To use PHPTAL in your projects, you will only require PHP 5.1.2 or later.
If you want to use the builtin internationalisation system (I18N), the php-gettext extension must be installed or compiled into PHP (--with-gettext
You can install this package by using Composer. Link to Packagist:
composer require phptal/phptal
Get the latest PHPTAL tarball from
tar zxvf PHPTAL-X.X.X.tar.gz
mv PHPTAL-X.X.X/PHPTAL* /path/to/your/php/include/path/
Please see the projects releases page
You can find the latest development version on github:
If you would like to generate the offical html/text handbook by calling
make doc
, you will need to install the xmlto
package. Please use
your operating systems package manager to install it.