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Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on macOS and Linux.


  • Socket: Generic low level socket framework. Pure Swift.



  • Swift Open Source swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a toolchain (Minimum REQUIRED for latest release)
  • Swift Open Source swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-07-a toolchain (Recommended)


  • macOS 10.11.6 (El Capitan) or higher
  • Xcode Version 8.0 beta 5 (8S193k) or higher using the above toolchain (Recommended)


  • Ubuntu 15.10 (or 14.04 but only tested on 15.10)
  • The Swift Open Source toolchain listed above



To build Socket from the command line:

% cd <path-to-clone>
% swift build


Important Note:

Testing on both macOS and Linux requires a working Dispatch in the toolchain. 


To run the supplied unit tests for Socket on macOS from the command line:

% cd <path-to-clone>
% swift build
% swift test

To run the supplied unit tests for Socket on Linux from the command line:

% cd <path-to-clone>
% swift build
% swift test -Xcc -fblocks

Using BlueSocket

Before starting

The first you need to do is import the Socket framework. This is done by the following:

import Socket

Creating a socket.

BlueSocket provides four different factory methods that are used to create an instance. These are:

  • create() - This creates a fully configured default socket. A default socket is created with family: .inet, type: .stream, and proto: .tcp.
  • create(family family: ProtocolFamily, type: SocketType, proto: SocketProtocol) - This API allows you to create a configured Socket instance customized for your needs. You can customize the protocol family, socket type and socket protocol.
  • create(connectedUsing signature: Signature) - This API will allow you create a Socket instance and have it attempt to connect to a server based on the information you pass in the Socket.Signature.
  • create(fromNativeHandle nativeHandle: Int32, address: Address?) - This API lets you wrap a native file descriptor describing an existing socket in a new instance of Socket.

Closing a socket.

To close the socket of an open instance, the following function is provided:

  • close() - This function will perform the necessary tasks in order to cleanly close an open socket.

Listen on a socket.

To use BlueSocket to listen for an connection on a socket the following API is provided:

  • listen(on port: Int, maxBacklogSize: Int = Socket.SOCKET_DEFAULT_MAX_BACKLOG) The first parameter port, is the port to be used to listen on. The second parameter, maxBacklogSize allows you to set the size of the queue holding pending connections. The function will determine the appropriate socket configuration based on the port specified. For convenience on macOS, the constant Socket.SOCKET_MAX_DARWIN_BACKLOG can be set to use the maximum allowed backlog size. The default value for all platforms is Socket.SOCKET_DEFAULT_MAX_BACKLOG, currently set to 50. For server use, it may be necessary to increase this value.


The following example creates a default Socket instance and then immediately starts listening on port 1337. Note: Exception handling omitted for brevity, see the complete example below for an example of exception handling.

var socket = try Socket.create()
guard let socket = socket else {
  fatalError("Could not create socket.")
try socket.listen(on: 1337)

Accepting a connection from a listening socket.

When a listening socket detects an incoming connection request, control is returned to your program. You can then either accept the connection or continue listening or both if your application is multi-threaded. BlueSocket supports two distinct ways of accepting an incoming connection. They are:

  • acceptClientConnection() - This function accepts the connection and returns a new Socket instance based on the newly connected socket. The instance that was listening in unaffected.
  • acceptConnection() - This function accepts the incoming connection, replacing and closing the existing listening socket. The properties that were formerly associated with the listening socket are replaced by the properties that are relevant to the newly connected socket.

Connecting a socket to a server.

In addition to the create(connectedUsing:) factory method described above, BlueSocket supports two additional instance functions for connecting a Socket instance to a server. They are:

  • connect(to host: String, port: Int32) - This API allows you to connect to a server based on the hostname and port you provide.
  • connect(using signature: Signature) - This API allows you specify the connection information by providing a Socket.Signature instance containing the information. Refer to Socket.Signature in Socket.swift for more information.

Reading data from a socket.

BlueSocket supports four different ways to read data from a socket. These are (in recommended use order):

  • read(into data: inout Data) - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it in the Data object that was passed.
  • read(into data: NSMutableData) - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it in the NSMutableData object that was passed.
  • readString() - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it as an String. A nil is returned if no data is available for reading.
  • read(into buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>, bufSize: Int) - This function allows you to read data into a buffer of a specified size by providing an unsafe pointer to that buffer and an integer the denotes the size of that buffer. This API (in addition to other types of exceptions) will throw a Socket.SOCKET_ERR_RECV_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the buffer provided is too small. You will need to call again with proper buffer size (see Error.bufferSizeNeededin Socket.swift for more information).

