinomb/node npm -v
docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/ws:delegated -w /ws serafinomb/node yarn -v
You can add an alias or function to your bash profile/.zshenv for each one of them. For example:
function node() {
docker run -it --rm -e "TERM=xterm-256color" -v $(PWD):/ws:delegated -w /ws serafinomb/node node $@
function npm() {
node npm $@
function npx() {
node npx $@
function yarn() {
node yarn $@
And if you need to run "npm run start" consider using the following command which should have better performances:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/ws:delegated,ro -v $PWD/node_modules -w /ws -p 3000:3000 -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true -e CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL=250 serafinomb/node npm run start
If you are working with a remote database, example Amazon RDS, and you need to establish a tunnel connection to connect to it:
- Copy your PEM certificate into
- Add the following line to your
to make sure not to commit your PEM file by mistake:/storage/*.pem
- Edit the
to expose the port 33060 from the php-fpm service:
3 services:
12 php-fpm:
13 build: ./images/php-fpm
+ 14 ports:
+ 15 - 33060
- Edit the php-fpm Dockerfile in
to installopenssh-client
3 RUN apt-get update && \
- 4 apt-get install -y mysql-client && \
+ 4 apt-get install -y mysql-client openssh-client && \
- (Optional) Remove the entire "db" section from the docker-compose.yml file
- Update your
php-fpm service environments to replace DB_HOST:
- 19 DB_HOST: db
+ 19 DB_HOST:
- Restart the containers with
dcp up -d --force-recreate
- Establish the SSH tunnel with
dcp exec php-fpm ssh -i storage/<keypair name>.pem -4 -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -f <user>@<machine ip> -L 33060:<databse dns>:3306 -N
The following docker-compose configuration https://github.com/devigner/docker-compose-php has been used as a starting point.
While creating a new environment I encountered the following error while connecting to MySQL through Sequel Pro:
MySQL said: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so, 2): image not found
I solved this by logging in into the mysql docker-compose container and running:
- docker exec -it <app_name>_db_1 bash
- mysql -u root -p 123456
ALTER USER 'user' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';