Writing data to a Socket.

In addition to reading from a socket, BlueSocket also supplies four methods for writing data to a socket. These are (in recommended use order):

  • write(from data: Data) - This function writes the data contained within the Data object to the socket.
  • write(from data: NSData) - This function writes the data contained within the NSData object to the socket.
  • write(from string: String) - This function writes the data contained in the String provided to the socket.
  • write(from buffer: UnsafePointer<Void>, bufSize: Int) - This function writes the data contained within the buffer of the specified size by providing an unsafe pointer to that buffer and an integer the denotes the size of that buffer.

Miscellaneous Utility Functions

  • hostnameAndPort(from address: Address) - This class function provides a means to extract the hostname and port from a given Socket.Address. On successful completion, a tuple containing the hostname and port are returned.
  • checkStatus(for sockets: [Socket]) - This class function allows you to check status of an array of Socket instances. Upon completion, a tuple containing two Socket arrays is returned. The first array contains the Socket instances are that have data available to be read and the second array contains Socket instances that can be written to. This API does not block. It will check the status of each Socket instance and then return the results.
  • wait(for sockets: [Socket], timeout: UInt, waitForever: Bool = false) - This class function allows for monitoring an array of Socket instances, waiting for either a timeout to occur or data to be readable at one of the monitored Socket instances. If a timeout of zero (0) is specified, this API will check each socket and return immediately. Otherwise, it will wait until either the timeout expires or data is readable from one or more of the monitored Socket instances. If a timeout occurs, this API will return nil. If data is available on one or more of the monitored Socket instances, those instances will be returned in an array. If the waitForever flag is set to true, the function will wait indefinitely for data to become available regardless of the timeout value specified.
  • isReadableOrWritable() - This instance function allows to determine whether a Socket instance is readable and/or writable. A tuple is returned containing two Bool values. The first, if true, indicates the Socket instance has data to read, the second, if true, indicates that the Socket instance can be written to.
  • setBlocking(shouldBlock: Bool) - This instance function allows you control whether or not this Socket instance should be placed in blocking mode or not. Note: All Socket instances are, by default, created in blocking mode.

Complete Example

The following example shows how to create a relatively simple multi-threaded echo server using the new GCD based Dispatch API. The Dispatch API was incorporated into the toolchain using the following sequence of commands where <Path to> is the path where you've installed the required toolchain. In this example, the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a-ubuntu15.10 toolchain is being used. Important note: clang-3.9 is REQUIRED to successfully build libdispatch.

$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch.git
$ cd swift-corelibs-libdispatch
$ export CC=/usr/bin/clang-3.9
$ export CXX=/usr/bin/clang-3.9
$ sh ./
$ ./configure --with-swift-toolchain=<Path to>/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a-ubuntu15.10/usr --prefix=<Path to>/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a-ubuntu15.10/usr
$ make
$ make install

What follows is the code for a simple echo server that once running, can be accessed via telnet 1337.

#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
	import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
	import Glibc

import Foundation
import Dispatch
import Socket

class EchoServer {
	static let QUIT: String = "QUIT"
	static let SHUTDOWN: String = "SHUTDOWN"
	static let BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
	let port: Int
	var listenSocket: Socket? = nil
	var continueRunning = true
	var connectedSockets = [Int32: Socket]()
	let socketLockQueue: DispatchQueue? = DispatchQueue(label: "")

	init(port: Int) {
		self.port = port
	deinit {
		// Close all open sockets...
		for socket in connectedSockets.values {
	func run() {
		let queue: DispatchQueue? = .userInteractive)
		guard let pQueue = queue else {
			fatalError("Unable to access global interactive QOS queue")
		pQueue.async { [unowned self] in
			do {
				// Create an IPV6 socket...
				try self.listenSocket = Socket.create(family: .inet6)
				guard let socket = self.listenSocket else {
					print("Unable to unwrap socket...")
				try socket.listen(on: self.port, maxBacklogSize: 10)
				print("Listening on port: \(socket.listeningPort)")
				repeat {
					let newSocket = try socket.acceptClientConnection()
					print("Accepted connection from: \(newSocket.remoteHostname) on port \(newSocket.remotePort)")
					print("Socket Signature: \(newSocket.signature?.description)")
					self.addNewConnection(socket: newSocket)
				} while self.continueRunning
			} catch let error {
				guard let socketError = error as? Socket.Error else {
					print("Unexpected error...")
				if self.continueRunning {
					print("Error reported:\n \(socketError.description)")

	func addNewConnection(socket: Socket) {
		// Make sure we've got a lock queue...
		guard let lockq = self.socketLockQueue else {
			fatalError("Unable to access socket lock queue")
		// Add the new socket to the list of connected sockets...
		lockq.sync { [unowned self, socket] in
			self.connectedSockets[socket.socketfd] = socket
		// Get the global concurrent queue...
		let queue: DispatchQueue? = .default)
		guard let pQueue = queue else {
			fatalError("Unable to access global default QOS queue")
		// Create the run loop work item and dispatch to the default priority global queue...
		pQueue.async { [unowned self, socket] in
			var shouldKeepRunning = true
			guard let readData = NSMutableData(capacity:EchoServer.BUFFER_SIZE) else {
				fatalError("Unable to create data buffer...")
			do {
				// Write the welcome string...
				try socket.write(from: "Hello, type 'QUIT' to end session\nor 'SHUTDOWN' to stop server.\n")
				repeat {
					let bytesRead = try readData)
					if bytesRead > 0 {
						guard let response = NSString(bytes: readData.bytes, length: readData.length, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) else {
							print("Error decoding response...")
							readData.length = 0
						if response.hasPrefix(EchoServer.SHUTDOWN) {
							print("Shutdown requested by connection at \(socket.remoteHostname):\(socket.remotePort)")
							// Shut things down...
						print("Server received from connection at \(socket.remoteHostname):\(socket.remotePort): \(response) ")
						let reply = "Server response: \n\(response)\n"
						try socket.write(from: reply)
						if (response.uppercased.hasPrefix(EchoServer.QUIT) || response.uppercased.hasPrefix(EchoServer.SHUTDOWN)) &&
							(!response.hasPrefix(EchoServer.QUIT) && !response.hasPrefix(EchoServer.SHUTDOWN)) {
							try socket.write(from: "If you want to QUIT or SHUTDOWN, please type the name in all caps. πŸ˜ƒ\n")
						if response.hasPrefix(EchoServer.QUIT) || response.hasSuffix(EchoServer.QUIT) {
							shouldKeepRunning = false
					if bytesRead == 0 {
						shouldKeepRunning = false
					readData.length = 0
				} while shouldKeepRunning
				print("Socket: \(socket.remoteHostname):\(socket.remotePort) closed...")
				lockq.sync { [unowned self, socket] in
					self.connectedSockets[socket.socketfd] = nil
			} catch let error {
				guard let socketError = error as? Socket.Error else {
					print("Unexpected error by connection at \(socket.remoteHostname):\(socket.remotePort)...")
				if (self.continueRunning) {
					print("Error reported by connection at \(socket.remoteHostname):\(socket.remotePort):\n \(socketError.description)")
	func shutdownServer() {
		print("\nShutdown in progress...")
		self.continueRunning = false
		// Close all open sockets...
		for socket in connectedSockets.values {
		DispatchQueue.main.sync {

let port = 1337
let server = EchoServer(port: port)
print("Swift Echo Server Sample")
print("Connect with ETEchoClient iOS app or use Terminal via 'telnet \(port)'")

This server can be built by specifying the following Package.swift file.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "EchoServer",
	dependencies: [
		.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 8),
	exclude: ["EchoServer.xcodeproj", "", "Sources/Info.plist"]

The following command sequence will build and run the echo server on Linux. If running on macOS, omit the -Xcc -fblocks switch as it's not needed on macOS.

$ swift build -Xcc -fblocks
$ .build/debug/EchoServer
Swift Echo Server Sample
Connect with ETEchoClient iOS app or use Terminal via 'telnet 1337'
Listening on port: 1337


Swift network socket library







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  • Swift 99.0%
  • Objective-C 1.0%